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Chapter 4


Why, when Tia saw the wolf this time, did she immediately think of Luc? Tia’s chest felt tight, as if there were no room for air in her lungs. The muscles in her lower abdomen clenched and she shifted to her back, sliding softly on the slick bedspread, raising her knees in invitation, opening to him.

He stood at the end of the bed, his big paws resting on the footboard, tongue lolling, amber eyes glinting. He seemed to be trying to tell her something, but she wasn’t sure what he said. All Tia could see was his upper body, the broad wolven shoulders covered in thick, black fur, the beautifully formed head, thick ruff of fur around his neck, the intelligent eyes.

Her pussy wept. She felt the cool brush of air across her damp and swollen folds, the trickle of lubricating cream as it coursed slowly over her perineum and down the crease of her ass. Her muscles clenched, begging, so needy.

She touched herself, trailing her fingers through the moisture, finding her distended, sensitive clit and shoving back its tiny, protective hood. The wolf watched, blinking slowly, its gaze penetrating, perceptive. Tia circled her clit with her fingertip, then spread her labia wide, showing him the way.

The wolf leaned closer, his sharp ears, slightly rounded at the tips, pricked forward. His eyes gleamed and his mouth opened, exposing his long, pink tongue. He swept his tongue over and around the side of his muzzle, then sat still, panting softly. The sound seemed overly loud, almost echoing in the still room.

Though her fingers were busy between her legs, Tia’s concentration focused entirely on the wolf. On Luc. They’d become one and the same. Luc as wolf. The wolf, Luc.

What she did wasn’t for her own pleasure, her own physical satisfaction.

This was all for Luc.

Tia stroked herself, her fingers slipping ever so slowly in and out of her slick and greedy flesh, the sounds wet and hungry, even to her own ears. Hips lifting to meet each silken thrust. Clit begging for attention, standing in the way of every outward stroke, blocking every slow, wet slide into her welcoming cunt.

Her breasts ached. Her nipples twisted, budded into tight, needy points. She rubbed her palm against them, pinched and tugged, found a rhythm that matched her other hand.

Tia felt it and welcomed it. The strange, rippling, stretching, itchy sensation across her arms, down the length of her legs. Her skin literally crawled across her bones, a feeling she linked to her impending orgasm.

This time, though, the crawling grew stronger, and, with it, the sense of something huge, something just beyond her reach. It overwhelmed the sensual pleasure of stroking herself so intimately. Cried for recognition, for acknowledgment.

The wolf yipped and stood straighter, rising up on its forelegs so that it arched over the footboard. Then, with a single leap it jumped up on the bed and sat beside her.


Tia felt the mattress dip with the wolf’s weight, sensed his tension, his massive control as he watched while she pleasured herself. She could have reached out and touched his head, stroked behind his ears, even touched his long, powerful legs, but to do so would somehow break the spell the animal seemed to have woven about her.

She turned her head in order to see his eyes. Intelligence gleamed in their amber depths. Sentience. Tia’s limbs felt strange, disconnected. She pinched harder, faster at her swollen nipples. Her fingers flew now, circling her clit and dipping inside her slick and greedy cunt. She drew her knees up higher, raised her hips slightly off the bed to meet the thrust of her own fingers. The wet sounds of penetration were practically lost in the pounding of her heart, the rush of her quick, panting breaths.

The sound of the wolf’s slow, even breathing.

So close to coming, so completely caught up in her own arousal, Tia closed her eyes, concentrated on the slide of her fingers deep inside herself, the pulsing rush of blood in her veins. She accepted the presence of the wolf and then put him away, out of her mind. She tightened her focus, became the clench of her vaginal walls, the tight ache deep in her womb, the need to touch here, to slide her fingers there.

Her breasts ached and she pinched harder at her own turgid nipples, bruising the dark tips, imagining the wolf’s hot tongue sweeping across her breasts. At the moment the thought entered her mind, she felt him. Felt the animal’s steamy breath, his rough tongue licking the soft curve of her left breast, felt…no. It wasn’t the wolf. It was Luc beside her, leaning over the bed, taking her nipple between full lips, suckling the sensitive bit of flesh between his sharp teeth, biting…

Tia screamed, arched into her climax, scrabbling at the bedspread beside her with one hand while the other pressed down hard between her legs. Her entire body pulsed and clenched with the force of orgasm. She felt the hot gush of fluids between her legs, the crawling, stretching, toe-numbing sensation that made her feel as if she’d suddenly grown too big, too sensitive for her own skin.

Gasping, Tia opened her eyes and glanced quickly to her left. Of course there was no wolf, no sign of Luc. A whimper caught in her throat, a sound halfway between a laugh and a sob. Masturbation with her fantasies as active participants? Good lord, she really must be losing it. Damn.…

She lay back on the satin cover and let the final tremors of her climax recede. Waited for her heart to return to its normal beat, her breathing to resume its usual slow and easy pattern.

Why did she dream of wolves? And why, now that she knew him, had Luc become part of those dreams?

Well, the answer to the second question’s easy enough. A lifetime of fantasies capped off by the real thing. Amazing how the real thing was better than any fantasy she’d ever concocted, and all they’d done was kiss.

Damn and double damn. That led to even more fantasies. What was it going to be like when they finally had sex? There was no maybe about it, no doubt in Tia’s mind that it would happen, sooner or later.

Preferably sooner. Her body still thrummed with her fading orgasm, but where was the languor, the sense of completion? If anything, she felt needier, almost desperate to have Luc deep inside her.

With that thought, Tia’s pussy clenched and a low, dull ache spread through her womb. She pressed her hand against her swollen labia and imagined Luc’s tongue stroking her there, his large fingers probing.

His cock filling her, ever so slowly. So completely.

Moaning aloud with frustration, Tia rolled off the bed, grabbed her makeup bag, and headed for the bathroom to shower. It was almost four. Luc had seen her travel-worn and weary, yet he’d still responded to her. It might be nice to show the man that she knew how to clean up. Even nicer to see how he’d react.

Luc checked his watch. Still on time, in spite of the beer he’d stopped for at the neighborhood bar where he’d met Tinker. At least Tink appreciated the problems facing Luc…and Tia. No one else, except Ulrich, had a clue.

Luc knocked on the door and waited. When Tia didn’t respond, he tried the handle. The door swung open. Luc was certain he’d locked it before he left, but he stuck his head through the partially opened door. “Tia? You here?”

No answer. Luc stepped into the living room. The bathroom door was closed but he heard the shower running. A trail of clothes from the living room to the bedroom told him Tia’d most likely taken her nap in the nude.

Images of Tia unclothed might be a little bit much for his overactive libido right now.

As much as he wanted her, as desperately as Luc’s body needed hers, it was too much too soon. She had no idea the secrets he carried. Until he could level with her, explain her birthright as well as his role in her mother’s death, Luc knew there could be no true intimacy.

Once she was fully Chanku, their minds would link, their thoughts meld. It was part of the bonding process, should he take her as mate. Luc paused in midstep. The image of himself as wolf, covering Tia’s wolven body, made him hard again. As though he’d been able to lose the erection since the first time he saw Tia this morning.

He’d never taken a woman as wolf. Never experienced the intimate bond Ulrich had told him of. The concept intrigued as much as it terrified. Luc carried too many secrets in his head, and all of them would belong to Tia once they mated as wolves.

Finding out how her mother died while Luc fucked her senseless wasn’t the romantic scenario he imagined.

Damn. How the hell was he ever going to tell her? Telling her about Chanku was going to be difficult enough.

Luc leaned over and picked Tia’s blouse off the floor and then grabbed her denim skirt. Her bra was next, a black, lacy thing, then a tiny pair of black thong panties. Every item of clothing was imbued with her scent and her panties felt suspiciously damp. He hadn’t imagined her arousal. He held the evidence in his hands.

It wasn’t easy, but he resisted the desire to hold her panties to his nose. He couldn’t risk it. Not now.

Not after what had happened earlier. He’d never come so close to losing control. Thank goodness Tia had stopped him. On the edge sexually, he’d been bare seconds from shifting. His behavior more wolf than human, his lovemaking ferocious, not tender.

He wondered if the bite on Tia’s neck had left a mark.

His mark.

Another thought intruded as he stood there in the middle of Tia’s living room with her clothing clutched to his chest. Were the others from the pack invited to dinner tonight? Ulrich wouldn’t do that to Tia and Luc, would he?

If so, Luc hoped the mark showed.

Lost in contemplation, Luc missed the sound of water shutting off, but the silence caught his attention. A door creaked. Luc glanced up sharply. Tia stood in the bathroom doorway, her wet hair wrapped in a fluffy yellow towel, her body wrapped in nothing more than a leftover wisp of steam.

She was all long legs and lean body. Her dark skin glowed bronze, her breasts swelled lushly from her chest, full and firm, the areolas dark as ripe plums and even more inviting. Her stomach was flat and her pubic hair nonexistent. She was, for all intents and purposes, a goddess.

Luc’s lungs stopped working and his hands ceased to function. He dropped the clothes he was holding. They landed in a small, wrinkled heap on top of his loafers.

Tia’s hands flew up to cover her mouth and halt a strangled scream. She made no attempt to cover either her breasts or her crotch. Luc spun around, turning his back to her.

“I’m sorry.” He barely choked out the apology.

“Shit. You scared me half to death. I thought you locked the door on your way out. How’d you get in?”

“It was open. I’m really sorry.” Luc thought he’d locked it, too. He’d have to check on that. After he got another look at Tia’s body. No. He didn’t need to see her. Not now. His heart couldn’t take it. The damned thing felt like it might pound right out of his chest.

He heard a rustling behind him.

“You can turn around now.”

Slowly Luc turned.

Tia had removed the towel from her head and wrapped it tightly around her body. Her dark blond hair hung in long, wet, curly tangles, partially covering the tops of her breasts.

Unfortunately, the towel covered the rest.

Luc cleared his throat. His voice still sounded unusually husky. “We need to check that door. I know I locked it when I left.”

“Yeah.” Tia sucked her lips between her teeth and stared straight at Luc. She made no attempt to go into her room.

He realized he was walking toward her, kicking aside and then stepping over the pile of clothes, reaching out to touch her. Tia gazed steadily at him, her amber eyes bright, her skin flushed an even darker hue.

Luc tangled one finger in her damp hair and tugged. She moved like a puppet on a string, lifted her lips to his for a long, slow kiss. The part of his brain that should be telling him to stop, at least ordering him to take it slow, remained curiously silent.

Tia moaned into his mouth. Her slim hands came up around his neck and her body flowed against his like hot wax. She was all invitation and warm, willing woman, her lips moving over his, her full breasts flattened against his light sweater.

He felt the damp towel through the knit, wondered if her nipples had peaked. Luc groaned. Damn. He wanted her like he’d never wanted anything or anyone in his life. Not now, though. Not tonight. Not when he’d have to face Tia’s father over the dinner table.

Not when so many secrets still existed between them.

Luc’s secrets.

He kissed her again. Tia met him, lips parted and inviting, tongue sweeping across his. He suckled at her tongue and then thrust his own into her mouth. She sighed and opened for him, hinting at what she could do with lips and teeth and tongue.

Luc’s cock ached, pulsing against the restraining zipper in his jeans. His balls drew up tight between his legs.

Tia whimpered against his throat. “Luc. I can’t…I…My body is burning, Luc. I’m burning up.”

Oh, God. She wasn’t the only one.

Luc trailed kisses from her lips to the deep dimple in her cheek. He feathered tiny kisses along Tia’s throat, licking the dark purple mark where he’d nipped her earlier. Something in the back of his mind cheered, some part that recognized his mark on her, a sign any other male Chanku would read as No Trespassing.

She knew he’d marked her, yet she hadn’t said a word. Hadn’t accused him of something so crass as leaving a love bite for all the world to see.

Now she begged him. Luc’s heart pounded in his chest, his cock surged harder against his tight denim jeans and he swallowed a low, feral growl.

He wouldn’t do what she expected, but he could do what she wanted. What she so obviously needed. Luc slipped his fingers along the column of her throat. Her blood pulsed, a rapid tempo fluttering against his fingertips. He kissed the throbbing pulse. Tia tilted her chin higher, giving him access.

Unwittingly baring her throat to him in an age-old gesture of submission.

The wolf in Luc rejoiced. He licked the mark he’d left, circling it slowly with his tongue, and then moved lower, kissing his way across her sharply defined collarbone, following the curve of her shoulders. His fingers slipped beneath the damp towel and traced the tender flesh where her right breast swelled from her rib cage. Tia moaned, arched her back, and thrust her chest forward.

Slowly tugging the towel away from her perfect breasts, Luc kissed his way down the length of Tia’s body until he knelt in front of her, his hands planted firmly on her sleek hips, his mouth pressed to the smooth flesh just below her navel.

He butted at her belly button with his nose until she giggled, and then Luc raised his head. She watched him through heavy-lidded eyes. Her parted lips were moist as though she’d just run her tongue across them, her nostrils slightly flared.

Her tongue peeked out between her lips for just a moment. Soft and pink. Moist. As moist, as soft, as pink as the feast waiting for him between her thighs. Luc kissed her smooth mons, then leaned close and found her sweet honey with his tongue.

Tia feared her knees might buckle. Blindly she reached for Luc, grabbed his shoulders and buried her fingers in the soft cotton knit of his sweater. He nudged her thighs with his chin, spreading her legs wide, licking the crease between thigh and groin. He moved higher. His mouth left a burning trail along her rib cage as his tongue and lips discovered each ridge and hollow.

He found her navel and swirled inside with the tip of his tongue. Tia whimpered, the sound vibrating somewhere deep in her throat. She closed her eyes against the pleasure, even though she wanted to watch him, to capture the image of his dark hair sliding over her belly, his strong arms supporting her thighs, his beautiful mouth making her body sing.

She couldn’t. Her eyes fluttered shut with the exquisite sensations Luc created, the damp trail from his kisses cooled by his breath, the clasp of his strong hands squeezing her buttocks, supporting her. He’d so easily found the perfect rhythm between mouth and hands, teeth and tongue.

Tiny nips and lush licks across her belly. Kisses over her freshly shaved mons, the brush of his smooth chin against her greedy, desperate clit. She thrust her hips forward and he followed her lead, dipping his head to tongue between her moist labia.

Tia cried out, a choked scream that ended in a moaning sigh as Luc turned his attention to her clit and the hidden depths between her legs. She felt the rush of hot cream against her inner thighs, the tension building deep inside her womb. The moist sounds of his lips and tongue, wet, impossibly lush sounds made her tremble even more as Luc feasted on her.

His fingers tightened on her buttocks. Luc held her close to his mouth, practically lifting her off the floor as he worked wonders with his mouth. His tongue snaked in and out of her cunt, long strokes that ended with the very tip invading the tiny hood around her clit.

Each time she tensed, well aware too much pressure could bring pain as well as pleasure. Each time Luc took her to the edge, then soothed her with his lips, sucking lightly on the tiny bundle of nerves and laving it with his tongue.

Once, twice, again…the same sweeping pressure, the anticipation of pain, the gentle, perfect caress before repeating the process.

His hands followed their own agenda. Luc’s fingers searched and then pressed between her cheeks, slipping from vagina to ass, probing deeper, harder, pressing steadily against her tightly muscled anus, rubbing her fluids back and forth, softening her, readying her body for one more intimate invasion.

Crying now, her fingers twisted in his softly knit sweater, she mewled like a lost pup. Overwhelmed by sensation, Tia reached for something beyond, something barely imagined and not understood until now.

She reached for Luc. Felt his mind just as his tongue jabbed sharply into her slick pussy, felt his love as his forefinger breached her bottom. Like a bolt of lightning, sensation upon sensation rocked her world as knowledge filled her soul. Tia’s cries cut off. She screamed, a long, low, drawn-out howl of pure, unadulterated pleasure, and then fell forward as Luc sat back on his heels to catch her. They tumbled gently to the floor.

Time paused. Tia’s heart fluttered. Her mind blossomed with unanswered questions, unexpected sensations.

The first thing she heard, past the sound of her own labored breathing, was Luc’s bark of triumphant laughter. Sprawled on his back on the living room floor, he held Tia against his chest. Her legs were spread wide, her breasts pressed against his chest and thick tangles of her damp hair covered part of his face.

Luc’s left hand caressed her back. The fingers of his right hand swept slowly up and down the crease between her legs. Bathed in her slick fluids, he trailed back and forth from clit to ass, bringing her back, holding her on the edge of yet another climax.

Her body hummed, still aroused and needy, but her thoughts spun wildly out of control. She forced herself beyond the unbelievably erotic decadence of lying naked across Luc’s fully clothed body, wriggled enough to free her arms from beneath her own weight and pressed down on the floor on either side of Luc’s shoulders. Raising up, reluctantly lifting her breasts away from his hard chest, she glared at him.

“Just what the hell do you think you’re doing?”

His fingers never broke rhythm. “Why? Don’t you like it?” She felt his chest rumble with another deep chuckle as his fingers slipped deep inside her pliant, needy vagina.

For some odd reason his comment irritated the hell out of her.

“That’s not the point. What happened?”

He laughed out loud this time. “I gave you one hell of an orgasm—at least that’s what it looks like from this vantage point.”

“You gave me something more, Luc.”

He frowned. The sweep of his fingers between her legs stilled. “What are you talking about?”

“I saw something, right before I came. Something I can’t explain. I saw me, through your eyes.” She rolled away from Luc’s suddenly loose grasp and sat beside him, legs folded Indian fashion. Luc raised up on his elbows and studied her. His hair was mussed, his lips swollen and glistening from his feast, but his eyes glittered, intent and watchful.

His amber eyes. Beautiful, golden eyes, just like the wolf of her dreams.

Tia shoved her mussed hair back over her shoulders and glared at him. None of this made sense. It had to make sense, or she’d think she was going nuts. “Explain this…. I was licking between my own legs. I felt my labia against my own tongue, tasted my own juices. At the same time, I was aware of the granddaddy of all hard-ons. I was in your head, Luc. Don’t deny it. How the hell did that happen? And why, when I was in your head, did I feel like I was…” She looked away and locked her teeth together to keep her chin from trembling. “I was something else. Something not altogether human. Can you explain that, Luc? Tell me I’m not imagining what happened. Either that or I’ll know I’m going crazy. Tell me.”

Wolf Tales II

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