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Anointing a Candle or Other Object


Many people like to burn a candle to focus their Magical intent and to ‘send the Magic on its way’. You can use a candle you have made for the purpose or buy one of the colour which you feel is most appropriate (see Chapter 5, ‘Candles and Incenses’).

To anoint a candle, hold it horizontally in front of you. With your forefinger place one or two drops of oil in the centre and, using both hands, spread the oil from the centre to the ends whilst visualizing your goals. When you are certain the candle is covered, but not dripping, with oil, place it in a holder and light it. Spend a moment or two visualizing the power of the Magic taking hold and moving out to its destination.

Ideally the candle should be allowed to burn all the way down, but as you must never leave a burning candle unattended, it is permissible to extinguish it and relight it at a later point. However, this should only be done for the same intent and should take place within three days (at most) of the starting of the Magic.

Other objects can be anointed, for example a talisman, in which case a small drop of oil should be placed on each side or face of the object whilst visualizing your goal. The talisman should then either be put straight into use or wrapped carefully and put away until it can be given to the recipient.

The Real Witches’ Kitchen: Spells, recipes, oils, lotions and potions from the Witches’ Hearth

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