Читать книгу The Montoros Dynasty - Джанис Мейнард, Katherine Garbera - Страница 14



By the time dinner rolled around Maria had run the gamut of emotions. She had burned with anger, cried with regret and at last found a certain measure of peace by reminding herself that she was only a small part of a much larger purpose. Her relationship with Alex, or lack thereof, was secondary to the job she had been engaged to do.

Alma, as a nation, faced a critical juncture. At such points in history, personal agendas often took a backseat to working for the greater good. This wasn’t wartime, but in a sense, she and Alex were living in the midst of a volatile shift in national identity.

Reminding herself of what was at stake helped put her own troubles in perspective. Broken hearts were a dime a dozen. She’d get over hers. Besides, it was probably only bruised. She’d had a crush. That was all...

Meeting Bella, Rafe and Gabriel in the hotel lobby was interesting to say the least. Paparazzi were not as ubiquitous in Miami as they were in some parts of the world. But the Montoros were both famous and flamboyant. The public enjoyed their antics...even more so now that gossip had begun to circulate about a possible tie to Alma.

Though Maria found it disconcerting when a camera flash went off in her face, the Montoro trio seemed to take it in stride. They had planned to walk the block and a half to their favorite seafood place. When it became clear to the guy carrying the camera that nothing too dramatic was afoot, he slunk away without further incident.

The restaurant overlooked the water and was crowded even at this early hour. Reservations required. When the Montoro party was granted a premium table near the window, Maria began to see that this branch of modern royalty was comfortable with the trappings of wealth and privilege. They might have to adapt to a new country and new titles, but theirs was no rags-to-riches story.

Over a meal that was exquisite in every way, her dinner companions grilled her about Alma and its current state.

She grimaced as she dabbed her lips with a linen napkin. “Where do I start? You’ll be happy to know that the government has made technology a priority, both for education and in the private sector. Certain books and movies were banned under the old regime, but now information and entertainment flow freely.”

Bella wanted to know about the palace. “Is it habitable?”

“Oh, yes. Tantaberra, and later his son and grandson, made themselves very comfortable over the years. Even during the revolt, little was damaged. Efforts are already underway to update the furnishings and to clean and remodel. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised when you see it.”

Rafe frowned. “If, not when.”

She felt her face heat. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to get ahead of myself.”

Gabriel appeared far more serious than she had seen him on other occasions. “Are the people really in favor of this move, or is it the brainchild of a favored few?”

“The press has done good job of advancing the idea. In a recent poll, seventy-two percent favored a return of the traditional monarchy.”

Bella grimaced. “And what about the other twenty-eight percent?”

“Some of those are young people who are suspicious of anything that reeks of being told what to do and how to act. They want assurances of freedom and personal choice. Once they see that Alma functions well with the constitutional monarchy, I think the poll numbers will be even higher.”

Rafe was still the quietest of the three. She couldn’t quite tell if it was because of the situation or because his personality was more measured than his younger siblings. He lifted a shoulder, as if to say he was taking a fatalistic view. “In the end, what difference will it make if I say yes or say no?”

Maria started to respond with the official line but then pulled back and spoke from the heart. “I grew up in London. My mother and I had nothing. Every day was a struggle for her. But she adored the royal family. It was as if they represented something special about England that was a part of her, as well, though she was never likely to meet a royal or see one in person. I watched her swell with pride when good things happened to them and shake her head in grief when tragedies happened.”

“Then why did you move away from England?” Gabriel asked.

“I had been working for Alex’s family for several years when things changed in Alma and the Ramons decided to return to their homeland. My job paid well, far more than my mother was making. And in Alma I would have opportunities for advancement. So together, we made the decision to leave England. I can tell you, though, that she will be one to cheer the loudest if the Montoros return. She understands what the monarchy means to the common people.”

The table fell silent. Maria hadn’t spoken with the intent of making anyone feel sorry for her or her mother. But there could no longer be any doubt that the social chasm between the two Ferro women and the Montoros—or the Ramons, for that matter—was vast.

She couldn’t decide if she had done more harm than good when her companions consumed their desserts in silence. Had she been too frank? Did they think she was too pushy? Should she have let more senior members of the team do the persuading?

At last, she pushed her plate aside, her lemon meringue pie only half-eaten. “One more thing, and then we can abandon this topic.”

Gabriel shook his head. “Why stop now? You’re on a roll.”

“Very funny.” She clasped her hands in her lap, feeling the damp palms that signaled her nervousness. More than anything, she wished Alex were here beside her. For more reasons than one. “Your family is very well-known in Florida, probably across the States, too. But the publicity storm that will be unleashed if you agree to reclaim your positions as royal family will be unprecedented. You think Prince William and Kate and baby George have been photographed continually? That will be nothing compared to your return.”

Bella wrinkled her nose. “Surely you’re exaggerating.”

“I don’t think so. We’re talking about a throne that has been empty for seven decades. And a new king who is handsome and charismatic and single. Your whole family will be in the public eye.”

Gabriel slumped back in his chair. “Oh, goody.”

Rafe lapsed into silence. Bella excused herself to go to the ladies’ room. Maria fixed Gabriel with a half-apologetic stare. “Part of my job is going to be media spin and public relations. Since you seem to carry the black sheep reputation, I have to ask...are there are any situations we will need to know about?”

His chuckle was dry. “To the best of my knowledge, I have no secret offspring hidden about the state. And no outstanding warrants. The worst of my sins are more gray than black. Wouldn’t you agree, Rafe?”

His older brother grinned widely, for once looking almost carefree. “Far be it from me to weigh in on your confessional. But I promise, Maria, Gabriel won’t embarrass us. He’s too smooth and charming. If critics pop up, he’ll simply woo them or schmooze them. They’ll never know what hit them.”

Rafe’s assurances removed most of her concerns. Maybe Gabriel wasn’t quite the loose cannon she had expected. Which was a good thing for everyone involved.

When Bella returned to the table, the group rose to leave. Bella and Rafael were headed out to a party. Gabriel offered to walk Maria back to her hotel. Along the way, she was startled when he opened up to her in a very serious voice. “I’m worried about my brother,” he said, his voice flat. “I don’t want him to give up his life.”

“Has he said much to you?”

“Not really. But I found out today that he and my father have known about this monarchy thing for at least a couple of months.”

“And you didn’t?”

“No. Apparently the prime minister of Alma contacted our father and told him what was brewing...along with pointing out that Dad was not going to be king.”

“That must have been an uncomfortable conversation.”

“Indeed. Anyway, Rafael was sworn to secrecy until the delegation arrived. But it explains a lot.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, a few weeks ago, Rafe took off to Key West for an unexpected trip. I offered to go with him...we often fish and snorkel there together. But he told me no...that he needed some time alone to clear his head. At the moment, I had no idea what he was talking about.”

“But now you do.”

Gabriel paused in front of Maria’s hotel. “Yes. Now I do.”

She touched his arm. “You’ll be a big help to him. Whichever way the decision goes. I can tell he thinks a lot of you.”

“I appreciate the pep talk, Maria. It’s no wonder Alex is madly in love with you.”

“Excuse me?” She took a step backward in shock.

“Oh, come on. Surely you’ve noticed. Every time I get close to you, he practically bares his teeth at me.”

Her head pounded and her chest tightened with anxiety. “You’re mistaken. We’re colleagues. That’s all.”

“Trust me on this one. I’m a guy. I know how guys think.”

“He accused me of trying to cozy up to you so I could be a princess.”

Gabriel laughed out loud. “And do you want to be a princess?”

“Not particularly,” she said, truthful but wry.

He gave her an oddly sweet smile. “I think you and I will turn out to be good friends by the time this is all over. And I could use a friend right about now.”

“You have a reputation for being a party lover. I find it hard to believe you don’t have a confidante on every street corner.”

“Plenty of women in my life. I’ll admit to that. But they all want something. You’re an open book, Maria. I like you a lot, even if we aren’t romantically inclined.”

“And Alex?”

He grimaced. “I don’t have the same warm, fuzzy feelings about your boss. My family will tell you that I get a kick out of stirring up trouble. I could help you make him jealous.”

“No, thank you.” Imagining Alex’s glacial expression if he thought Maria was encouraging Gabriel’s interest made her cringe. “Besides, I told him there was nothing between us but friendship.”

“And did he believe you?”

“I don’t know what he believes,” she said, realizing that this was a highly inappropriate conversation to be having with a member of Alma’s prospective royal family. “I should go now,” she said quietly.

“I’ve embarrassed you. I’m sorry.”

“No. I’m fine. But I shouldn’t overstep my bounds. You and your family are very important to the future of Alma. I don’t want you to think I take that lightly.”

“No one thinks that, Maria. Believe it or not, none of us gives a damn about Alma’s class hierarchy.”

“You may not, but others do. I appreciate your taking the time tonight to let me talk to you. Please reiterate my thanks to your brother and sister.”

“So formal. So serious.”

She knew he was teasing her, but she was suddenly desperate to regain some sense of formality between them...as if Alex could see the fact that she and Gabriel were comfortable with each other. “Good night, Gabriel,” she said.

He watched her walk up the steps. “It will all work out, Maria. Things always do.”

“I hope you’re right.”

* * *

Alex paced the confines of his hotel room, feeling the walls close in around him. It had been eight hours, give or take, since he last saw Maria. If she had her way, the two of them wouldn’t meet again until Monday morning when they were surrounded by the Alma delegation.

He had handled things with her poorly from the beginning...probably, because for once in his life, he didn’t have a clear idea of how to proceed. Not in regard to the proposal and the Montoros. That path was well defined. It was his personal life that seemed out of control. Hell, up until the past few weeks, he hadn’t even allowed himself to imagine a personal life that included any woman on a permanent basis.

But with Maria at his side and under his nose day in and day out, it was becoming increasingly difficult to convince himself that he was a patriot first and a man second.

He glanced at his watch. It was late, but not too late. He wasn’t going to be able to sleep unless he saw her. That in itself was disturbing. They had known each other for a long time now. Had worked together in a number of settings. When had things started to change? When had he begun to notice the way her smile hit him in the gut? Or been stricken with the need to touch her? To make her laugh?

Grabbing up his key and his phone, he strode across the room. But when he jerked open the door in preparation for leaving, Maria stood in the hallway, her hand raised to knock.

Her arm dropped, and her eyes widened. “Alex.”

He pulled up short, his adrenaline-fueled momentum stymied by the fact that she had come to him. “Maria.”

To an outsider, the tableau would have seemed comical. Maria recovered first, already backing away. “You were going out,” she said. “I can talk to you later.”

He grabbed her arm and dragged her inside, closing the door firmly. “No. We’ll talk now.”


He put a hand over her mouth. “I was coming to find you,” he said gruffly.

Maria freed herself from his loose hold and moved to stand beside the window. “If you’re going to yell at me again, I’d just as soon pass.”

He shook his head. “I didn’t yell.”

“What would you call it?”

“Mutual aggravation?”

That coaxed a smile from her. “Fair enough.”

“Why did you come to find me?” he asked.

“I wanted to let you know how the dinner went.”

His chest tightened with disappointment. So much for the personal agenda. “Okay. Let’s hear it.”

“May I have a seat?”

“Of course.”

They moved to the nearby grouping of sofas and chairs. The room was extremely large. Though Alex hadn’t asked for it, he presumed that his position as head of the delegation had warranted the generous quarters.

Maria was dressed casually in a soft multicolored skirt that touched her knees and a thin, sleeveless top of ivory silk. The barely there sandals she wore showcased pink toenails.

Although she sat on the love seat, he was too antsy to join her at the moment. He ran a hand through his hair. “So tell me. How did it go?”

She shrugged, her expression pensive. “It’s hard to say. They asked a million questions. Good questions. Rafe, as always, was reserved.”

“Do they seem at all receptive to the proposal?”

“They’re guarding their options. We have to remember that they haven’t even seen a copy of it yet.”

“True. If the rough draft gets an okay next week, the plan was to go ahead and let the Montoros take a look.”

“Does that mean they get a chance to approve or disapprove?”

“I don’t think the delegation will like that idea. Unless we have a solid commitment first.”

“In other words, two stubborn entities in a standoff.”

“No one wants to lose face or operate from a position of weakness.”

“I think the key to winning them over is going to be the personal touch. If they trust you and the delegation, they’re going to be much more likely to agree to our proposal.”

“Well, they trust you. That’s a start.”

She crossed her arms and thrust out her chin. “There you go again. Flinging insults.”

He held out his hands. “I certainly did not. It was a compliment.”

Her expression was skeptical. “Didn’t sound like one.”

Judging himself sufficiently in control of his emotions to get closer, he sat down beside her and touched her arm. “I’m glad they feel comfortable talking to you. Really I am. You’re an incredible asset to the team.”

She stared at him, vulnerability in the depths of her gaze. At times he forgot about her humble beginnings and that her maturity belied her years. “I’m serious,” he said softly. “I admire you, Maria. You’re smart and quick-thinking and you have a better grasp of human emotions than I do. Thank you for meeting with Rafe and Bella and Gabriel tonight.”

“You’re welcome,” she said, her words barely audible.

She no longer met his gaze, so he had to lift her chin with his finger. “I don’t like it when we fight,” he muttered.

Maria didn’t reply, but her hand came up to cover his. He thought she meant to push him away, but instead, she twined her fingers with his. “I don’t like it, either.”

Ten seconds passed. Or maybe a hundred. Awareness quivered in the air. He could hear the thump of his own heartbeat in his ears. Maria’s cheeks flushed, her eyes starry with something he dared not put a name to. Later, he couldn’t remember which of them moved first.

Their lips met softly...tentatively. He slid a hand beneath her hair to cup the back of her neck. The top of her spine was fragile, the curve of her nape feminine. “I want you,” he said. He had an advanced degree in diplomacy and a reputation as a persuasive leader. But in that moment he felt as awkward as a high school kid on his first date.

Maria leaned into him, her posture both eager and trusting. He should try to be worthy of that trust, but if such a thing meant sending her away, then he was doomed.

She put a hand against his cheek, stroking the stubble that appeared if he didn’t shave twice a day. Her gaze clashed with his, her eyes deep enough to drown in. “I want you, too, Alex. But without regrets. If this time in Miami is all we have, let it be enough.”

The Montoros Dynasty

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