Читать книгу Seducing His Opposition / Secret Nights at Nine Oaks: Seducing His Opposition - Katherine Garbera - Страница 10



Selena had forgotten what it was like to turn the tables on a man sexually. She did it all the time at work but this was personal and she liked it. A heady mix of passion and power consumed her and she knew that it was well past time she got back in touch with this side of herself.

She’d given in to Justin not just because of the lust that was flowing between them but also because she needed to reclaim her femininity.

She took Justin’s hand and led him back to the hotel. “Why are we wasting our time out here when we could be up in my room?”

“Your room? I thought you weren’t sure about my proposition.”

“I guess you think too much.” Turning the tables on Justin had knocked him off balance and she knew he would be easier to deal with now. “I like the idea of a vacation fling. It’s been too long for me and being with you … well let’s just say you are the perfect distraction.”

He frowned at her, but she didn’t care. She wasn’t stupid. She knew that even though Justin wanted her—she knew he wasn’t faking his attraction to her—a part of him was focused on how to use the lust they both felt to his own advantage.

And she wasn’t going to let him do that. She wanted him. She needed a distraction from being back here in Miami. She was thinking too much about the girl she had been and Justin was the distraction she needed.

“Come back to my room,” she said, leaning closer and kissing his neck right under his ear. “That’s what we’d do if we were on vacation.”

Justin nodded. “But we aren’t on vacation.”

“Have you changed your mind?” she asked.

“No. But I don’t like the way you changed yours. What’s going on behind those beautiful brown eyes?” he asked.

She pulled back. She couldn’t do this. It wasn’t like her to just impulsively invite a man back to her room. He was right, what was she thinking?

“Nothing. Nothing is going on,” she said. “I think I had a momentary fever but it is passing now.”

She felt small and a bit rejected. She’d actually never been that bold with a man before. The dress and the way that Justin treated her had made her feel like she was sexy, an enchantress, and now she was realizing she was still just Selena.

“I think we should head back to the hotel. I need to freshen up before heading to dinner. I will meet you there.”

She turned to walk away needing to get back to her room. She needed to find someplace private to sit down and regroup. “No.”

She glanced over her shoulder at him.


“That’s what I said. I am not letting you run away,” he said, taking her hand in his. “What’s going on with


She shook her head and swallowed hard. “I’m sorry. You are making me a little … crazy.”

“That’s good. That’s what I was going for … trying to distract you,” he admitted.

“Well, you did a good job tonight. But that won’t affect me in the boardroom when we are meeting with your group and the community leaders.”

“I didn’t think it would. To be honest I’m trying to even the scales. You have me thinking about your curvy body and kissing you instead of business and I wanted you to think of me.”

“Does that mean you don’t really want a vacation fling with me?”

“Hell, no. I want you more than I want my next breath. But I want you to want it for the right reasons—not because you think it will help you in the boardroom. I do believe we can keep this attraction between us private and explore it.”

She thought about what he was saying. She wanted him and she wasn’t going to deny it. “I’m not—Miami is more than just my home. It’s the place that shaped me into the woman I am today and coming back here is stirring up all kinds of things in me I didn’t expect.”

“Like what?” he asked.

Justin was dangerous, she thought. He made her feel so comfortable and safe that she would tell him almost anything. “This dress for one thing. I bought this for


“I like it.”

“That was my intention, but at home … in Manhattan I’d never wear this.”

“Good,” he said, leading them back toward the hotel. “Be yourself with me, Selena. I want to see that woman you keep tucked away from the rest of the world. I don’t want to be like every other guy to you.”

“There is no way you could be. My family told me you’re the devil.”

He laughed. It was a strong masculine sound and it made her smile. “I haven’t been called the devil before.”

“To your face,” she said.

“Touché,” he said as they reached the hotel and stepped into the air-conditioned lobby.

Chills spread down her arms and she shivered just a bit. “Are we okay now?” he asked.

“I think so,” she said. “I will meet you—”

“Get whatever you need. I want to take you to Luna



“I want to show you my family,” he said.

“After,” she said. “I need some time to myself before we go to dinner at my grandparents.”

“Really? I was hoping you’d go with me. I don’t want to walk in there by myself.”

“Since when does the devil show fear?” she asked.

“I have no idea, since I’m not the devil,” he said.

“What are you?” she asked.

“Just a man who likes a pretty girl and doesn’t want to screw up again.”

Selena watched him walk away, wondering if she’d underestimated him and if that would be at her own peril.

Justin sat quietly in his car parked on the street in front of the Gonzalez home. Selena had withdrawn into herself and there had been no drawing her out. He had a feeling that Selena’s attitude was the least of his problems as he got out and walked up the driveway to the house.

There was music coming from the backyard and the delicious smells of charcoal and roasting meat wafted around him. This was a cozy neighborhood, the kind of place where he could buy two or three houses and not feel the sting in his checkbook, but a place where he’d never fit in.

Was this what Selena had been talking about when she said Luna Azul didn’t belong in Little Havana? “Amigo, you coming?”

The guy who walked by him was in his early twenties with close-cut dark hair and warm olive-colored skin. He wasn’t as tall as Justin and his face was friendly.

“I am indeed,” Justin said. He had a six-pack of Land-shark beer in one hand and some flowers for Selena’s grandmother.

“How do you know Tomas?” the young man asked.

“We’re in business together.” Justin wasn’t about to pretend he had any other reason to be here. In fact, in light of his drinks with Selena he thought wooing her was going about as smoothly as the entire buying-the-marketplace deal. What was it with the Gonzalez family? Was it impossible to find a common path with them?

“Truly? My abuelito usually doesn’t do business with … wait a minute, are you Justin Stern?”

“That’s me,” he said. Great, nice to know that he already had a reputation here and he hadn’t even arrived yet.

“Oh, ho, you have some guts showing up here,” the kid said.

“I was invited, and I’m not a bad guy,” Justin told him. “I am trying to find a way to make that market viable, not to run your grandparents out.”

The kid tipped his head to the side, studying him. “I’m watching you.”

“I’m glad. Family should look out for one another. And I’m not going to take advantage of your grandparents or your family. My main concern is making money from the property we bought.”

“Is money all you care about?”

Justin shook his head. He saw Selena walking up toward the house from where they stood in the shade of a large palm tree. She’d changed from the sexy dress she had worn earlier into a pair of khaki walking shorts and a sleeveless wraparound top. She was enchanting, he thought.

He forgot about how unwelcome this guy was making him feel and focused on Selena.

“Leave him alone, Enrique. He’s not a bad guy,” Selena said as she came up to them.

“He told me the same thing,” Enrique said. “Are you sure about him?”

Selena shrugged. “Not one hundred percent but I’m getting there.”

“If we do business with your family,” Enrique said, turning to Justin, “I want to talk to you about deejaying at Luna Azul. Why do you only hire New York and LA deejays?”

Justin had very little to do with the everyday running of the nightclub he owned with his brothers. “I don’t have an answer for that but I can find out. If you send me a demo tape—”

“I don’t think Enrique wants to work for you,” Selena said.

“I’ll make my own decisions, tata,” Enrique said. He reached around Justin and hugged her. She hugged him back.

“Enrique is my little brother,” she said.

“I’m taller than you now, sis. I think that makes me your ‘big’ little brother,” Enrique said with a grin that was familiar to Justin. He’d seen it on Selena’s face a few times.

“You’ll always be my baby brother,” she said, looping her arm through Enrique’s and Justin was relegated to following the two siblings up the walk to the house.

Justin had the feeling he’d always be an outsider. Too bad his little brother wasn’t here tonight. This was exactly the type of party that Nate was better at than he was.

But he was here to achieve two things: first, to have Tomas lift the injunction against Luna Azul and second, to get Selena to be that warm, seductive woman she’d been on the beach again.

He’d pulled back for her sake, had instinctively known that she wasn’t the kind of woman who could start an affair, even a short-term one, with a man she barely knew.

But tonight he’d change all of that. He slipped his arm through Selena’s free one and she hesitated and lost her footing, glancing up at him.

“What are you doing?”

“Just making sure everyone knows who invited me to the party.”

Enrique laughed. “No one’s going to doubt that, bro. This is Selena’s welcome-home party. Did you know she hasn’t been back here since my tenth birthday?”

Why not? “No, I didn’t know that. I’m honored to have been invited to this party then.”

“Don’t forget that,” Enrique said. He dropped Selena’s arm to open the front door of the house. The air-conditioned coolness rushed out and the sounds of the party filled the lanai.

“Enrique’s in the house,” Enrique yelled and there was a round of applause.

Selena took a deep breath. “I am not sure this was my best idea.”

“I am. I want to get to know your family.”

She paused there on the step so that they were almost eye level. “Why? So you can use it to your advantage?”

“No, so I can start to understand you.”

He put his hand on the small of her back and directed her into the living room. Everyone surrounded her and welcomed her home. But standing to the side, Justin realized that Selena hesitated to be a part of them. She held a part of herself back and he wanted to know why.

Selena was amazed to see Justin actually fitting in with her family. He was standing by the grill talking to the men about baseball of all things. But then she guessed he would know a little bit about the sport thanks to his brother, the former ball player.

“What’s the matter, tata? Aren’t you enjoying your party?”

Her grandmother sat down beside her and put her arm around Selena’s shoulders. For just a minute she felt like she was twelve again and a hug from this woman could solve all of her problems. She put her head on her grandmother’s shoulder and just sat there enjoying the scent of gardenia perfume and how safe she felt at this moment.

“No, I’m not. I feel like everyone is watching me,” Selena said.

“They are. We have missed you so much since you


“I don’t want everyone to remember what happened. I’m sorry, abuelita. Did I ever tell you how sorry I


Her grandmother tucked a strand of Selena’s hair behind her ear and kissed her lightly on the cheek. “You did. Stop living in the past, that’s all done and we are better for it.”

“Better? If it wasn’t for me you wouldn’t be in this position with Justin Stern.”

“And you wouldn’t have met him. I’ve noticed you watching Mr. Stern.”

Selena blushed. “Given my track record with men, that should alarm you, abuelita, not make you smile.”

Her grandmother laughed. “The heart doesn’t care about the same things as the brain. My own sister Dona was in love with a gringo and our papa forbid her from seeing him and do you know what she did?”

“She ran away and married him and they lived happily ever after. Even reconciling with the family eventually,” Selena said. She’d heard this story many times but for the first time she understood what her grandmother had been trying to say to her. “Why would Aunt Dona do that? I mean living away from the family is hard.”

“She wasn’t on her own, tata, not like you in New York. That’s why I think everything has happened for a reason. A man drove you away from your family and this man,” she said, gesturing to Justin, “has brought you back to us regardless of his intention.”

“I’m not sure I’m ready to see Justin as a white knight.”

“He is cute, though.”

“Abuelita, I’m not sure you should be noticing


“Why not? It’s not like I said he has a nice butt,” she added with a wink.

“But he does have one, doesn’t he?” Selena agreed and then blushed, remembering the way the rest of his body had felt pressed to hers.

“He sure does.”

“Abuelita, what would abuelito say if he heard you talking like that?”

“He knows where my heart lies,” she said. “Can I say something to you, tata?

“Of course.”

“You have never known where your heart lies,” she said. “You were always fixated on getting out of here and doing bigger and better things, but I don’t think you understood the true cost.”

There was truth there. Truth that Selena had never wanted to acknowledge before and she knew that it was time to. Maybe it was because she was thirty now and had made enough mistakes in her life to have really experienced the ups and downs in life. “I think you are right.”

“I know I am,” her grandmother said with a laugh. “Are you thirsty? I need another mojito.”

“Did I hear my lady ask for a mojito?” Tomas asked coming over to them.

Her grandmother stood up and kissed her grandfather. “Yes, you did.”

Selena watched them together and felt a pang in her heart. Her own parents had married young and filled their house with love and laughter and a few tears when it took so long for her mother to have a second child. She wanted what those couples had. That was her destiny. Though she loved her job and her apartment in Manhattan.

“Come and dance with your grandfather,” Tomas said, drawing her to her feet.

“Wouldn’t you rather dance with abuelita?

“I will dance with her later. Right now I want to dance with my beautiful granddaughter. I’m so happy you’ve come home, tata.”

Enrique was playing music with a strong Latin beat, mixing the contemporary artists with the old ones her grandfather and his brothers liked. The song playing was a samba and she danced with her grandfather, forgetting all of her troubles and her worries. Laughing with her cousins and aunts and uncles over missteps and bumping hips.

She closed her eyes and for a second allowed herself some self-forgiveness and enjoyed being back in the best home she’d ever found. She enjoyed the smile on her grandfather’s face and the way her little brother looked as he spun the music and watched their family.

Her family.

Her eyes met Justin’s and she felt a pulsing start in the very core of her body and move up and over her. She wanted that man. But she could never have Justin and have her family, too. Because no matter what he might say, his objective was always going to be money and hers had to be the heart of this family and the community they lived in.

She turned away from him. She wished she were the big-city woman she’d thought she was. Someone who could have a short-term affair that was about nothing but sex. But a big part of her wasn’t sure that she could. She was still the sheltered Latina she’d always been. And being back here she felt more that woman than ever before.

She wanted more from Justin Stern than just sex. And he could never give her that.

Seducing His Opposition / Secret Nights at Nine Oaks: Seducing His Opposition

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