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“Logan!” she shrieked, arms folded over her head.

This time he was the one chuckling. “You ready to call a truce, little darlin’?” he asked as he shifted the hose’s aim to the plants on the table beside her.

“Yes,” she sputtered as she turned to face him. Water clung to the spiraling strands of her hair like a heavy morning dew. Coppery curls hung in sagging, wet tendrils to frame her pretty face.

A memory came rushing back from the past. One that had been very much like this moment. He and Hope in this very same greenhouse, both armed with hoses. Both soaked clean through by the end of their water play. Both falling in love. Or so he had thought.

Logan shut off the nozzle’s spray and tossed it onto the ground beside him. “You can take it from here. I’ve got work to do.” That said, he walked out of the greenhouse.

And away from the painful memories of her walking away from what they’d once had.

Their Second Chance Love

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