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I was running down by the river, the night my world changed forever. I entered a small clearing, and there were two figures there waiting for me. They were tall, around the same height as Sera. Unlike my friends, their legs ended in cloven hooves, and they had forked tails. Their skin was a brighter red, and their talons were jagged and dirty. Their horns were massive, and curled like a ram’s. I pulled up short, my heart pounding.

“Uh, hi.” I said nervously. “Did Lucifer send you?”

They laughed, a grating, awful sound. “We were sent by Satan. We will destroy you in His name.” I was confused, but didn’t hang around for clarification. I rabbited off into the bush, running for my life and praying hard for my friends. I couldn’t form words in my mind, but I focussed hard on imagining them appearing, and chanted their names over and over. They didn’t appear. The demons behind me laughed, and as I leapt over a fallen log, one of them grabbed my pony tail and savagely yanked me back.

I screamed in pain, and scrambled for the knife hidden in the small of my back. I managed to grab it as I scrambled to my feet. A demon swung at me, and it glanced off my cheek as I dodged. Pain bloomed in my face, and I felt blood start to roll down my face. I swung wildly with the knife, forgetting most of what Sera had taught me. I screamed for Seth. He had never let me down before.

A demon grabbed me from behind and twisted my arm until I dropped the knife. The second one sliced my shirt with its talons, and traced patterns on my stomach. I squealed as he pressed harder, slicing into my skin. They laughed, an ugly, cruel sound, and I decided that once I died and entered Hell I was going to find a way to tear these fuckers apart. They were enjoying playing with me, enjoying my pain and fear. The demon sliced another line into my abdomen, and I decided I was going to go down fighting tooth and nail. I yanked my arms, but the demon behind me just tightened his grip. I felt his talons cut into me. He pulled me backwards, to punish me I guess. I heard my shoulder pop before it exploded with pain. I squealed and saw stars.

And Seth. He was almost naked, barefoot, bare- chested, and only wearing boxers. His hair was in disarray. I decided he must actually be there, because I didn’t think I could have imagined him looking like that. He took in the situation, and a cold hard rage covered his face. He spotted my knife on the ground and swooped it up, running as he bent, and leapt onto the back of the demon facing me. He yanked the knife across its throat and snarled. Hot, red blood spurted over me, and I smiled in relief.

The demon holding me picked me up and threw me to the side. I tried to tuck and roll like Seth had shown me, but my arm wouldn’t do what I asked and I landed awkwardly on the ground. Seth had gracefully leapt over the corpse of the first demon as it fell, and was now crouched low, weaving side to side like a snake, grinning ferally at the second demon. It roared, and charged him.

Seth danced. He wasn’t fighting to kill, he was fighting to punish. Soon, the demon was covered in blood- its own, this time- and Seth’s lean body had bright crimson splash-back patterns all over it. It was almost beautiful, in a barbaric way, the way the two shades of red complemented each other. Eventually, Seth had had enough, or he remembered I was there, and he opened the demons’ gut, allowing its entrails to spill out. I thought that it was curious that they had entrails, given they didn’t need to eat. Seth grabbed a hand of each of the demons, the dead one and the almost dead one, and disappeared.

“The fuck?!” I said it aloud to no one. I couldn’t believe he’d just left me there. I struggled to my feet, and leaned against a nearby tree while I waited for my head to stop spinning.

“What are you doing?” Seth sounded exasperated.

“Well, you left. I have to get home somehow.” I retorted, glaring at him.

He sighed. “I had to get rid of them, dear one. I left them for Satan to find.” A vicious grin briefly flitted across his face.

“We’re calling him Satan now? I thought he preferred Lucifer?”

Seth clapped a hand over his mouth. “Oops. No, we’re not talking about that. That is Lucifer’s territory. Come on, let’s get you patched up.” He approached me with his hands held out.

I straightened from my tree, and took his hands. He watched me carefully, and we were standing outside of a small cabin, nestled in thick bushland. Slowly he let my hands go, making sure I could stand by myself, and opened the door. He gestured for me to enter. I took a step and stumbled. He caught me with an arm around my waist, and guided me inside, seating me on a chair. His overly warm skin was comforting. He glanced down at his blood covered form, and winced. “Give me two seconds, dear one.”

He disappeared briefly, and when he returned, he was clean and soaking wet. He smiled gently, and strode over to a cupboard, sluicing water off of himself with his hands. He pulled bandages, tape, and gauze out, and tossed them onto the table next to me. He found a large bowl, and started to fill it.

“Ah, Seth?” I questioned.


“Can we maybe do something about my shoulder sooner rather than later? It’s bothering me more than the blood.” I was trying to be nonchalant, but the pain was clouding my mind.

Ha glanced at me sharply. “Take your shirt off and let me see.”

I frowned at him. He rolled his eyes, and said gruffly, “You’ve got a bra on. I’ve seen you wear more revealing bathers.”

I blushed, and tried to get my ruined shirt off, but I couldn’t manage. I gasped in pain. He gently sliced the shirt to ribbons, getting it off without my having to move at all. “Thanks.” I said awkwardly. He smiled absentmindedly, and studied my shoulder, before carefully and gently trying to move the joint. I screamed. Again. He frowned and shook his head, then closed his eyes for a moment. He looked kind of mad when he opened them again.

“I just tried to call the others. We’ll give them a moment, but if they don’t show up, we’ll have to fix it ourselves.” He fetched me a glass of water, and I sipped at it perfunctorily.

After a couple of minutes, Seth shook his head in annoyance, and said, “I guess it’s just us. Lay on the ground, on your back.” Gingerly, I did as instructed. “Ok, it’s dislocated. We’re going to have to pop it back in.” His tone was business like.

“Shouldn’t I go to a hospital?!” I exclaimed, looking at him worriedly.

Seriously, he stared back at me. “I can take you to a hospital if you want. But then your mum will find out how badly you’re hurt. Or I can patch you up, and you can tell her you tripped in the bush but it was no big deal, just a few scrapes and bruises. As long as you keep your shirt on around her until you’re healed.”

“Can you, though? I mean, do you know about… this?” I was worried.

He smiled bitterly, looked away for a moment, then met my eyes again. “I’m even better at human anatomy than I am at human nature. And for once I’m not being sleazy. Too sleazy, anyway.” He smirked at me, trying to lighten the mood maybe.

I sat up and shoved his chest with my good arm. “Read the room, arsehole!” I yelled. “I’m laying here half naked and torn to pieces, and you’re there even more naked with soaking wet boxers on… Fuck you!”

He laughed at me. I tried to kill him. It wasn’t a very forceful attempt, with only one good arm, but I tried.

“Come on, you’re just going to hurt yourself.” Seth said indulgently, easily brushing me aside. I snarled at him. “Look, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that. Let me help you. Lie down.”

I complied, glaring at him.

“Ok.” His tone was business-like, clinical. “We usually do this with two of us, so we’ll have to make do since my useless siblings are nowhere to be found. I’m going to hold your torso down with my knees, put one hand on your shoulder to stabilise the joint, take your arm with my other hand, and put it back into place. It will hurt. A lot. Do you want me to do that, or should we go to a hospital and work out a story for your mother?”

I took a deep breath. “Do it.” I closed my eyes.

I felt him straddle me, holding my ribs gently but firmly between his knees. He put one hand on my shoulder, near my collarbone, and took my arm in his other hand. “Try to relax, dear one.” He said gently. I snorted. He took a deep breath, and pulled my arm out, rotating it until the joint popped back into place with a thunk. He was right. It did hurt. A lot.

“Motherfucker!” I screamed.

Seth got off me, and helped me back onto the chair. “It should be feeling better already.” He said cautiously.

“Ah, yeah, actually. It does. Thank you.”

“Now for the rest.” He took the bowl of water, and gently and efficiently cleaned the blood off me. He closed my wounds with steri-strips, mentioning they weren’t deep enough for stitches. Yay, I guess. Finally he taped my shoulder, giving it support while it healed. “There.” He said, satisfied with his handiwork. “Pray to me after you’ve had a shower tomorrow night, I’ll change all this for you.”

I took a deep breath. “Will you come?”

“Of course!” He exclaimed, taking my hand.

I looked into his cobalt eyes, tears pricking mine. “Where were you today? Where were the others? Where are the others?” Hot tears started to fall.

His face fell. “They… they must still be doing some diplomatic thing. They’ve got prayers on… mute, I guess is the best way to explain to it.” He shifted uncomfortably.

“What about you? Where were you? What took you so long?” Tears were streaming down my face.

He looked embarrassed, and said quietly, “I was with a pet.” He refused to meet my eyes.

I frowned, and took in the way he was dressed- undressed, really- and how dishevelled he had looked when he first appeared. “Wow.” I said flatly. “You were fucking some bitch.”

“Katie…” His eyes were pleading.

“Does she know about you? Or were you wearing your glamour? Did you make her do… whatever?” I gestured to him, and he hunched over, as if my words were knives.

“Yes, he knows about me. No, I never forced him. He thinks he’s in love with me, but it’s just hero worship, like all the other pets.” He refused to meet my eyes. “It’s… It’s a relief from what I have to do, every day. A distraction.” He finally looked at me, his eyes pleading for me to understand. I’d never seen him look vulnerable before.

“Did you hear me?” My breath caught in my throat.


“Did you hear me? When I first started praying for you?”

He closed his eyes. “Yes.” He admitted softly.

I sobbed, before choking out, “You ignored me, because you were getting your dick sucked, and I almost died. I would have died if they didn’t want to torture me first.”

He squeezed his eyes shut, and a tear tracked down his cheek. “Wait here.” And disappeared.

“Where the fuck would I go?!” I screamed into the empty room. I noticed a simple bed in the corner of the single room, and curled up on it, sobs wracking my body as I hugged myself. “You fuckers!” I screamed. “You fuckers.” I sobbed quietly to myself.

I felt the bed move, as someone sat on the edge. My eyes flew open, and I scrambled back. “Katie, dear one...” It was Sebastian. He gathered me into his arms. I stiffened for a moment, then relaxed into his embrace, sobbing harder. He gently laid me down, and pulled me close to his warmth, stroking my hair. “Rest, dear one.” He murmured gently. Despite myself, I fell asleep.

When I awoke a short time later, the small cabin was filled with my friends, and I was still cradled in Sebastian’s arms. I sat up groggily, and rubbed my eyes. I gazed around at my friends, who looked back at me gravely. I spotted Lucifer, and slowly got to my feet and stalked over to him. He watched me curiously. I punched him in the face, with all of the strength I could muster.

“What the fuck, dude?” I screamed at him. I was vaguely aware that Sera was holding me back. Lucifer rubbed his face thoughtfully, and I was pleased to see that his lip was bleeding slightly.

“What do you mean?” He asked in a neutral tone.

“You sent them!”

He tilted his head, and looked at me with an unreadable expression. “What makes you think that?”

“They told me! They told me they were sent by Satan to destroy me in his name!”

Lucifer sighed heavily, and met my eyes. His looked sad. “I can explain all of this. But if I do…” He shrugged. “Humans aren’t supposed to know this. You can never go back to a normal life.”

I snorted. “That ship has sailed, buddy. I’m standing here in some random cabin with the King of Hell, after being hunted by demons. Explain this to me. Make it really fucking good.”

Lucifer sat, and indicated another chair. I sat too, watching him carefully. He rubbed his face, leaned back and asked, “Do you think I’m a demon?”

Taken by surprise, I replied, “Well, yeah. You are the King of Hell.”

He smiled playfully, and asked, “Why do you think my skin is different to these guys? And I have no talons?”

I shifted uncomfortably. “I dunno, I didn’t want to be racist and ask.” Everyone chuckled. I pouted.

“So you think I’m the Demon Lord of Hell, Lucifer, Satan, Beezlebub, Mephistopheles?”

“Well, yeah.”

“Satan is an entirely different being to me. I am not a demon. I am an angel. An archangel, actually. A trueborn Son of God. Fallen from Grace.” He said the last part with a slightly bitter tone.

My head reeled. “Oh.” I squeaked, and considered his statement. “So, what, you had a tiff with daddy dearest, left Heaven and decided to rule Hell instead?”

“Something like that.” He smirked.

“You chose to leave Heaven and torture souls in Hell?”

He shook his head vehemently. “No. It was not my choice, not my decision. Father… Father cast me down, and gave me the same powers and restrictions as a demon, as a punishment for my… disobedience.”

“What did you do?” I was so curious, I was forgetting to be mad.

He gave me a sad, gentle smile. “I argued that humans should be allowed in to Heaven.”

“I don’t follow.” But I think I did, and Lucifer was right. This knowledge was changing everything I ‘knew’ about how the universe worked. Again, I mean. I hadn’t really believed in God and the Devil before I met my friends.

“God… he was utterly indifferent to humanity. It’s like he got bored with it. I noticed that human souls were aware of their existence in the void, and I begged him to allow them in to Heaven. He told me that some of them were evil doers, and that would spoil Heaven. I suggested he allow the good ones in.” Lucifer was gazing over my shoulder, focussed on the past. “He said ok, and that he could give the evildoers to Satan to torture. To keep him occupied, so that he would stop trying to take Heaven.”

“I… God gave souls to Satan to torture, just to distract him?” I was horrified.

Lucifer nodded gently. “Yep.”

“That’s… that’s awful.”

“That’s what I told God.” Lucifer said wryly. “I told him that was evil, that humans had the potential to learn how to be good, but that not all of them could manage that in seventy odd short years. He then proposed a Deal. Truly good souls would go straight to Heaven. Truly evil souls would go to Satan. Those that were somewhere in the middle, learning how to be good, would be the responsibility of a new King in Hell. He would punish them for their wrongs committed in that lifetime, and then send them back to earth for another life, until they learnt goodness and made it in to Heaven.” He sighed and looked to the ceiling. “I thought that sounded great.” He shrugged. “I agreed it was a good idea, and God gave me this cruel smile, and said, ‘best of luck then, Your Majesty. ’ And kicked me out, along with the angels who had supported me. We’re not allowed to let humanity know that God is not what they think he is. He enjoys their adoration, albeit not in quite such a…hands on… way as your friends there do.” His expression was slightly exasperated. I blushed, thinking about what he meant. Seth cleared his throat awkwardly.

I sat for a moment, deep in thought. “So why does Satan want me dead?”

Lucifer’s face hardened. “He resents that I was thrust into power above him in his own realm. We have a… hostile truce, I guess you could call it. But if he sees an opportunity to hurt me… Such as sending some of his Enforcer demons to torture and kill a dear of friend of mine while he ties us all up with pointless diplomatic garbage… He’ll take it.”

“But not Seth?” I glanced at Seth, and he looked away, embarrassed. I didn’t think Seth knew how to be that embarrassed. I thought the guy had no shame. Lucifer laughed one of his rare, musical laughs.

“Not Seth, no. Lucky for you, your best friend is the very definition of a horny devil. He complained so much about missing his date, I told him fine, miss the meeting and go play with your toy. If he hadn’t...” Lucifer took a deep breath, and looked pained for a moment. “If Seth hadn’t been topside, ‘getting his dick sucked’ I believe is how you put it, he would have been in that meeting with the rest of us, and none of would have heard you. At all. We wouldn’t have known until we found you in the intake.” He shuddered.

“Yeah ok calm down. We all know what I was doing, we don’t need to discuss it in detail.” Seth grumbled.

“I didn’t realise you were gay.” I said to him thoughtfully. “The way you speak to me, I thought you were into girls.”

He grinned. “I’m not sexist. I’m an equal opportunity lover.” I rolled my eyes at him. “Why? Were you sad, thinking you weren’t going to get some of this?” He stood, and stretched luxuriously, drawing attention to his still damp, clinging boxers. “You just have to say the word!”

“Put that thing away.” I scolded. “I wasn’t interested in it before, and I’m certainly not going to touch it now that I know exactly how much of a slut you are. Who knows where that thing has been.”

My friends roared with laughter, and Seth joined in after a moment.

“Is that why you keep me around? Honestly?” I asked when they had calmed down.

“What?” Sebastian was confused, and Seth looked at me gravely, but didn’t answer for me. I was suddenly very aware that I had no shirt on, only my bra, and hunched over, crossing my arms across my chest self-consciously.

“To fuck me?” I clarified in a small voice, my face red.

Sera answered. “Oh, for fuck’s sake, Katie. None of us are trying to fuck you.”

“Hey! Speak for yourself!” Seth retorted. Sebastian punched him, almost absentmindedly.

Sera knelt in front of me, and held her hands out for mine. I took them cautiously. “Dear one, we spend time with you because we like you. You are our friend. All we want from you is your company and friendship in return. Even Seth. Although he would take the other thing, if you offered.” She said that last part wryly. I looked at each of my friends in turn. Sera studied me seriously, Sebastian smiled gently, Seth raised one eyebrow at me, and Lucifer… I couldn’t read his expression, but he nodded thoughtfully.

I nodded in return. “Ok, then.”

“We’d best get you home.” Lucifer said gently.

Seth interjected, “No. Not yet. That ah… that thing. My Lord.”

Lucifer sighed. “I don’t want to do that to her, Seth.”

Seth growled. Like a dog. “You promised.” He hissed. Sera, Sebastian and I all looked to Lucifer, waiting for his response. He rubbed his face, and put his head in his hands.

“You have to. Today… that can’t happen again, Lucifer.” Seth was adamant. My heart was pounding. What were they talking about? Was Seth going to get his arse kicked by Lucifer? It flitted briefly across my mind that watching those two fight would be pretty fucking sexy, but I quashed it quickly.

“What are you two talking about?” I tried to demand, but my voice shook.

Seth answered heatedly. “I am trying to get Lucifer to make you a Familiar.”

“I don’t want to make that choice for her.” Lucifer’s tone was starting to get heated too.

“She will die, Lucifer. And then it will be our job to torture her.” Seth snarled.

“Hey!” I interjected. “Who says I’m going to Hell?!”

Everyone gave me that, ‘oh, seriously, Katie?’ look. I shut my mouth.

“Let her choose.” Sebastian suggested quietly.

“She will say yes!” Lucifer exclaimed. “She doesn’t… she can’t comprehend what we’re offering.” He reasoned.

“I’m pretty fucking smart. Explain it to me.” I demanded. “What’s a Familiar?”

Lucifer lowered his head into his hands again, almost curling into a ball. Sera answered me.

“For humans who are truly special to us… We can make them Familiars. It’s… it’s a bond between us. At the moment, when you pray, we have to be listening specifically for you, otherwise your voice blends into the background noise. So if we’re not expecting it, or we think someone else is listening for you… Like Seth did today… we don’t notice. When a Familiar prays, it’s like… like the signal is boosted. All of the demons on Lucifer’s side will hear you. It’s a direct line to us. And it makes you physically stronger. Not immensely, it just becomes easier for you to reach your potential. If that prayer is made when you are in fear for your life or soul, then it will… I dunno, force, I guess… the Luciferian Lords to your side, one by one, until you are safe.”

“Let’s do it.” I said determinedly, remembering the feeling of demon talons slicing across my skin.

Lucifer made a frustrated sound. “Fuck , I wish you would stop rushing headlong into things, you impossible human! You haven’t heard the cost yet!”

I shrugged. “What is it?”

He glared at me. “Too high!” He exclaimed. He got up and stormed out of the door. I looked around at the others.

“What is the cost?” I repeated myself.

Sebastian answered me. “Your soul is tied to him. To us. For eternity.” He regarded me soberly.

“Ah.” I said. “So I’m selling my soul to the Devil?”

Seth rolled his eyes. “Yes and no. It belongs to you, always. Well, God, actually but…”

“He can’t fucking have it!” I interrupted indignantly.


“No! He’s welcome to it. But God can’t fucking have it. That jerk.”

Sera stared at the ceiling. “Now she’s challenging God. How the fuck are we supposed to keep her alive.” Her tone was exasperated. Seth shook his head, and Sebastian grinned at me.

“You retain as much ownership of your soul as you do now. But your soul is… changed. It won’t be entirely human anymore. But not demonic, either. It’s a real grey area.” He finished lamely.

“Let’s do it.” I repeated.

They nodded at me, and Sera went and fetched Lucifer. He stalked back in through the door, silver eyes flashing with emotion. “We need all the Lords.” He snapped. “I’ll be back in a moment.” And he was gone.

“Will he?” I asked. “He seems kinda mad.”

“We can’t lie. Not even him.” Sebastian said softly, but I noticed the concerned look he gave Sera.

Despite my misgivings, true to his word, Lucifer reappeared, with two other… beings. One was… unremarkable at first glance. Upon further inspection, though, he was preternaturally beautiful. Not quite as spectacular as Lucifer, but still stunning. His eyes were a cold green. They didn’t sparkle with amusement the way Sebastian’s did. He regarded me impassively.

The other… I stood up and stumbled backwards when my eyes fell on the other. He looked a lot like the Enforcer demons I had encountered earlier. “It’s ok!” Sera grabbed my arm. “He’s one of ours. Meet Chris, Fourth Lord of Hell.” She said softly.

Tentatively, he reached a hand out to shake, with a kind smile. “Nice to finally meet you, Katie.” His voice was gravelly. Swallowing hard, I took his hand, and noticed that his talons were well groomed, not jagged and dirty like the others.

“Uh, hi.” I muttered awkwardly.

“And this is my 2IC, Aaron.” Lucifer introduced the other figure.

I held my hand out for him to shake, and he blinked at it in surprise, before taking it his own, and squeezing a bit too hard. “Human.” He said coldly. Lucifer cleared his throat, and Aaron looked a bit guilty for an instant.

“Well, Chris, what do we need to do? I’m not sure I remember the details.” Lucifer said resignedly. I tilted my head in confusion. Sebastian smiled at me.

“We don’t do this often, dear one.” I nodded, wide eyed.

“Hmm, well. There’s two major types of magic that bind both denizens of Hell and humans.” Chris’ tone was lecturing. “Blood magic, or sex magic.”

My eyes widened, and I looked at Sera in concern. She laughed. “Blood, thanks Chris.”

“Hmm, yes, right. I mean I wasn’t suggesting… Just telling you the options.” He mumbled. “We need to draw a pentagram. Katie needs to do the star, Lucifer the circle, and where the points meet, we add our blood to one each.”

“How big does it need to be?” I was a bit concerned. I’d already done a lot of bleeding that day.

“Not too big. It’s all about the symbolism. You know what a pentagram symbolises, right?” Chris asked me.

“Um, the sign of the Devil?” I asked, looking tentatively at Lucifer. He gazed steadily back at me.

Chris laughed. “A common misconception, but no. It symbolises humanities’ connection to the Devine.” He quickly traced one on the table. “Leg, arm, arm, leg, head, and the circle is Divinity.”

I was captivated. “That’s beautiful!” I exclaimed.

Chris smiled at me, enjoying my enthusiasm. “The star is you, the circle Lucifer, and the points where it connects are us. Once it’s done, you and Lucifer stand in the middle while the rest of us make a circle around you, and he says the incantation.”

I nodded, my heart beating fast. “Let’s do it!” I said for the third time.

I held out my hand, looking at my friends. Seth stepped forward and took it gently, before quickly drawing a talon across my palm. I hissed briefly in pain. I clenched my fist, and the blood began to drip through my fingers. I quickly and self-consciously drew a five pointed star on the floor in my blood.

Sebastian cut Lucifer’s palm for him, and he silently drew a circle around my star. I felt a curious buzz throughout my body. The others moved to a star point each, Chris slicing Aaron’s palm for him. Simultaneously they each dripped a small pool of blood, completing the sign. I shuddered. Lucifer stepped into the pentagram, and held out his bleeding hand to me. I joined him, without taking his hand. The others joined hands in a circle around us, gently jostling Lucifer and me closer together. Lucifer held his hands out to me with a smile.

“I that sanitary?” I asked, glancing at our still lightly bleeding hands.

He rolled his eyes. “None of this is sanitary.” He said wryly. I took his hands. As our blood mingled, it felt like electricity was coursing through my veins. I gasped.

“Katie Longwood, I, Lucifer His Eternal Majesty and ruler of all Hell, do name you from this moment and forever more Familiar of the Luciferian sect of all demons and hellspawn. We accept your allegiance, and add the promise that we will protect you and hear you at all times, forever.” His voice rang with that same authority he had used when he tried to make me get him a drink, and when he had stopped Sebastian beating me up. I could physically feel the power he was exuding. It rolled across me, buffeting me but at the same time caressing me and supporting me. Instinctively, I replied,

“I, Katie Longwood, supplicant to the Luciferian Sect, do freely offer you, Lucifer, His Eternal Majesty and King of all Hell, my allegiance for all of Eternity, and gratefully accept the title of Familiar.”

I think flames danced around us, but I couldn’t look away from Lucifer’s silver eyes. He smiled sadly at me. “It is done.” He said gently. The flames died down, and the weird buzz left my body. The pentagram was gone. Sera bandaged my hand for me, not saying a word.

“Well, I’ve had enough of running around in my underwear for one day. Later, Katie.” Seth disappeared.

“Yeah, we should go too.” Sebastian gave me a quick hug, and Sera smiled at me briefly and they were gone. Aaron didn’t say a word to me or look at me before he left.

Chris smiled warmly at me. “It was lovely to meet you, Katie. The others were right. You are remarkable.” And he was gone too, leaving me alone with Lucifer.

“Time to get you home.” His tone was neutral.

“Can I ask you some questions, first?” I asked, abnormally quiet.

Lucifer sighed. “Your mum will have left for work, why don’t we go to your house. More comfortable.”

I smiled tentatively, and held out my hand. He took it, and we were in my living room. He gestured at the couch, and wandered into my room, tossing me a shirt before heading to the kitchen. I took a seat and waited for him to return, my heart pounding. He reappeared shortly with a coffee for each of us, and took a seat at the opposite end to me. With a sigh, he said, “Ask away.”

“Have we met before?”

He blinked, and shook his head. “You always surprise me, Katie. What do you mean by that?”

“You know, the whole reincarnation thing. Have… have I been in Hell before?” I rushed.

He tilted his head at me. “No. As far as I know, you are a new soul. But then again, it’s also possible that you had been in Heaven since the Fall, and God just got sick of your bullshit.” He grinned at me. I poked my tongue out. “New souls are pretty rare. And they are NEVER… like you.” He waved his hands at me.

“The fuck does that mean?” I was indignant.

“It’s not a bad thing. Frustrating as, well, Hell, but not a bad thing.” He gave me a slight smile. “What else do you want to know?”

“Um, all of my questions were kinda based on you saying yes to the first one.” I admitted. He tilted his head back and studied the ceiling.

“You’re impossible.” He muttered.

“Why? What have I done now?”

He looked into my eyes. “You don’t have a single question about being a Familiar?”

“Oh. That. No, not really. I trust you guys.”

He shook his head, glanced at his hands, then back at me. “We’re demons. Why do you think you can trust us?”

“AH HA! You can lie!” I leapt to my feet and pointed at him triumphantly.

“What?” He glared at me, confused.

“You just said you’re a demon. But you’re not. You’re an archangel.”

Lucifer look nonplussed. He tilted his head and considered what I had said. He stared off into the distance. I sat back down. This looked like it might take a while. Eventually, he met my eyes with a wondering expression. “I… I guess it’s because I believe it about myself.”

“In a negative way?” I asked gently.

He nodded, not quite meeting my eyes.


When he looked at me, his eyes were filled with pain. Instinctively, I scooted closer and grabbed his hand. “Lucifer…” I whispered.

“I torture people, Katie. And you were right, what you said about reincarnation. I see the same souls making the same mistakes over and over and over. I punish them for essentially the same thing, over and over for centuries.”

“So no one gets into Heaven, after they have been with you?” I asked curiously. That seemed like a pretty major flaw in the plan, to be honest.

He sighed. “No, people do. Lots of people, I guess. It’s just so… demoralising, seeing the same ones keep coming back.”

I shrugged. “People suck, man. You’ve just got to focus on all of the people who are in Heaven, who wouldn’t have been if it weren’t for you.”

He shook his head wonderingly. “I never thought to think of it that way.”

“As far as I’m concerned, mate, you’re the hero of the story. God is a dick, and Satan is evil, and you’re there in the middle, the only one looking out for humanity. Thank you.” I said sincerely, staring into his eyes. His eyes widened, and he caught me up in a fierce hug.

“Oof.” I patted his back gently. He rested his chin on my shoulder. I wanted to touch his horns. I restrained myself. After a little while, I said gently, “I dunno if you heard, but earlier today I got sliced up by a couple of demons. Still a little stiff, buddy.”

“Oh, right. Sorry, I forgot.” He drew back, looking embarrassed.

“It’s fine.” I smiled at him, and tilted my head. “When was the last time you hugged someone?” What? What a weird thing to ask. I cringed inside.

He looked away and said quietly, “Millennia.”

“Wow. You’re even more of a loser than I am.” I teased. He gave me the finger. “Watch a movie with me before you go? I don’t think I can sleep yet.”

“Sure thing. What are we going to watch?”

“You choose.”

He found a movie, and settled back onto the couch. I lied down, and put my head in his lap. He stiffened for a moment, then relaxed and tentatively stroked my hair. We watched the movie in companionable silence.

A Friend to the Darkness

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