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PREFACE by Jean-Louis Leuba

At the invitation of the pastors of the Val-de-Travers (Neuchâtel), Mr. Karl Barth, professor at the Theological Faculty of the University of Basle, gave at Travers, on October 2 and December 30, 1940, then in Neuchâtel, on March 31, 1941, March 30 and October 5, 1942, January 11, 1943, six seminars on the first part of the Catechism of Calvin, that is, on the Reformer’s explanation of the Apostles’ Creed. We publish herewith, with Professor Barth’s approval, an adaptation—the closest possible to the “spoken text”—of the stenographic notes taken during these seminars. The origin of this text will account for and, if necessary, excuse its peculiar style, now harsh, now spontaneous. In other respects, it is the very condition of the rich and numberless vistas into Calvin, the Creed and the biblical revelation which Mr. Barth has laid open for his listeners and will open, we hope, for his readers.

The Faith of the Church

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