Читать книгу His Sweet Revenge: Wedding Vow of Revenge / His Ultimate Prize / Bound by a Child - Люси Монро, Katherine Garbera, Люси Монро - Страница 15



TARA was as nervous as a virgin when Angelo carried her into their honeymoon suite, his midnight gaze burning hotter than any blue flame. The sexual energy emanating off him had been growing all night until she fairly sizzled from the impact.

Despite the elegance of their surroundings, she felt like she was about to be devoured by a mountain lion. A very hungry, powerful lion with sharp teeth and claws that could tear through the barriers she had erected around her emotions.

That shouldn’t frighten her.

She’d married him, after all.

But it did.

He stopped on the other side of the threshold, kicked the door shut and then looked down at her, predatory intent and primitive satisfaction exuding from his every pore. “You are mine now, Mrs. Gordon.”

“Am I?”

“Yes.” Then he kissed her.

It was hot; it was carnal; it was a statement of intent to possess.

His hot mouth molded hers, letting her taste the essence of this man she’d married. Could determination have a flavor? Strength? Desire? Intelligence? Masculine dominance? She could taste all of that and the spiciness of his need in his kiss. They’d never shared a kiss like this and yet her soul responded to it on a level of recognition she could not begin to dismiss.

Swirling sensation spiraled to the core of her and then outward in radiating waves of delight until it was all she could do not to cry out.

He carried her to the bed and stood her on her feet at the end of it and then gave her a once-over that left her trembling. “You are incredibly beautiful, my wife.”

“Thank you. You clean up nice in a tux yourself.”

His smile slashed through her with heat, leaving her stomach quivering in a way she’d only ever experienced with him.

He reached around her, enveloping her in his warmth and teasing her with his nearness. He started tugging her zipper down. His fingertips played along her spine as each new inch of flesh was revealed.

“Angelo?” Was that hesitant, high-pitched voice hers?


“Other than the other night, it’s been two years and then we didn’t…you know.”

“Make love?”


“You are telling me it has been a long time for you.”


“I’m glad.”

“Um…that’s nice, but I wanted…”

How did she tell her new husband—a man who had married her for the sole purpose of bedding her, or close to it anyway—that she needed him to go slowly? It was so obvious that was not what he wanted to hear at that very moment.

“What did you want, cara, this?” He leaned down and kissed her shoulder, nibbling at the sensitive area above her collarbone, before lifting his head. “Or this?” His mouth closed over hers again while his hands slipped down inside her dress and cupped her backside with sensual mastery.

He caressed and squeezed her, his fingers dipping dangerously close to the warm, humid spot between her thighs. Memories surged through her from their time at the beach. Jolts of pleasure zinged through her sweetest spot and her entire woman’s flesh. He teased her with his touch, making her want more, making her arch her spine, pushing her bottom back, trying to increase the depth of his penetration between her thighs.

But his hand moved with her, stopping her from achieving the intimate caressing she craved. She moaned against his lips and tried a new tactic, widening her stance so she was open completely to him. He rewarded her with a risqué massage on the highly sensitive flesh of her inner thighs and outer perimeter of her delta.

She groaned at the throbbing pleasure that grew with every tiny caress.

Maybe slow wasn’t what she wanted after all. She broke her mouth away, letting her head fall back in abandon. “Angelo, please…touch me.”

“I am touching you.” His voice was laced with masculine amusement and dark gratification.

He liked driving her crazy. He started kissing her again, but this time, he touched everywhere, but her mouth with his talented lips.

How could she have wanted slow? She was ready to expire and she still had her panties on.

It took him forever to get her dress off, every bit of new flesh revealed had to be kissed, tasted and nibbled until the silky white fabric lay in a puddle around her feet and she stood shivering violently from her need. She wanted to be more active in their lovemaking, but she couldn’t make her body cooperate. She was too shaken by the feelings roiling through her with the surging power of an electric blast.

“Angelo, I want you.”

“Remember what I told you the other night?”

It was all she could do to remember her own name. She frantically tried to think of what he’d said the night they’d made each other climax.

“You want me to ask?”


With another man, asking would have made her feel like she was begging, but she remembered what else he’d said. “You’ll give me whatever I ask for?”

“Yes.” The sexual promise in his voice was almost her undoing.

This game made her feel like he was ceding his control to her and when making love with a man like him, that was heady stuff.

“I want you to take your clothes off.”

He towered over her, his expression dangerously elemental. “You want to see me naked?”

“Oh, yes.”

“Then undress me.”

She swayed on her feet. “Is that a dare?”

“A request.”

One she couldn’t and didn’t want to deny.

She started with his tie, undoing the bow and pulling it gently from his neck. She flipped it on the bed, an idea for later forming in her mind.

Then she went to the studs on his shirt, carefully slipping each one from their hole before leaning over to set it on the dresser not far away. The entire time, she pressed into his lower body, swaying side to side every so often to caress the hard ridge against her. By the time she had the whole shirt undone, he was making animal sounds and a white ring of stress had formed around his lips.

“You have formidable self-control.’

“And you are a born seductress.”

She laughed, the sound throaty and sensual. “Perhaps…just for you.”

She peeled his shirt off, revealing bronzed skin over sculpted muscle that took her breath away.

“Do you work out?”


“Martial arts?”


“I wouldn’t have guessed that of you.” He was such the quintessential businessman, but then it fit with the aura of dangerous male animal that always seemed to be hovering under the surface.

She never wanted to be this man’s enemy, but she had no fear of totally infuriating him as his lover—more proof of her innate trust of him on a very basic level.

“We have a lifetime to learn one another’s secrets.”

“True.” Her hand dropped to his trousers. “But even though this is one I’ve seen once before, I would very much like to explore it again.”

“Go for it.”

She laughed at the tension vibrating in each of the three short words. “I plan to and this time I want to feel it inside of me.”

“Good, because that’s exactly what is going to happen.” The potent promise in his voice sent warm moisture flooding through the core of her.

He’d ceded control, but not power. How much control would he let her have tonight?

He started to help her with his trousers, but she pushed his hands away. “I want to do it all.” She peeked up at him, her breathing coming in ragged gasps that matched his. “Okay?”

“Whatever you like.”



She leaned over and took the tie off the bed. “Will you let me tie your hands?”

It was a fantasy she’d had for a long time.

Angelo had gone completely still. “You want to tie me?”



“I want to know you trust me.”

“And your trust?”

“If I didn’t trust you, I would not have agreed to marry you.”

His Sweet Revenge: Wedding Vow of Revenge / His Ultimate Prize / Bound by a Child

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