Daniels Song

Daniels Song
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Реклама. ООО «ЛитРес», ИНН: 7719571260.

Описание книги

When the angel Daniel is sent to Earth as a result of his misdeeds, he is instructed to take care of the suffering children. For over a thousand years this is his life with no chance of returning to heaven. Daniel and his family of angels on Earth carry on watching over mankind from their northwest home. One day Daniel is tasked with helping a young woman during a terrible tragedy. Unlike the dying children he has nurtured, this soul is alive. Hope is not just her name but also her destiny as she teaches Daniel lessons he never expected here on Earth. Her healing becomes part of his healing until a lost angel comes into their lives. Alexander has a history with Daniel that must be addressed but Daniel goes a step too far in his efforts to protect Hope. The judgment for his actions could only be decided in heaven. The relationships built in a family from Earth and a family from heaven will lead Daniel down a path he was never expecting.


Katherine Dobney. Daniels Song



Devotion * Love, loyalty, or enthusiasm for a person or cause. Chapter 1 - Daniel’s story

Friend * A person with whom one has a bond of mutual affection. Chapter 2 - Hope’s story

Encounter * An unexpected or casual meeting with someone. Chapter 3 - Daniel’s story

Discover * Find unexpectedly or in the course of a search. Chapter 4 - Hope’s story

Knight * A man who served his sovereign or lord as a soldier in armor. Chapter 5 - Daniel’s story

Secret * Not meant to be known as such by others. Chapter 6 - Hope’s story

Joy * A feeling of great pleasure and happiness. Chapter 7 - Daniel’s story

Desire * A strong feeling of wishing for something to happen. Chapter 8 - Hope’s story

Sight * The action or fact of seeing someone or something. Chapter 9 - Daniel’s story

Clash * Be at odds with something. Chapter 10 - Hope’s story

Celestial * Belonging or relating to heaven. Chapter 11 - Daniel’s story

Lost * Very confused or insecure or in great difficulties. Chapter 12 - Hope’s story

Limbo * An uncertain period of awaiting a decision or resolution. Chapter 13 - Daniel’s story

Courage *The ability to do something that frightens one *Strength in the face of pain or grief. Chapter 14 - Hope’s story

Beginning * The point in time or space at which something starts. Chapter 15 - Daniel’s story


About the Author

Отрывок из книги

There is a great turmoil in heaven among some of the angels, especially some of the powers, the Warriors of Heaven. The powers are led by an Archangel name Michael. Second in command to Michael, is his First, the first of the powers. Heaven is full of many legions of these powers. Their job is to protect and serve the universe, heaven and earth. That is what their maker, their father, had created them for.

Michael's First was a great warrior. He looked down upon the earth observing mankind’s evolution. He didn't see the love his father had given to them. He only saw the hate, the wars. To him they were like parasites, destroying what his father had created, for them. Earth was no longer the paradise that his father had fashioned. What hurt more was the fact that the children of Adam created by his father’s hand, that he loved above all, were the ones destroying it. Something snapped in him and for the first time he felt anger. The loss of his father's paradise had hardened his heart.


“You what!” shock streaked across my face as I wondered what he could have said.

“Don`t worry, it was a salesperson but I did have a little fun.”


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