Читать книгу Once A Playboy...: Resisting the Sicilian Playboy / Her Playboy's Proposal / The Playboy's Proposal - Kate Hardy, Amanda Browning - Страница 11



STOPPING TO GRAB her coat and bag from the cloakroom, Dara willed herself to calm down. She could feel the tension inside her stretching to breaking point.

After devoting the entire day working herself to the bone to impress him...

After spending one hair-raisingly stressful hour on the phone to every major designer, looking for uniforms...

After letting him make her feel self-conscious...

She honestly thought that if he was to follow her she might wind up hitting someone for the first time in her life.

She stepped out into the chilly Milan night, the cool air making her shiver in earnest through the haze of cold anger.

He emerged through the doors behind her just as explosively as he had the night before. ‘Dara, stop walking away and allow me to explain.’

‘How long were you planning on stringing me along for?’ She spun around to face him.

‘Let’s not do this on the street.’ He looked to where the security guards stood like silent sentries inside the door.

‘Oh, excuse me—I forgot all about your precious reputation. Please, do yourself a favour and go back to your adoring public.’

A long dark limo pulled up in front of them, the windows impenetrably black.

‘You’re not going to get anywhere by standing on the street. My car is right here. I don’t want anything else on my conscience tonight.’

‘Oh, I think we both know your conscience doesn’t exist,’ she scoffed.

Still, she frowned. She had forgotten about the trouble getting a taxi in Milan. If he was offering her his limo she would take it without a second thought. Anything to get her away from him as soon as possible.

‘Well, it seems you are just as charitable as I thought you’d be, Mr Valente. My humble thanks for this consolation prize.’ She opened the door and slid inside to the warm dark interior, her body still shaking with anger.

The door on the opposite side opened suddenly, and her eyes widened as Leo’s tall frame slid easily onto the seat next to her.

‘What are you doing?’ she squeaked.

‘I said I’d let you use the limo. I didn’t say you would be going alone.’ He shrugged one shoulder, banging his knuckles on the driver’s window and setting the vehicle into swift motion.

He turned to face her, his voice deeply accented in the limo’s quiet, dark interior. ‘We are not finished yet, Dara.’

She felt his voice reach across the space between them, warm and seductive. Ignoring the pull, she remained silent and feigned indifference.

‘You can ignore me if you like, but I have yet to fulfil my side of our bargain.’ He waited for her to speak for a moment before continuing. ‘Your work tonight was impressive. You’ve earned your chance to convince me.’

Indignation won out and she turned to face him. ‘Excuse me if I’m suddenly disinclined to pitch to a brick wall.’

‘You don’t understand the situation with Gianni Marcello.’

He shook his head. That small movement incensed her more than anything else.

‘I think I understand perfectly well. The bored playboy decided he’d have some fun while he was in town. An added bonus was the free event consultation. Too bad your friend ruined things before you tried your hand at the final prize, eh?’ She crossed her arms defensively around herself.

‘What you achieved tonight is unheard of. I wasn’t lying when I said you have great talent. You achieved more in seven hours than my team could pull off in three months.’

‘That means nothing to me. The only reason I did any of it was to get my contract.’

‘My relationship with Gianni is complex. He does not understand some of the choices that I have made. I said what I had to in order to avoid a scene. The truth is I have been considering your proposal.’

Dara watched him silently. This change in tactics was making her head spin.

He sat back in his seat, stretching long muscular legs in front of him with casual ease. ‘I’m offering you a chance to convince me. It won’t be offered again.’

Dara deliberated for a moment. He had made a fool of her, but he still held the upper hand here. If there was a chance to salvage this wedding contract she had to take it. Much as it irked her to be played with in his little game...much as it wounded her pride.

‘The wedding is for a high-profile actress—moderate numbers. Media would be limited to one magazine team. It would be maybe three days from set-up to clean-up, with accommodation required for guests.’

She outlined the finer details of her pitch as clearly and effectively as she could, considering her lack of sleep and the intimate environment. Not to mention the large relaxed male sitting beside her, watching her every movement with interest.

‘Sounds like you’ve thought of everything.’ He ran a hand across the stubble on his jaw. ‘And it sounds like a mutually beneficial arrangement.’

Dara felt unease prickle at the back of her mind. He had been deathly against any conversation about the castle last night—why the sudden easy consideration of her plans? She had done a fantastic job today—that much she could admit. But she wasn’t naive enough to overlook the fact that something had to have sparked this sudden change of heart.

‘What exactly has changed to make you think twice about rejecting my event?’ she asked, watching as he raised his brows a fraction of an inch, narrowing his gaze.

‘Maybe I’m hoping to leave you with a better impression of me than the one you have got so far.’

‘Somehow I don’t think that you care very much about anyone’s impression of you.’

He shrugged. ‘Depends on the person in question. But nonetheless you are correct that I have an ulterior motive. I was merely giving you a chance to lay out your proposal beforehand.’

Leo sat forward in his seat, green eyes intently holding her gaze.

‘You need my help, Dara. And you have proved just how far you are willing to go in order to get it. I am asking you to go just a little further.’

He laid a hand on the dark leather between them, still holding her gaze. It was a gesture of domination, designed to make her feel trapped, surely? She fought the urge to move back further in her seat.

‘How much further are we talking, here?’ Dara shook off the mildly indecent thoughts her mind conjured.

Leo seemed to deliberate for a moment, looking out at the passing streets before speaking.

‘Do you know much about the newest Lucchesi development?’

Dara thought for a moment, the change in pace addling her already tired mind. ‘The island he owns near Lampedone? He’s turning it into some sort of self-contained luxury resort, I’ve heard.’

Leo nodded. ‘Despite what you’ve heard or read, thus far I have made no attempt to expand my empire to Sicily. There is virtually no market for an exclusive brand like mine in any of the larger cities. That was until this Isola project came to light.’ He sat forward, gesturing with his hands as he spoke. ‘The island will be a hub of exclusive hotels, boutique restaurants. Every inch of real estate will be dedicated to five-star luxury. It’s one of a kind.’

‘I don’t see what your interest in a new real estate development has to do with my wedding contract.’ Dara spoke quietly, trying to make sense of his words.

‘Umberto Lucchesi is head of the board of directors. He has the final word on all potential investment opportunities. I have made no secret of the fact that I want in on the project, and frankly they need my expertise and influence. That was made clear when the entire board approved my investment. All except Lucchesi.’

She shook her head. ‘I’m sorry, but I don’t think my small connection with him would help you to secure a major business deal.’

‘All I would need is your presence, Dara. He is notoriously private and only holds meetings in his home or with the board of directors. There is an opera fundraiser at the Teatro Massimo in Palermo tomorrow night. Lucchesi and his wife will be hosting.’

Palermo? Tomorrow night? Dara fought the urge to laugh in disbelief. This was ridiculous. She had flown to Milan for a simple task and now here she was being asked to accompany a notorious playboy to the opera.

‘Why exactly would my presence benefit the situation?’ she asked rather breathlessly.

‘I understand that this is rather unconventional. But I believe meeting with him in a cordial setting, with a familiar face by my side, might make him look upon me more favourably. He sees me as my father’s son—a frivolous playboy with no morals. He clearly approves of you if he has worked with you on more than one occasion. Having you on my arm would be greatly beneficial.’

‘Are you asking me to pose as your date?’

‘What other reason would we have for being in Palermo together? It’s the most believable scenario.’

Maybe it was tiredness after the past twenty-four hours catching up with her, but Dara felt a wave of hysterical laughter threatening to bubble up to the surface. The thought that anyone would believe a man like Leo Valente was dating a plain Irish nobody like her was absolutely ludicrous.

He continued, oblivious to her stunned reaction. ‘You would leave the business talk to me. All I’d need is for you to act as a buffer of sorts. To play on your history with his family. Someone with a personal connection to smooth the way.’

‘A buffer? Well that just sounds so flattering...’ she muttered.

‘You would get all the benefits of being my companion, being a guest at such an exclusive event. It would be an enjoyable evening.’

‘Umberto Lucchesi is a powerful man. He must have good reason not to trust you,’ she mused. ‘I’m not quite sure I can risk my reputation.’

‘I’m a powerful man, Dara. You climbed up a building to get a meeting with me. I’m offering you an opportunity to get exactly what you want. It’s up to you if you take it or not.’

The limo came to a stop. Dara looked out at the hotel’s dull grey exterior, trying desperately to get a handle on the situation. He was essentially offering her the castello on a silver platter. All she had to do was play a part until he got his meeting and she would be done.

‘What happens if you’re wrong? If having a buffer makes no difference?’

‘Let me worry about that. My offer is simple. Come with me to Palermo and I will sign your event contract.’

She thought about the risk of trusting him. He hadn’t given her any reason to trust him so far. But what other possible reason could he have for asking her to go with him?

A man like him could have any woman he wanted, so this wasn’t simply about the chemistry between them. She was sure of that.

He must want in on the Lucchesi deal very badly if it had prompted him to consider her event. His initial reaction had been a complete contrast, his blatant refusal so clear. It was a risk to lie to a man like Umberto Lucchesi, but on the scale of things it was more of a white lie. And the alternative meant losing the contract. Losing everything she had worked for.

‘If I go with you—’ she said it quickly, before she could change her mind ‘—I want a contract for the castello up front.’

* * *

Leo felt triumph course through him as he felt Dara’s shift towards accepting his offer. He’d seen the uncertainty on her face, knew the difficult position he was placing her in.

‘You don’t trust me, Dara?’

‘Not even a little bit.’

‘I would expect nothing less. I will have a contract drawn up by tomorrow. And I promise to return you to your office bright and early on Monday morning.’

‘We would be staying in Palermo overnight?’

She asked the question innocently, but he’d seen the telltale movement of her hands in her lap. She was not as unaware of the tension as she made it seem.

‘The suite will have more than one bedroom.’

‘I want your word that there will be no more of your games. This is a professional arrangement.’

‘Are you asking me to behave myself? To ignore the intense attraction between us?’ he asked silkily.

‘Yes. That’s exactly what I’m asking.’

‘This is a business arrangement, Dara. You may be posing as my date for the evening, but I can assure you I am capable of separating the two. Whatever impression you might have of me, I can assure you that I am a man of my word when it comes to business.’

Leo rapped the driver’s window and the man got out and held the door of the limousine open for her to exit.

‘My plane will leave at noon, so you have plenty of time to get some beauty sleep.’

He watched until she’d disappeared through the doors of the basic hotel. He hadn’t lied when he’d said he was capable of separating business from pleasure. He was quite capable of it, usually. But his attraction to her was something that had caught him off guard.

After months of no interest in the opposite sex, this sudden acute awareness was almost painful. And she felt it too—he was quite sure of that. She would prove very useful tomorrow in cornering Lucchesi. But if he was being honest that was not his only objective. He wasn’t quite ready to walk away from the challenge she presented just yet.

Maybe it was boredom...maybe his pride was bruised. But something drew him to Dara Devlin more than to any woman he had ever met. She intrigued him and maybe that was why he had insisted on provoking her with those little stunts at the club. He was a grown man not a teenager, for goodness’ sake.

If he wanted to impress her then he had to get on her good side. It was his nature to be rebellious and provocative, but maybe a more subtle approach was needed. Either way, he always got what he wanted. And he was determined to show Dara exactly what she could have if she gave in to temptation.

* * *

The car turned sharply onto another narrow backstreet and Dara felt her stomach lurch. She sat bolt upright in the Porsche’s deep suede seat, one hand clutching her phone like a talisman, the other holding onto the door for dear life. Leo drove as if he was on the Nürburgring, not the tiny cobbled streets of Palermo.

Rounding the last corner, he pulled the powerful vehicle to a smooth stop. She was out of the car in an instant, straightening her skirt and trying to regain her composure.

‘You didn’t enjoy the drive?’

Leo handed his keys to the valet and fell into step beside her as she powered up the pathway to the facade of the ancient building they had arrived at.

‘I generally prefer to travel at a less ferocious pace.’

She stared up at the historical palazzo, amazed that she should be staying in such a place. They walked up marble steps and entered into a bright, ornate lobby. Dara felt her breath catch at the veritable feast of opulent decor.

‘I always knew that some of these old palaces had been converted into luxury suites, but I never thought I would see inside one.’

She craned her neck to look up at the ornate ceiling artwork. Most of the original features had been preserved, and it was like stepping through a doorway into the eighteenth century.

The interior of the apartment was just as flamboyant as the lobby. Decorated in traditional Baroque fashion, it had high ceilings and large ornate chandeliers, with a sizeable balcony overlooking the terracotta rooftops of the city.

Leo guided her through the living area to a set of floor-to-ceiling double doors. ‘Your room is through here. Your bag should have been brought up by now.’

‘Already?’ She raised her brows with surprise as he opened the double doors and, sure enough, her small black case was at the foot of the bed.

‘I expect efficiency wherever I go.’ He shrugged.

Dara took in the gigantic four-poster bed, draped with deep red velvet hangings and a gold-embroidered coverlet. It was the kind of bed that demanded lovemaking and romance. Too bad it would be getting neither tonight.

It suddenly dawned on her that in a few hours she would be posing as Leo Valente’s date. And sleeping under the same roof as him. The insane urge to run screaming from the building was tempting, but she stood her ground. Remember the goal here, Devlin. One white lie and the castello was hers.

‘We leave for the opera house at seven. Will you find something to wear in time?’

‘I once sourced seven bridesmaids’ dresses the day before a wedding I was planning. In mint green, might I add,’ she professed proudly.

He didn’t respond with his usual snark, instead taking a quick look at the screen of his phone. ‘I have some business to attend to, but feel free to indulge yourself. Shoes, jewellery. Whatever you desire.’

He took a sleek silver card from his wallet and held it out to her.

‘I can pay for my own clothes, but I appreciate the gesture.’ She pushed the card back towards him.

Leo scowled at her. ‘Fine. I will have the car collect us at seven.’

He left, closing the doors of the bedroom behind him.

Dara wondered at the change in his playful demeanour. Perhaps he was edgy about the significance of tonight.

She would need to get a start on shopping, but first things first... She kicked off her shoes and threw herself back onto the bed with a contented sigh of appreciation. It was like sinking into a cloud. She briefly imagined what it might be like not to be alone in this bed. To have a warm body next to her, touching her in all the right places.

What on earth was happening to her? She was going to have to keep her guard up around him. Her usually controlled libido seemed to be coming out of its enforced hibernation.

He wasn’t even her usual type.

She thought of her ex-fiancé and his neat brown hair, his perfectly ironed shirts and slacks. Dan would never have looked at her the way Leo did. As though she was the most attractive woman in the room. Even before he’d found out she was as barren as the desert.

The ugly phrase jarred her momentarily. It was the phrase she had heard Daniel use to her father in a conversation she had never been meant to hear.

Thoughts of her past pressed through her control, filling her chest with emotion. The news that she would never have children had shaken her to her core. She had always prided herself on not being needy in her relationships, unlike most of her girlfriends. Dan was the only man she had ever slept with. Their sex life had been nothing spectacular, but she’d told herself that their mental connection was worth much more than the lack of wow factor in the bedroom. Apparently he hadn’t felt the same.

Dara shook off the irritation that always followed thoughts about their break-up. Moving to stand in front of the floor-length mirror by the bed, she frowned at her reflection. She wasn’t sexy—she knew that. But once upon a time she had felt moderately attractive...she had accepted male attention graciously.

She was by no means vain. She knew that she had a slim figure and long legs, but her features were plain and her chest far too small. Why a man like Leo would ever be attracted to her, she didn’t know. Perhaps it was the simple fact that she had made it clear that nothing would happen between them.

But the problem was the longer they were together, the more she wanted something to happen.

She walked away from the mirror, trying her best not to groan. What was it about this man that made her second guess herself? Leo Valente was trouble with a capital T, and she needed to keep her own attraction under control if she had any hope of keeping his at bay.

* * *

Leo grabbed two flutes of champagne from a passing waiter and returned to his seat in the private box.

He’d seen that Dara had taken out her phone and was busily tapping away.

‘The tech-junkie look isn’t exactly what I want in a date,’ he scolded.

‘Just give me a minute and I’ll be done.’ She tapped a few more times on the screen.

‘You’re on my time tonight, Dara.’ He took the phone swiftly from her grasp, putting it in his inner pocket. ‘You can have it back after the opera if you behave.’

She stared at him. ‘That is a very high-handed approach to regaining my attention.’

‘You don’t find it charming?’ He placed a flute of champagne in her hand.

‘Not even a little bit.’ She straightened, sipping her champagne and looking pointedly away from him down towards the crowds swarming below them in the theatre.

Leo felt more than a little irked at her dismissal. He had spent all afternoon on conference calls so he could free up some time. Only to be coolly ignored by her from the moment he’d collected her from the palazzo.

She looked spectacular, with her blonde hair swept back from her face in a neat chignon, revealing delicate diamond-drop earrings. Her gown was elegant and refined—a swathe of pale silver that formed a seductive heart shape at the front, showing just enough skin to leave a little mystery.

He moved closer to her, speaking quietly. ‘I would imagine you prefer a very docile man. One you can organise and control, perhaps?’

‘I don’t really have a preference.’ She shrugged one delicate shoulder. ‘I have a very busy career that fulfils me. Dating is not high on my agenda.’

‘Again with the agenda, Dara? You seem to have it all figured out into neat little boxes. It sounds so perfectly perfect.’

‘You’re mocking me, but there is a lot to be said for having a plan.’

‘When building a nightclub empire, definitely. But everything else is free fall to me. I enjoy surprises. If it weren’t for surprises we wouldn’t be here tonight.’

‘Back to the point: when will I be expected to sidetrack the Lucchesi’s?’

‘Not until the first interlude. Follow my lead and don’t go off script.’

Dara fought the urge to make a snappy retort, instead relaxing as the music started up. The ancient opera house was beautiful, with its iconic gold architecture and deep red velvet curtains. She had promised herself years ago that she would see a show at the Teatro Massimo—it was on her list of tourist-type things to do while she was living here. A list that she never seemed to get to with her workload...

As the curtain came down for the first interlude she felt butterflies in her stomach. Leo gestured for her to follow him out into the crowd mingling outside the doorway. This was it. The moment of truth. He laid one hand at the small of her back as they walked down the corridors towards the royal box, where the Lucchesi family was seated. The heat from his palm seared into her skin, making those butterflies flap even faster.

A group of people were gathered around the entrance, talking loudly about the performance. One woman stood out, her opulent diamond jewellery outshone only by what had to be the most eye-blurringly white fur stole that Dara had ever seen.

Leo caught Dara’s eye, gesturing for her to step forward and intercept the woman’s attention.

Dara pasted on her most brilliant smile as Gloria Lucchesi came out of the crowd, embracing her warmly. She tried not to look at Leo, noting the smug expression on his face.

‘Dara, darling—what are you doing out in public without your headset?’ The older woman joked.

Dara laughed obligingly at the jibe, feeling unease as Leo stepped right up to her side, sliding his hand around her waist possessively.

‘I’m here with my...my date, Leo Valente.’

Her voice stumbled over the words, her heart hammering in her chest. Whether it was the effect of lying so brazenly, or the result of being touched so intimately, Dara felt as if her heart was about to leap out of her chest.

Her skittishness evaporated once she noticed that Gloria Lucchesi had quite literally frozen in place, her hand clutching at her necklace in a gesture that was much more than simple surprise. Dara felt a sense of foreboding as Umberto Lucchesi came to stand beside his wife, his features ruddy with barely leashed anger.

Gloria placed a hand on her husband’s arm before speaking to Dara directly. ‘Miss Devlin, can you please explain what you are doing here with my husband’s nephew?’

* * *

Umberto Lucchesi looked like a man ready to pounce.

Leo continued to stare, unblinking. ‘How nice to see you, Uncle.’

‘How dare you ambush me at a charity function?’ the older man practically hissed under his breath, looking around the hall to see they were not being overheard.

‘I bought a ticket—just like everyone else here.’

True to form, Aunt Gloria stepped forward to calm the situation. ‘Umberto, please stop being so dramatic,’ she chastised. Her tone was one of calm confidence. ‘My husband forgets that he is in the middle of the Teatro Massimo, not shouting in a boardroom.’

Gloria placed a friendly hand on Dara’s arm. Leo noted Dara’s polite smile, her gentle tone as she defused the situation with questions about Gloria’s daughters.

Umberto remained silent and continued to stare at him across the narrow hallway.

‘We will not do this here, Valente,’ he hissed.

‘Most certainly not,’ Gloria interjected. ‘It’s high time you ridiculous men quit this feud and showed each other a little forgiveness. Leonardo, I want to welcome you home to Sicily, darling. I have missed you.’

‘Thank you, Zia, I’m afraid your husband doesn’t quite feel the same.’

‘That’s an understatement,’ Umberto scoffed.

Gloria spoke directly to him. ‘Come to our villa tomorrow evening for dinner. You can talk business then. For now, let us all enjoy the rest of the evening.’ She guided her husband into the throng of people, looking back to wink at Dara.

Leo smiled at Dara. That had gone just the way he’d planned it. A private meeting attained, on Lucchesi’s home turf. But Dara frowned, turning back towards the box. Leo followed, confused at her sudden change in mood.

* * *

Dara waited until they were back in the box before turning to him. She pressed one accusatory finger into his shoulder. The gesture made his eyes widen.

‘You could have warned me that I was walking into an episode of a soap opera, for goodness’ sake.’

‘I didn’t think it would benefit the situation if you were aware of my history with Umberto.’

‘No, you didn’t think it would benefit you.’ She turned away, fuming. ‘How did I not know that you were related? How is it not common knowledge?’

‘He is my mother’s younger brother. He made a point of removing himself from any connection to the Valente name when my mother passed away.’ He spoke matter-of-factly, anger evident in the hard set of his jaw.

Dara felt her anger deflate, taken by surprise by his candid statement. ‘That must have been very difficult.’

‘My mother died quite suddenly—she was only thirty-eight. The funeral was an ugly affair, and her family blamed my father. And me.’

‘Goodness, she was very young. Life can be cruel sometimes.’

Leo waved off her gentle comments. ‘I am merely divulging the facts to you—not looking for sympathy. I’ve had twelve years to get over it.’

He shoved his hands into the pockets of his designer tuxedo, a sardonic tilt to his brow. This was a man who kept his true feelings buried. She couldn’t imagine revealing her own painful memories in such a matter-of-fact fashion.

Dara thought of the way the two men had just stood toe to toe, eyes spitting fire at one another, in the glamorous gilded hallway of the teatro.

‘Leo, I’ve helped you to get your meeting. I’ve fulfilled my part of our bargain. We agreed that I would act as your date for tonight only.’

‘I can’t go alone to dinner. You will accompany me to keep up the pretence that we are an item. Gloria likes you, and she is the key to keeping the peace.’

Dara shifted uneasily on her feet, smoothing a hand over the smooth pearl satin of her gown. She had felt like a princess earlier, walking down the steps of the palazzo to find Leo leaning against the door of the limo, dressed in a perfectly tailored black tuxedo. He looked sinfully handsome and powerful, and it was doing all kinds of strange things to her breathing every time he held her arm or looked at her with that smouldering dark gaze.

She needed to cut her losses before she did something stupid. One more night with Leo was a risk she couldn’t take.

He was watching her intently. ‘What is it that worries you, carina? That they won’t believe we are a couple? Because that won’t be a problem.’

‘It’s too risky. We know nothing about each other. What if they ask questions?’ she argued.

‘They won’t need to.’ He stepped closer. ‘Dara, we practically crackle every time we are alone together. The chemistry between us is quite obvious.’

‘It is?’ Dara felt a little dazed under his scrutiny.

‘Oh, yes.’ He lowered his voice. ‘We naturally react to each other. That’s not something that can be feigned easily and we can use it to our advantage.’

‘I don’t see how arguing with each other will make it seem that we are a couple.’

She turned away, fighting against herself. She was enjoying this little charade they had embarked upon. It was beginning to feel like an alternative reality to her hectic and rather solitary life in Syracuse.

‘Tension can be interpreted in many ways.’

Leo stepped behind her, close enough that she could feel his breath below her ear.

‘Physical signs are the first things that people notice. Unconscious displays of intimacy.’ He reached for her hand, lacing his fingers through hers.

Dara’s breath caught in her chest at the effect of the innocent yet explosive contact on her already heightened senses.

‘So we hold hands and everything will be okay?’

‘There is no need to go over the top when subtlety will work much better. I might rest a hand on the small of your back while we talk. Display possession.’

Dara tried to focus on his words, but all she could think about was how hard and warm his hand felt surrounding hers. It had been so long since she’d had her hand held.

She shook off that warm fuzzy thought. She tried to seem blasé, barely noticing his movement until she felt his hand slide sensually low on her spine.

‘What are you doing?’ she squeaked.

‘Dara, no one will believe this if your voice rises an entire octave every time I touch you,’ he whispered in her ear as they were rejoined by the other guests in their box.

She took the opportunity to retake her seat and study the programme while she calmed her erratic breathing. The music started and Leo sat beside her. Very close beside her.

‘Let’s try this again,’ he whispered softly.

His hand came to rest upon hers in her lap, his fingers massaging the back of her palm idly, just as a lover’s might. He looked straight ahead, focusing on the beautiful performance, completely unaffected by their contact.

She was suddenly very aware of her breathing as she tried to concentrate on the stage below.

His fingers laced through hers as his head tilted and he whispered in her ear. ‘Much better, Dara, a perfect balance between quiet disdain and shivering anticipation.’

‘I did not shiver,’ she hissed, turning to find his eyes filled with mirth.

The couple next to them tutted with disapproval.

‘You’re being deliberately disruptive.’ She shook her head, focusing on the show below.

‘I can’t help it.’ He tilted his head again, his attention now completely focused on her.

‘Well, try harder,’ she scolded, folding her hands in her lap tightly. ‘This isn’t the place to teach me how to lie effectively. I haven’t even agreed to continue this little charade.’

‘You’re right.’ He stood up, grabbing her by the hand and speaking quietly to the couple behind them. ‘Excuse us—my beautiful companion isn’t quite feeling herself.’ He pulled her up from her seat easily and motioned for her to precede him out through the door of the box.

Dara exited into the corridor, turning to face him as he closed the door behind him. ‘I didn’t mean that we had to leave,’ she said, exasperated.

‘My attention wasn’t exactly on the show.’ He stepped closer. ‘Something occurred to me in there.’

Dara watched as he took another step, bringing him so close they were almost chest to chest. His eyes didn’t leave hers as he leaned closer, his gaze sweeping over her lips with clear intent. The thought occurred to her that she was going to let him kiss her. Even worse—she wanted him to.

‘What occurred to you?’ she whispered, her tongue sneaking out to dampen her lips before she could stop herself.

He followed the movement eagerly. ‘You have no reason to help me after tonight.’

‘I suppose you’re right.’ She shook off the feeling of disappointment at his words. He was correct. After tonight they had no reason to continue to work together except for maybe exchanging emails about the castello.

‘What if I offered you more than a contract for your celebrity wedding?’ he asked quietly.

Dara felt her pulse quicken at the word more.

‘I’ve been thinking... The castle is virtually abandoned, with no purpose. Your vision for this wedding will bring vitality to it again. It might even help bring some revenue to Monterocca. God knows they need it, being so far from the busier tourist resorts.’

‘I’m flattered you paid so much attention to my slideshow.’ She smiled.

‘I can offer you exclusive rights to hold a small amount of select weddings at the castello. I will hire you to oversee the renovations and ensure it is fit for purpose again.’

‘Leo, that would be...amazing...’ she breathed.

‘I want nothing more to do with the place once this deal is finalised. So it’s not a selfless act. I trust that you will do a good job, Dara?’

‘I assure you that you will have nothing to worry about,’ she gushed, the excitement of his revelation taking her completely by surprise.

‘You will accompany me tomorrow evening, then?’ he said plainly.

Dara laughed. ‘I suppose I’ll have to now.’

‘It will be the last thing I ask of you.’

His expression was earnest as they made their way down the corridor to the grand hallway and out towards the waiting car.

The thought of spending another evening as the focus of his attention, of having him touch her and speak to her like a lover, made her feel uneasy.

She stayed silent on the drive back to the apartment, her thoughts still frazzled from their encounter in the opera box. He had barely touched her and she’d been on the verge of throwing herself at him. She had been so sure he was about to kiss her in the corridor.

The fear of being branded a liar by Umberto Lucchesi was nothing compared to the fear of being kissed by Leo Valente. He hadn’t kissed her yet, but with an entire evening planned in his company tomorrow, surely it was inevitable that he would.

It had been so long since she had kissed anyone she was afraid she’d forgotten how to do it. Maybe it was best to treat it as a task. She never went into tasks unprepared. She would treat it like pulling off a sticking plaster. Quick and painless. After all, the fear of the unknown was usually worse than the act itself.

When they entered the apartment Leo pulled off his bow tie in one movement, throwing it on a side table and moving towards the door of his bedroom.

‘Wait.’ She spoke as confidently as she could muster. ‘I just want to try something first.’

On steady feet she walked to him, seeing his eyes widen as she stepped close. Her lips touched his—hesitantly at first, then fully. He smelled amazing this close, and his lips were hard and hot under hers. She stepped back before she could get too comfortable, feeling her legs tremble just a little bit as she put some distance between them once more.

‘There—that’s the awkward first kiss over and done with.’ She smiled, proud of herself for finding a logical way to deal with an uncomfortable situation.

Leo stayed silent for a moment, his expression entirely unreadable. Then he took a step, closing the space between them. ‘If you wanted to try it out, all you had to do was ask, Dara.’

‘It was just a practice run. For tomorrow.’ She felt her body react as he closed in once more. As if her skin remembered him, was begging him to step closer again. What on earth had come over her?

‘In that case I think we need another try.’

His lips were on hers before she could formulate a reply. But this kiss was not simple and exploratory, as hers had been. His mouth was hard on hers, his lips pressing with an urgency she had never felt before. She felt it too. It was as though the entire world had fallen away and all that mattered was this. Feeling his mouth on hers, his hands wrapping around her waist.

His wicked tongue traced a trail of fire across her lips, demanding access. She tried to think straight. This was all wrong. It had started as a simple kiss and now suddenly she was being ravished.

She tilted her head back and he took advantage. His hands moved from her waist down to her bottom, holding her to him. She had never felt awareness like this before. The feel of his hard chest against her own made her nipples peak with need. Her breasts felt heavy, aching with the demand to be in the open air. She felt wanton and free and prayed her sanity wouldn’t return any time soon. She let her own tongue move against his, following the rhythm and feeling the hard weight of his arousal press against her.

He began kissing a passionate trail of fire down the soft skin of her neck. Dara moaned at the sensation, shocked at the sensation of molten heat building between her thighs.

She wanted him more than she had ever wanted any man before. His smell, his touch was driving her so wild she could barely think. All she could hear was the sound of her heart beating loud in her ears. His breath was equally as ragged as he nibbled her earlobe and pulled the neckline of her dress down so that it rested high on her waist.

Dara felt her body react reflexively, softening to him, unconsciously offering more. Cohesive thought left her as she gave in to the warmth of his hard muscular body surrounding her. He pushed against her shoulders until she was lying on the plush sofa in the living room. His mouth lowered to the sensitive skin of her breasts and the last remnant of her resolve seemed to melt away. All she could feel was him and the wild, primal movements of his lips and teeth as they tasted and teased her.

His tongue circled one tip as his thumb and forefinger slowly tortured the other. She writhed under his touch, her hips arching up to meet the hard ridge below his abdomen.

He raised his head to kiss her once more, his lips softer this time as he continued to tease one nipple with his fingers. His hand moved lower, tracing a path down her stomach to her lower thigh. He pulled the silken material of her dress up so that it bunched around her hips. His fingers were stroking up the skin of her thigh as his lips continued to demand brutal response from her own. She grabbed a fistful of thick dark hair, feeling a wave of triumph as he growled and kissed her harder.

His hand caressed her, higher still, cupping her over the thin lace of her underwear. She felt her stomach clench in response and raised her hips to meet him, feeling his fingers press against that sensitive part of her through the gauzy material. She needed his skin on hers—needed the release that she could feel building.

He growled low in his throat as she put her hand over his, guiding him towards the edge of the French lace, begging him to reach inside. His hands were everywhere...his lips were in her ear murmuring something incomprehensible in Italian.

He stilled momentarily, his hips pressed hard against her as she lay spread underneath him on the sofa. ‘Dio, you make me forget myself,’ he breathed harshly. ‘We have to slow down for a moment... I need to get some protection from the bedroom.’ He traced a trail down her neck, licking the hollow of her throat.

Dara felt as though a bucket of ice had been thrown over her as she realised just what had been about to happen. She barely knew him and she had been about to have wild, unprotected sex with him on a sofa. Where was her self-control now?

Clambering out from underneath his powerful frame, she fought against the emotion building in her chest.

‘What’s wrong?’

He held on to her, his powerful bare chest still burning against her skin. She pushed more forcefully this time, noting his expression turn quickly to confusion as he moved, letting her struggle to her feet.

‘I can’t do this,’ she breathed, tugging at her wrinkled dress to cover her exposed flesh. She felt completely bared, mortified at her own behaviour.

Leo stood up, then remained deathly still, his breathing laboured and heat high on his cheekbones. ‘You’re the one who walked over to me, Dara.’

‘I didn’t kiss you like—like that,’ she stammered, trying desperately to get her ragged breathing under control.

‘Are you angry because I kissed you or because you liked it a little too much?’

‘We barely know each other. I don’t do things like this.’

It wasn’t a lie. The thought of casual sex was an entirely foreign concept to her. But right now her panic had nothing to do with morals and more to do with the thought of getting close to any man again.

‘I make you lose control, Dara. That’s what you don’t like. I don’t know why you’re so afraid of letting yourself have pleasure.’

‘Don’t assume that you know me—or how I feel.’ She shook her head.

He didn’t know what it was like to have your life plan taken away without warning. To have a man you trusted shatter your entire self-worth to pieces. She could very easily use sex with Leo to unwind and forget about the memories bubbling to the surface. But she wouldn’t, and that was her choice to deal with.

Leo shrugged with finality, clearly done with arguing over the matter. ‘Fair enough. Let me know when you change your mind.’

She walked to her bedroom door, looking back one more time to where he stood like a Greek god in the middle of the ornate living room.

‘I won’t.’

* * *

‘It’s so nice to have our Leo back—isn’t it, girls?’

The Lucchesi family sat together in the formal sitting room of their historic Palermo villa. Umberto Lucchesi was known for collecting what he perceived to be pieces amongst his country’s greatest treasures. His love of historic architecture was inherited from his aristocratic lineage.

Gloria smiled indulgently as her two teenaged daughters nodded politely in unison, and Leo laid his hand on top of Dara’s, feeling her tense slightly. Her face belied her discomfort but she smiled at him—a warm smile no doubt intended to display affection.

He could see the confusion in her eyes, sense how distant she had become since last night. His night had consisted of a very cold shower and a much needed glass of whisky.

She had enjoyed kissing him, and what had followed afterwards, much more than she’d intended to. He remembered the way the soft curves of her breasts had felt beneath his palms. She was a well of heat under all that ice. But now, knowing how good her skin tasted, it made it even more difficult to sit close to her without throwing her over his shoulder like a caveman and finding the nearest bed.

The only problem now was that he wondered if he would ever get enough. She was intoxicating. Since they had arrived at dinner he’d found himself touching her at every excuse. He had no doubt that she would come to him before the night was through—he could see it in the sultry way she kept regarding him every time she thought he wasn’t looking. She was at war with her precious rules, but he had a feeling he knew who would win out.

She shot him another glance as he laid his hand against the warmth of her back.

His uncle interrupted his erotic thoughts. ‘Leo, let’s take a cigar outside and let the women chat.’ Umberto gestured for him to follow him out onto the back terrace.

Leo regretfully closed the door behind them, leaving Dara inside to talk with his aunt and cousins. It was clear that his uncle knew why he was here. He had gotten him alone...now all he needed to do was appeal to the man’s logic and speed up this deal. Then he could focus on Dara.

‘So, nephew. You’ve played your hand well.’ Umberto lit a cigar, letting the smoke billow in the air between them. He offered one to Leo.

Leo refused with a wave of his hand.

Umberto huffed out a cloud of smoke, looking up at the darkening evening sky. ‘So, tell me, is using the blonde a vital part of your plan or just a little extra fun while you’re here?’

‘Dara and I have been seeing each other for a while now.’

‘Spare me the lies, Valente. You know I don’t take well to them.’ The older man scowled. ‘She’s too good for a low life like you. She’s got character.’

Leo felt a prickle of unease at the back of his neck. ‘Umberto, whatever happened between my father and you is history. I am the furthest thing from him there is.’

‘I can tell by your reputation that you have no value for family. That was Valente’s worst trait. A Sicilian man puts his family first.’

‘My choice of lifestyle is irrelevant. I am the most obvious choice for your development. It’s clear to everyone around you and yet you refuse to cut me in. I have the expertise and the resources.’

‘I’m not talking about the womanising. Although I do prefer to do business with family men who know the true meaning of responsibility.’ Umberto narrowed his eyes, glowering at Leo with a look of unbridled anger. ‘You want to know why I’m blocking this deal? I refuse to do business with someone who treats their own flesh and blood like dirt.’

Leo felt the comment cut him deep. He knew Umberto was alluding to his mother. To the way she had been treated by his father—and by Leo, to a certain extent.

‘Your father sent my sister into an early grave. The Valente name means nothing to me but selfishness and betrayal.’

‘My mother put herself into that grave, Uncle. She committed suicide. She was not the woman you think she was.’

‘She was not perfect, no. But she deserved better than to be locked away like a dirty little secret.’

Leo felt the pain of his uncle’s words cut to his core. His mother had deserved better—they both had. The only person to blame for the life they’d led was his father. But he refused to argue over a bunch of ghosts when his goal was within touching distance. Memories belonged in the past, where they couldn’t hurt anybody.

‘I’m not here to talk about ancient history. I’m here to talk about the Isola project. I thought that by coming here peacefully, healing the rift between us, we could finally see each other as equals.’

‘We will never be equals as long as a Valente owns Lucchesi land.’

Leo thought of the castello in Monterocca. His mother’s family had owned Castello Bellamo for hundreds of years until she’d married a Valente and signed it away.

He spoke quietly, aware of Umberto’s unbridled anger at what he perceived to be yet another slight on his family name. ‘I am half-Lucchesi, remember?’

Umberto shook his head.

‘My mother would not be happy to know her brother was treating her son this way, Zio.’

Umberto raised one silvery brow. ‘Don’t play on my sentimentality. It doesn’t exist.’

Leo was exasperated. The man was just throwing block after block at him, leaving no room to negotiate. ‘What must I do to prove myself?’

‘You know what I want. The same thing I told your father I wanted the day he put my sister in the ground.’

Leo ran a hand down his face. He’d had a feeling it might come to this. ‘The castello is my birthright.’

‘It was built with Lucchesi blood. My family have far more right to Bellamo.’

‘You’re asking me to part with the place I called home for most of my childhood.’

‘If it holds such sentimental value for you why have you left it to rot? You want in on the Isola project? You know what I want.’

The older man walked back inside, leaving Leo alone on the terrace with nothing but the sound of the waves rushing against the rocks in the gulf.

Too much quiet made him irritable, and he was grateful when Dara came to find him moments later.

‘How did it go?’ she enquired.

‘As well as I imagined it would.’ He shrugged. ‘He has made it clear what it will take to let me in on the deal.’

‘Is it something you can do?’ she asked innocently, handing him a glass of wine.

‘It would complicate a lot of things. Upset some people.’

He thought of Dara’s face when he told her of his plan for the castello. He had heard her on the phone to her client, confirming their contract details. He had offered Dara a complete solution to her problems—a chance to further her business to the next level and avoid ruin. How was he going to tell her that he had to take it all away?

Their contract had loopholes in his favour—he had made sure of that in case it came to this. He had known there was a possibility that Umberto was using the Isola deal to leverage him into signing over the castle, but he hadn’t planned on caring about who it might affect.

Dara looked at him thoughtfully. ‘You want that deal badly enough to have accepted my event pitch. I don’t see what can be so important that you would consider walking away from it now?’

Leo knew she had no idea what she was talking about, but she was right. They didn’t know each other well enough for him to take her feelings into account. He had no reason to feel guilty. The loss of the venue might cause her trouble, but he would pay her off. Make sure he lessened the financial blow.

He wouldn’t tell her straight away. He would wait at least until he had made his decision.

* * *

Dara noticed the stern set of Leo’s jaw as they got into the limo. It had been a long evening of polite conversation. The kind of conversation that arose when there was a lot of tension in the air. She noticed that the air of mischief that normally surrounded him had evaporated, to be replaced with a brooding distance.

She found herself wondering at his change in mood, willing him to say something inappropriate and break the silence. She had spent the entire night arguing all the reasons why she shouldn’t just cross the hall and slip into his bed. It had been sheer torture, with every fibre in her body urging her to give in to the way he made her feel.

‘You keep looking at me,’ he said darkly. ‘Something to say?’

Dara raised her brows at his tone. ‘I was just wondering why you were sitting there like a petulant child all of a sudden.’

‘I’m not in the mood for this right now,’ he warned.

‘It’s okay for you to be a jerk, but when it’s given back you get annoyed?’ She laughed, trying to lighten the mood.

‘I was told not to be playful, if I remember correctly. Once the show was over. Or do you forget last night already?’

Dara felt heat creep into her cheeks. How could she ever forget last night? The memory of his mouth devouring hers, his hand sliding between her thighs, had kept her awake most of the night. She had been unable to sleep, knowing he was so near, confused at the sudden longing consuming her. It was not how she usually reacted to men—not since she had made the decision never to be with a man again.

She was unable to think around him and unable to resist the temptation he offered.

‘Like I said, I’m in no mood to play games.’ He stared out of the window, oblivious to the nature of her thoughts.

‘What if I’m not playing games any more?’ She spoke quietly, not quite knowing what she’d been about to say until it had already left her lips. ‘What if I’ve changed my mind, Leo?’

Leo watched her for a moment, moving his hand to rest it casually on her thigh. ‘I think that maybe you need to spell it out for me, carina. In case I am getting the wrong idea.’

With shaky fingers she rested her hand on top of his. Anchoring him there. This was madness. She was supposed to move away, to make a snarky comment or give him the cold shoulder. Not hold his hand like a wanton.

That was the problem, though. She felt wanton.

She felt more sexually charged than she had ever felt in her entire relationship with her ex-fiancé. With Dan it had been mutual respect, puppy love.

This was raw lust.

He was completely still, watching intently for her reaction. She could feel his gaze burning through her. She stopped thinking, grabbed the front of his shirt and pressed her lips hard to his.

Once A Playboy...: Resisting the Sicilian Playboy / Her Playboy's Proposal / The Playboy's Proposal

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