Читать книгу Capturing The Single Dad's Heart - Kate Hardy - Страница 2

Erin felt that same prickle of awareness as when their hands had touched over the scones. But this time, instead of avoiding eye contact, she looked him straight in the eye. Nate’s pupils were dilated to the point where his eyes looked almost black.


Oh, help. It looked as if this attraction she felt towards him was mutual, then. What were they going to do about it? Because this situation was impossible.

His face was serious. ‘Erin.’ He reached out and cupped her cheek in his palm, then brushed his thumb over her lower lip.

She felt hot all over and her skin tingled where he touched her.

‘Nate. We’re right in the middle of the hospital,’ she whispered.

‘And anyone could see us. I know.’ He moved his hand away. ‘Erin, I think we need to talk.’

She knew he was right. ‘But not here.’ It was too public.

‘Where? When?’ His voice was urgent.

‘You said Caitlin would be all right with your mum for a while.’ She took a deep breath. Maybe she needed to be brave about this, as Mikey had suggested. Do it now. Tell him the truth. And if he walked away—well, it just proved that she’d been stupid to let him matter to her. ‘My place, right now?’

Capturing The Single Dad's Heart

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