Читать книгу Low-Carb Diet For Dummies - Katherine B. Chauncey - Страница 66

Understanding Carbohydrates


The primary role of carbohydrates in human nutrition is to supply an indispensable commodity — energy. When carbohydrates yield energy at the rate of 4 calories per gram, they spare proteins from being used for energy so that proteins can do the building and repairing of body tissues that they are uniquely suited for.

Without sufficient carbohydrate, your body will burn its protein for fuel. Carbohydrates appear in virtually all plant foods and in only one food taken from animals — namely, milk. Choosing good sources of carbs can help you control your blood sugar and your weight.

To understand carbohydrates you need to appreciate the various roles they play in the body and the various ways they appear in food. The following sections describe the diverse names and functions of the foodstuffs called carbohydrate.

Low-Carb Diet For Dummies

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