Читать книгу The Daddy Dilemma - Kate Denton, Kate Denton - Страница 3


“What would it take to get you to the altar?”

“If you must know...marriage really isn’t on my agenda,” Mackie replied.

“Not concerned about your biological clock?”

“I can’t believe we’re having this conversation. I like my life. It’s nice to sleep through the night without being awakened to tend to someone else’s needs.”

“But what about a lover awakening you to cuddle?”

“I thought we were talking about children.”

“You were the one bringing up sleeping undisturbed. Sounds like someone used to sleeping alone.”

“Who I sleep with is—”

“Out! Out!” Ashley shrieked. The baby’s rebellion against the car seat didn’t abate until they arrived back at Mackie’s.

Worn from her tantrum, Ashley settled into her makeshift crib, stuck her thumb in her mouth and fell sound asleep. Mackie stared down at the little girl, thinking how enchanting she looked in sleep, how lovable. For the first time in ages, Mackie fantasized about having a baby of her own, then quickly shook her head, drowning such craziness.

The Daddy Dilemma

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