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Case Study of Sonoma County, California


During the writing of this book, the authors also had the pleasure of creating a high-resolution vegetation type map of Sonoma County, California (approximately 1 million acres) for the Sonoma County Agricultural Preservation and Open Space District and its partners. A map of 85 vegetation types at a 1-acre minimum mapping unit (or smaller for some wetland and riparian features) was created using a variety of imagery and nonimagery sources including Landsat, National Agricultural Imagery Program (NAIP) imagery, hyperspectral imagery, digital elevation models, wildfire history, weather measurements, previously created vegetation maps, and NASA-funded six-inch multispectral imagery and lidar data1. Additionally, other GIS layers were created from the imagery including an impervious-surfaces map, a croplands map, building footprints, and many hydrologic data deliverables such as stream centerlines. The project products support decision making for natural resource planning, land conservation, sustainable community and climate protection planning, public works projects, hydrologic evaluations, watershed assessments and planning, and disaster preparedness throughout the county. The timeliness, detail, and richness of the Sonoma vegetation mapping project supported the development of many figures and case studies presented in this book. You can learn more about this project and download its imagery and products at http://sonomavegmap.org/.


1 Lidar data and orthophotography were provided by the University of Maryland under grant NNX13AP69G from NASA’s Carbon Monitoring System (Dr. Ralph Dubayah and Dr. George Hurtt, Principal Investigators). This grant also funded the creation of derived forest cover and land-cover information, including a countywide biomass and carbon map, a canopy cover map, and digital elevation models (DEMs). The Sonoma County Vegetation Mapping and LiDAR Program funded lidar-derived products in the California State Plane Coordinate System, such as DEMs, hillshades, building footprints, one-foot contours, and other derived layers. The entirety of this data is freely licensed for unrestricted public use, unless otherwise noted.

Imagery and GIS

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