Читать книгу Wolf Tales VI - Kate Douglas - Страница 6


I was recently asked who I feel has helped me most in my career. Of course, I immediately thought of my amazing agent, Jessica Faust of BookEnds, LLC, and my editor, Audrey LaFehr, who chose Wolf Tales for the beginning of Kensington’s Aphrodisia line and continues to give me such wonderful freedom to write my stories. And of course, there’s my husband, an absolutely fantastic guy who has always supported my writing career—literally—even when I wasn’t selling diddly-squat.

Then I thought of the ones who have been there from the beginning, when dreams of publishing were just that—dreams. My very first critique partner, author Kathryn North, who patiently explained to me what passive voice and point of view meant, and author Patricia Lucas White, who taught me the concept of paying it forward long before it was a catchphrase. Angela Knight, an angel in the publishing community who writes kick-ass heroines and shares her expertise on how she does it with the world. There’s Stephanie Burke, an author with a most amazing imagination who taught me that anything is possible in the world of the paranormal, and Treva Harte and Shelby Morgen who helped me develop a very thick skin when it came to critiques! There are so many others I can’t name them all, but I have never found more generous souls than those in the writing community. I feel blessed to count myself among their number, and I will be the first to admit I didn’t get here on my own.

Wolf Tales VI

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