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Every bone in her body was well aware that she was living alone with Logan Slade. The house was big, but not big enough to miss seeing him saunter into the kitchen in the morning with an unshaven face and sexy, mussed hair. Or notice him unbutton his shirt, exposing a sliver of bronzed skin as he headed to his bedroom for a shower. With Luke gone, Sophia didn’t have the buffer she needed to keep up the facade that somehow Logan hadn’t begun to wedge his way into her heart.

He checked in on her in the morning at breakfast and insisted that she have dinner at the house every night. When Sophia’s eyes would light up over his concern, his expression would turn to stone and he’d remind her that safety on the ranch was the key issue.

Sophia should have been exhausted. Putting in long hours at the lodge during the day was enough to fatigue an Olympic athlete, much less a woman of her size and stature. But the truth was, Sophia had restless energy. Seeing Logan coming in and out of the house every day, made her jumpy and anxious. They’d have brief, stilted conversations at meals, and before he rose from the table, Logan would gaze at her with yearning in his eyes. It was fleeting and reluctant, but Sophia saw it. He wasn’t as immune to her as he let on. Maybe the wall of defense he’d built up against her was beginning to crumble a little bit.

Now, three days into her stay at his home, Sophia watched him rise from the dinner table as usual, the moment the last bite on his plate was gone. “I’m going to turn in early,” he said, stretching his arms over his head. He looked a little weary with a five-o’clock shadow on his face and reddened eyes.

Sophia nodded. “Good night,” she said politely, then blurted what was on her mind. “I think I’ll take a ride.”

“Where? The stores will be closing soon.”

Sophia smiled. “Not that kind of ride. I’m not interested in shopping. I need some air. I thought I’d ask Hunter to saddle up a mare and ride out with me.”

“I sent Hunter home an hour ago.”

Sophia shrugged a shoulder. “That’s okay. I’ll find someone else.” Sophia rose from the table, grabbing his empty plate along with hers.

He reached out to touch her upper arm. “Just about everyone’s gone home for the night. Why don’t you turn in and do it another time?”

“I’m not a prisoner here, am I? I can saddle up a horse and take a ride.”

His hand wound around her arm, gently, but only to make his point. “It’ll be dark in less than an hour, Sophia.”

His penetrating gaze bored into her and they stared at each other for a long while. Finally, he released his hold on her. “Fine, suit yourself.”

Sophia didn’t get any satisfaction in upsetting Logan. She didn’t set out to annoy him, but she did need an outlet for her pent-up energy. And a ride along the paths of Sunset Ranch would do the trick. She wasn’t fool enough to go by herself. She should be able to find a riding partner, if not here at the ranch, then at the lodge.

Twenty minutes later, after changing into her riding clothes, Sophia walked into the barn. Horses whinnied in their stalls. Some kicked and others brought their heads up to greet her with a snort as she walked by. She stopped to stroke the face of a good-natured aging palomino. “Hello, Buttercup.”

Buttercup wasn’t a star of pure-breeding stock that would be sold off to clients. She and half a dozen other horses were kept on the premises to take prospective clients for rides in the pasture and, more important, to lend a mellow tone to the more spirited animals in the barn.

Sophia gave each of the horses a little attention as she headed to the tack room to pick up her gear. There wasn’t a soul around to help her saddle up and just as she was going to take Logan’s advice and turn back, changing her mind about the ride, he appeared in the doorway.

“You still want that ride?” he asked.

Startled by his appearance, Sophia tamped down her initial gut reaction. But Logan noticed the momentary fear she couldn’t hide from her expression. “Oh, uh … yes. I’d like to take a ride.”

“You’re still jumpy, aren’t you?”


The sound of his boots echoed against the walls as he strode farther into the small room until his face was inches from hers. “You are.”

“Not now. I have you here. And there haven’t been any more notes or incidents.”

“You knew I wouldn’t let you take a ride alone. Or go with anyone else.”

Sophia stared at him. “Is that what you thought? I was hinting for you to take me?”

“Weren’t you?”

“No, I just wanted to get out of the house.”

“I’d think you’d want some peace after working all day.”

“The house is …”

“Is what, Sophia?” Logan whispered her name.

“Lonely,” she said, confessing one of her vulnerabilities.

His expression changed, softened. His gaze traveled up and down her body until she was so excited that her breathing grew ragged and heavy. Her chest heaving now, Logan stared at the top button on her blouse that prevented her breasts from spilling out.

“Without Luke in the house, and you barely speaking to me—”

“Luke?” Something flickered in his eyes. “You don’t want Luke.”

Sophia’s heart raced. The conversation had switched direction. And Logan’s powerful gaze destroyed her rational sense. “Luke’s my fri—”

Logan pulled her into his arms. He smelled of earth and musk, so strong, so powerful. His breath warmed her throat and his words made her mouth go dry. “We’re not gonna talk about my brother tonight, darlin’.”

His determination made her go limp. Her voice lowered until she could barely hear the words she spoke, “Wh-what are we going to talk about?”

He brought her body tight against his. “Your loneliness.” Then he smiled, a flash against a stark, handsome face, the gleam brightening his eyes. “Then again, we don’t have to do much talking at all.”

His lips touched hers tenderly as if he wanted to draw out all of her fears, all of her loneliness. The kiss was sweetly gentle, and Sophia had to remind herself that it was Logan who was kissing her, Logan who held her in his arms.

He brought his hands to her face and cupped her cheeks, murmuring sweet nothings as he kissed her. Sophia surrendered herself to the compassion Logan was showing her. He suckled her lips, tasting from her, his firm delicious mouth giving her time to adjust to what was happening between them. “You’re safe with me,” he whispered over her lips.

She felt protected and cared for but then in the back of her mind, coming from a very dark place, a warning bell sounded.

This was Logan Slade. He hated her.

So why did he make her feel as if she were floating on a cloud?

She ignored her misgivings and dove into the sensations he stirred in her. She’d always been attracted to Logan and now, with his kisses heating her through and through, she thought she could be a little bit in love with him. She told herself that and stopped trying to analyze the pleasure he offered her. It felt too good having him strip away her loneliness.

Sophia placed her hands on his chest, her fingers spreading across rough cotton as she stroked him eagerly. A groan emanated from his throat and Sophia continued to touch him, to explore the strong washboard across his ribs.

He slipped off her ponytail holder and in the faint, fading sunlight watched her hair flow freely to frame her face. Appreciation shone in the glint of his eyes and he released a relenting sound that came from the depths of his throat. “You make me forget who I am,” he murmured.

Sophia put her arms around his neck and rose up to kiss him soundly on the lips. Softly, she whispered, “You’re Logan Slade and you don’t like me very much.”

Logan wove his hands through her long hair, letting the tresses slip between his fingers. He released a deep sigh. “There are things I like about you, Sophia. More than I’ve liked about any other woman.”

He pressed his mouth to hers again. Sophia relished the kiss and the words behind the kiss. She whispered over his lips, “What do you like about me?”

“Kissing you is right up there,” he said softly.

He paused to gaze at the strands of hair framing her face. “You’ve got the prettiest hair.”

A soft whimper escaped her throat. His compliments were a heady elixir.

He slid his hands over her shoulders and stroked down her arms. Tingles erupted from his soft caress. “Your body is perfect. It’s been killing me living with you. Knowing you’re lying just steps away in another bedroom.”

Fiery heat arrowed down her belly. “Logan,” she breathed out.

There was no stopping this now. They were caught up in a game that had only one outcome. He pulled her taut against his rock-hard chest. Jeans to jeans, their legs touched, denim rubbing together. His hand rested on the soft material of her white blouse and with two nimble fingers he stroked her exposed skin just above the buttons.

Sophia’s breath caught. She closed her eyes, savoring the sensual touch that brought goose bumps. He toyed with her there, making her ache, making her lean back and give him reign to do what he pleased.

She heard a snap and then a tear as her blouse split apart, two buttons flying onto the floor. Her eyes popped open. He watched her, waited for her approval.

She smiled and a little bubble of laughter rose from her throat.

Logan pulled the blouse out of her jeans and off her shoulders, discarding it with a flick of his wrist. Then he touched the top of her breasts, the flat of his palms against her plump ripe skin spilling from her bra. “I like touching you. I can’t get enough.”

He unhooked her bra and with a reverent groan watched her breasts fall free of their restraints. The look on his face made her body ache for more. He cupped her, weighed the globes in his hands as he kissed her again and again. Their mouths opened and the kisses grew hotter and more frenzied.

After a minute, Logan slid his lips to her ear, his words clipped and ragged. “In another second, I’m not gonna be able to stop.”

Sophia understood him. She was already at the point of no return. But Logan wasn’t a brute—he gave her the choice.

“I don’t want you to.”

“Don’t move,” he said.

And she stood there, waiting while Logan set a quilt on a weathered leather sofa that was banked against the tack room wall. He came back to lift her into his arms, and then lowered her down gently. He removed her boots and the rest of her clothes.

Then he stared at her for a few seconds.

She felt exposed. Naked and lying in wait for him to make love to her.

“I like the way your eyes darken when you look at me,” he said, and then added, “I knew you were beautiful, but Sophia, honey, you take my breath away.”

And suddenly she didn’t feel ashamed or embarrassed anymore. She didn’t feel vulnerable. She wanted this. She wanted Logan. There wasn’t a doubt in her mind.

Next, he removed his shirt and a glow lit her eyes when everything else came off.

“Mercy,” Sophia uttered, gazing at him.

“I’ll take that as a compliment, darlin’.”

But Logan didn’t cover her with his body right away. Instead he came up beside her to kiss her again. “Close your eyes,” he ordered.

She obeyed.

His touch was soft and gentle as he stroked her between her thighs. And when his ministrations grew more bold, more forceful, she shuddered and let go a tiny moan of pleasure. Logan was relentless and worked her body, tormenting her until her moans were continuous and in tune with the throbbing heat pulsating at her core.

Her body jerked and splintered. Her breaths short and quick, she experienced a powerful release.

“Sophia,” Logan murmured, as she came down to earth. Gently, he stroked her hair and kissed her cheeks. “You have no idea what a turn-on it is seeing you go wild like that.”

The room was darker now. The sun had almost set and Sophia could barely make out Logan’s shadow as he brought himself down on top of her. She reached out, desperately wanting to be joined with him.

He spoke with urgency, his voice a rasp that thrilled her. “I’ve waited a long time for this. For you.”

Twenty minutes later, cocooned in the warmth of Logan’s strong arms, Sophia opened her eyes to darkness. The air inside the tack room was Nevada-dry and cool yet both of their bodies glistened with hot, sticky sweat.

Sophia sighed at the completion she felt. A soft purr hummed through her body. Every ounce of her flesh felt pleasantly devoured. Logan was an expert lover and he’d brought out her wilder side with his whispered words of encouragement, his powerful thrusts and his strong body covering hers.

Their releases had come out of sync with each other, but Sophia hadn’t minded. She liked going first. Then she watched Logan’s face twist with pleasure as he groaned from his inner depths until one last potent plunge brought him over the edge.

After that, they’d both fallen in a heap of exhaustion.

Quietly stunned.

And when Sophia’s thoughts traveled once again to that dark place of uncertainty, Logan was there, stroking her arm and kissing her forehead. She relished his touch and the soothing way he treated her in the aftermath of lovemaking. The few lovers she’d had before hadn’t been nearly as attentive after the deed was done. Sophia had made mistakes with men, but she’d never kept a man around if he wasn’t respectful.

Where would she and Logan go from here? She had no idea what he was thinking. He’d said all the right things. He’d done all the right things and her body sang from the sweetest pleasure a man could give a woman. Now Sophia was at a crossroads in her life.

She’d been wary of Logan Slade for as long as she could remember. Tonight, she’d let down her guard and allowed him entrance not only to her body, but to her heart.

She loved Logan.

She was sure of it now.

She couldn’t have given to him what she’d denied even the most persuasive of men who had come in and out of her life, without feeling great emotion. She’d given him her trust and hadn’t regretted it for a second.

“How you doing, darlin’?”

The endearments he’d been using with her tonight made her smile inside. She assumed that he thought of her as a brat, a bitch and a hussy so to hear him come full circle gave her joy. “I’m pretty good.”

“I won’t argue there.” He turned on his side to face her and she curled around to look him in the eyes. “You cold?” he asked.

“A little bit.”

He slid his hand up and down along the curve of her hip, and each inch of naked skin warmed under his touch. “We should probably get out of here. Someone might walk in.”

Sophia’s eyes rounded. She hadn’t thought of that. She’d lost all sense of time and place when Logan had seduced her. “We probably should.”

Logan gave her a reluctant look, and then rose first. In the dark, he found her clothes strewn across the floor and handed them to her. She sat up to put them on and watched him in the shadows, a sense of pride swelling in her heart. How could she feel this way about a man who had injured her so often?

Once they were dressed—Sophia had a dickens of a time securing her blouse without the buttons, so Logan gave her his shirt to put on—they walked quietly out of the room and through the barn. Horses whinnied and snickered as they strode by, but they didn’t take the time to give them attention. When they reached the wide double doors, Logan peered out, looking right, then left.

“Do you think someone’s out there?” she asked, not worried about her would-be stalker so much as an employee wandering the grounds and catching them half dressed.

“Don’t know.”

“Should we walk out separately?”

Logan grinned and shook his head. “Honey, you moved into my house three days ago. You think any man on my ranch is thinking we’re baking cookies inside?”

Sophia’s brows lifted. “But that’s not true! We weren’t doing anything.”

His grin slipped into a small smile. He gazed out the barn door again. “Not up until about an hour ago. Doesn’t matter now. You want to make a run for it?” He put out his hand and stared at her.

Sophia saw the adventure in that. They had to travel the length of half a football field to make it to the house. She tucked her hand in his and they made a mad dash across the yard.

Sophia’s soft laughter bubbled over. She hadn’t felt this carefree in years. She ran a step behind Logan, who tugged her along, and she could have sworn she heard the beautiful sound of his laughter, too.

Tonight, Logan wanted dessert. And he wanted Sophia. The two went hand in hand in his mind. Both would satisfy his craving. “Let’s have some ice cream,” he said as they came to a halt inside his house.

Sophia’s topaz eyes brilliant and her breaths labored, she smiled at him as if he were a child. “Let me guess. You want strawberry?”

He blinked. “How did you know?”

“It’s your favorite. I remember from birthday parties here. I like vanilla, Luke likes chocolate and you love strawberry.”

“Observant. Add that to the list of things I like about Sophia Montrose. Come on,” he said, stifling his frustration. He wouldn’t let the fact that Sophia always had Luke’s name on her lips bother him tonight. His brother was a part of their equation and he always had been. Luke and Sophia were friends, and he would make sure that’s all they ever would be.

Luke had a weak spot when it came to Sophia.

Logan wouldn’t be so naive.

He hadn’t meant to bed Sophia but now that he had, he wasn’t fool enough to let her go until he was good and ready. No man in his right mind would let a luscious beauty like Sophia slip through his fingers. But he still didn’t trust her motives. He knew enough to be wary of her, even as he held her hand in his as he led her to the kitchen. “C’mon. I’m sure we can scrounge up some vanilla ice cream for you.”

Dressed in his shirt that was three sizes too big for her, her hair wild about her face, Sophia followed him into the kitchen. Moonlight streamed in through a window and the wide, double-paneled back door. Logan decided to keep the lights off. He liked seeing Sophia by the light of the moon. “Have a seat while I dish it up.” He pulled out a stool for her behind the rectangular island countertop and she sat down.

“Logan Slade serving me?” She leaned forward, bracing her elbows on the granite with her fists under her chin. “Hell must have frozen over.”

He grinned. “It’s a night for firsts. The fat lady sang and pigs flew in the barn a few minutes ago.”

Immediate color rushed to her face, painting her olive skin rosy. “Maybe there is such a thing as miracles.”

Logan opened the freezer door with a big smile on his face. Sparring with Sophia kept him on his toes. “It was sorta like an out-of-body experience, honey.”

“Yes. Who would have believed?”

“Not me and sure as anything, not you, I’d venture to guess.”

“I wanted a ride.”

Logan brought out two half gallons of ice cream and set them on the counter in front of her. Wiggling his eyebrows, he said, “Be careful what you wish for.”

“I’ll try to remember that.”

He came up with a scoop and began dishing vanilla and strawberry ice cream into two bowls. He slid one over to her.

“Are we going to eat this in the dark?” she asked.

“You mind?”

She thought about it a moment and then shook her head. “Not at all, but why?”

“Things taste better in the dark.”


“Think about it … what do you do when you really want to savor something?”

Sophia’s lips curved up. “You close your eyes.”


She nodded. “I never thought about it, but it makes sense.”

Logan plopped down on the stool next to her and dove into his ice cream, taking a big bite. Then he closed his eyes. Strawberry ice cream and Sophia all in one night was something to savor. He didn’t know what compelled him to divulge the truth, but before he could hold it back, he blurted, “Until a second ago, I didn’t know that, either. The honest truth is that you look dazzling in moonlight and I couldn’t see spoiling the mood with artificial lighting. The other stuff I said is a load of horse manure.”

Sophia put her head down, her eyes downcast. She stared at her ice cream then began shaking her head. Logan wasn’t sure what to make of it—he’d never admitted to feeding baloney to anyone before.

When Sophia finally lifted her head, amusement lit her eyes and she laughed right in his face, giggling so hard she put her spoon down to contain the laughter with a hand to the stomach.

“What? I pay you a compliment and you laugh.” Logan’s ears rang from the contagious sound of her sweet giggles. He spooned another chunk of ice cream into his mouth and swallowed, unable to keep from grinning along with her.

“Oh, Logan,” she said between chuckles, “you always amaze me.”

It seemed to be a night of amazements. He jammed another spoonful of ice cream into his mouth and then pointed to her bowl scooped high with vanilla ice cream. “Eat up, darlin’. You’re lagging.”

She dipped her spoon in and gave it a taste. Her dark-lashed eyes slowly closed as she swallowed. A lump formed in Logan’s throat. Watching Sophia relish anything was like watching an artist apply the first strokes of paint to a fresh canvas.

And tonight, Sophia had been hard to resist. Besides her beautiful face and knockout body, she made him smile. They’d had incredible sex less than an hour ago. Why shouldn’t he laugh along with her and allow himself a night of indulgence?

“Here,” he said after watching Sophia take two more delicate bites of her ice cream. “Let me help.”

He took the spoon from her hand and scooped up a good-sized amount of vanilla ice cream from the bowl. Sophia’s lips eagerly parted for him with a sensual curve upward as he inserted the spoon into her mouth. This wasn’t like feeding a baby, Logan mused. It was erotic as hell. Her mouth moved up and down and her eyelids closed as she tasted the dessert he fed her. He leaned closer, whispering, “I want more, Sophia.”

Her eyes snapped open and without hesitation, she replied softly, “So do I.”

Logan brought his mouth to hers, brushing a gentle kiss over her chilled lips. He tasted the sweet vanilla cream that lingered there. “I’m not talking about ice cream.”

She nodded and whispered, “I’m not hungry for ice cream, either.”

Logan’s heart hammered in his chest. The woman was a temptation that could destroy a weaker man. Logan pushed his seat out and stood, taking Sophia by her arms and lifting her up against him. She wrapped both arms around his neck and he bent his head to take her in a fiery kiss that got all of his juices flowing. He pulled her closer, melding their bodies, fitting her against him like a tailor-made suit. He curved his hands on the slope of her buttocks and rocked her against the erection straining his jeans.

Sophia moaned at the deliberate contact, giving him a little cry of anticipation that matched his own desperate desire.

He swept her up and carried her out of the kitchen and down the long hallway. Her eyes gleaming, her body nearly weightless in his arms, he kissed her several times as he strode into his master bedroom. When he reached his large bed, he turned down his bedspread and then lowered Sophia onto silky sheets. Her luxurious hair fanned out against the pillow and he stripped her bare within seconds, needing to see her naked on his bed.

His fantasies, the secret ones he’d kept hidden from the world, came to fruition, seeing her here now, waiting for him with lust in her eyes. He’d bedded her once tonight, quickly, on a worn-out sofa in the barn, but this was where Sophia needed to be. Cast in moonlight, her body accommodated on a luxurious bed—his bed—and now Logan would take his time with her. He would savor her like she was a sweet bowl of strawberry ice cream. And he would lick every last creamy inch of her, until they were both satisfied.

“As much as I like you in my shirt, taking it off is definitely an improvement.”

Sophia wasn’t coy or timid; she was bold as she lay there allowing him to study her. She was a rare find, a woman who could easily grace the cover of the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue. She was perfect in her naked form.

“I’m a little lonely in this big bed,” she whispered, rolling to her side and patting the area next to her.

“I told you I’d take care of your loneliness.”

He unhooked his belt, kicked off his boots and then lowered himself down onto the bed. He reached for her, just as she came up over him to straddle his thighs. He’d kept his jeans on, and now he wished he hadn’t.

“You’re lonely, too, Logan,” she said softly. “You simply don’t realize it.”

There was truth to that, he admitted to himself, but now was not the time for that conversation. “Then keep me company for a while.”

“I intend to,” she whispered.

Her breasts were round and full, overflowing in his hands. A man could die happy like this. He brought one rosy-tipped peak into his mouth and Sophia uttered a little cry of pleasure. Logan paid proper attention to both of her breasts, cupping and weighing them, kissing and suckling. Sophia was lost, writhing with uncontrolled passion.

She was beautiful atop him. Her hands flat on his chest, her body fluid and primed for sex, Logan’s control was ready to snap. It was too much and not enough. He wanted to own her, to take possession and never let go. It was strange to feel that way about any woman, but with Sophia it felt right.

He made love to every ounce of her with heated kisses and strokes of his tongue until he could barely breathe from the fire building in his system. His hands wove through her long thick hair and he bruised her lips with hot crushing kisses.

He made sure Sophia was well loved in every way. It pleased him to please her.

His mind briefly went to his father and how he’d lusted after Louisa Montrose. The only difference being that Logan wasn’t married to another woman. He hadn’t spoken vows or pledged his love to one woman and then bedded another. He would never fall in love with a Montrose. Sophia wouldn’t break him. Not in that way.

He wanted her in his bed.

He’d never fall into the same trap his father had.

Nothing had changed in that regard.

Sophia’s soft, labored moans were frantic. She unzipped his jeans, and all thoughts of his father went out the window. The gorgeous woman slipped her hand around his swollen member and he’d barely had time to put a condom on before she sought an end to their mutual torment.

He guided her down and with one slow, earth-shattering thrust they were joined.

Sophia tossed her head back, taking him inside her. The arch of her back, the sheet of dark hair tossing from side to side as she slid her sweet body over his, were a thing of beauty.

Logan seared those images into his memory as they rode the waves of glory together.

I love you, Logan, Sophia thought as she glanced at him. Though he was normally well-groomed, this morning, short, thick strands of his hair stuck out in several directions and a day-old beard darkened his handsome features.

Sophia wasn’t going to cry. She wasn’t going to make a scene. She would be strong. Like her mother. She wouldn’t let Logan know how much she loved him. Not now. She couldn’t trust him with those feelings. She couldn’t tell him truths that he wasn’t ready to hear. She knew it would take time, but Sophia had never been in love before. She’d never felt the full force of the emotion and the power it wielded might cause her great injury. She knew she would have to step carefully to avoid the land mines of her own making.

Sophia lay there with a lump in her throat. Logan had made love to her thoroughly last night. She still ached in private places from his ruthless pursuit of satisfying her. He had made his mark on her. She would never forget her first night with Logan Slade. She hoped there were many more to come. She would not give up on her love.

Was she being a fool?

Her mother’s words rang out clearly in Sophia’s mind. She had never forgotten them. “Loving Randall Slade was a waste of love.”

Because it had ended in heartache. Sophia wouldn’t allow that to happen with Logan. Her love would not be wasted. It couldn’t be. She’d given everything she’d had to give to him. Would he be so cruel as to throw it all away?

Dawn peeked out on the horizon, the first glimmering rays of light sneaking into the room. Sophia gave Logan one last glance, and then rose from the bed. Her feet landed quietly on the floor and she tiptoed away hoping not to wake him.

She grabbed Logan’s shirt she’d worn last night, along with her pants, and dressed before she exited the room. The Slades’ household staff did not live at the house, but they would arrive shortly.

Logan’s remark about how his men knew they weren’t just baking cookies together came to mind.

Sophia cringed at the notion. She’d never wanted a reputation as a gold-digger, but it seemed to follow her every move. She would have fallen in love with Logan Slade even if he were penniless. Money wasn’t the issue but who would believe that about her now? On paper, and from what people perceived about her, she appeared guilty.

And then there was Luke. What was she going to say to him? When he arrived home, would he understand her motives? Would he hate that she’d fallen in love with his brother?

Sophia entered her room, quietly shutting the door behind her. She wasn’t ready to start the day, but doubted she could fall back to sleep. She stripped off her clothes, walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower faucet. She stepped inside and let the warm water slide over her skin. She stood there for a long time in the steamy hot spray, deep in thought.

The night she shared with Logan had been remarkable. The earth had moved and the stars had aligned. She sighed at the memories—the taste of his mouth, the scratch of his stubble bruising her skin, his strong hands gentle on her, all rushed through her mind. It had been ecstasy and Sophia wouldn’t allow herself to think of it as a one-night stand.

But she had no clue what Logan was thinking. She wondered if he’d set out to seduce her or if they’d been caught up in something powerful that both of them couldn’t deny. Last night, their relationship had changed forever.

Sophia washed her hair and scrubbed her body with lavender-scented soap. The pleasing fragrance had always soothed her nerves and made her feel better. When she stepped out of the shower and dried off, most of her pressing doubts were banished.

Someone knocked on her bedroom door. Sophia took a quick breath, wrapped herself in a plush towel and shook out her wet hair before going to the door. “Who is it?”

“It’s me, Sophia.”

The sound of Logan’s voice gave her tingles. She opened the door slowly. His cool dark eyes blazed with warmth when he looked at her draped in the towel. “Tempting.”

He was dressed in business clothes, dark slacks and a white shirt. Seeing him again took her breath away. “Good morning.”

“Mornin’. You’re up early,” he said.

“I, uh, woke up and couldn’t fall back to sleep.”

“You wanted to skip out of my room before the housekeeper arrived.”

“Yes,” she admitted, her face flaming. “Do you blame me?”

His smile was seductive, his voice a rasp of desire. “Don’t run away from me, Sophia.”

She nibbled on her lower lip, unsure what to say.

He stepped into the room with a gleam in his eyes. He reached for the top of her towel. Her throat tightened and she just stood there rooted to the spot with his big hand on her chest. When she thought he’d undo the towel, his fingers stayed on her skin just above the cotton. The intimate touch made goose bumps erupt on her arms.

He bent his head and kissed her, whispering over her lips, “You know I have a shower in my room. Big enough for two. Next time, we’ll do it together.”

An immediate image rushed into her mind and Logan smiled knowingly. But his automatic assumption that there would be a next time flashed in her head like a lightbulb moment.

Sophia surprised herself by saying, “We can’t …” She hesitated, knowing in her heart this was the right thing to say. Even so, it pained her to draw a line in the sand. “We can’t have an affair.”

Logan didn’t flinch, but she noted a quick flicker in his eyes. “Because we don’t like each other?”

Because I’ve fallen in love with you and need more than that.

But Sophia couldn’t tell him that. She couldn’t trust him with her love. He was still the same man, with the same prejudices and opinions. “I never said I didn’t like you.”

The corner of his mouth crooked up. “Last night was good, Sophia. You can’t deny it.” He brushed her hair to one side, touching her shoulder in a soft caress. She trembled from his touch and the blazing warmth in his eyes. “We could have more nights like the one we just had.”

She summoned her courage and asked him the question that would define this new relationship. “Have you changed your mind about my mother? About me? Do you still resent me and my presence here?”

The warmth in his eyes evaporated. He dropped his hand from her hair. “Don’t go there, Sophia. It’ll only ruin things.”

Sophia closed her eyes. She had her answer and her heart ached with the brutal truth. Last night hadn’t been about fondness, caring or love. It had been about lust and sex. Logan didn’t have to say the words, but she knew now that she’d been a fool to think he’d change his mind so easily. He still thought her mother was a calculating home wrecker. He’d probably thought worse of Sophia. He still took exception to her inheritance. She couldn’t forget that he’d tried to buy out her share of Sunset Lodge when she’d first arrived just to get rid of her.

Yet her love for him didn’t diminish. It didn’t fade, not even a tiny bit, knowing what he thought about her. Sophia loved him from the bottom of her heart. And unfortunately, it would take a lot more heartache before she stopped loving him. But she wouldn’t give any more of herself until he could make her believe there was some hope.

She tilted her chin, thinking haughtiness worked better with clothes on, but a towel and wet hair would have to do in this circumstance. “Then we have nothing to talk about.”

Boldly, she searched his eyes, daring him to say something. To plead his case or try to convince her otherwise. But Logan didn’t say a word.

Instead, he reached out and slowly unwrapped the towel from around her body. The material dropped to the floor in a lush heap. She stood bared to him, her skin freshly cleaned and perfumed.

He raked his gaze over her naked form and then inhaled a sharp clipped breath. His mouth moved and she listened to words that would stay with her until the end of time. “This isn’t over, Sophia. You’ll see that soon enough.”

Rich, Rugged Ranchers

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