Читать книгу One Less Lonely Cowboy - Kathleen Eagle - Страница 3
ОглавлениеDear Reader,
The hero of my first Mills & Boon® Cherish™ was a rodeo cowboy. I’ve since put dozens of cowboys between the covers of Cherish—bull riders, ropers, horse trainers, ranchers and cowboys for hire. Jack McKenzie is what’s known as a “day worker.” He’s a highly skilled ranch hand who hires out to as many ranchers as he can fit into his schedule.
Times have changed since my husband and I were in the cattle ranching business, and few operations can afford the full-time “hired man.” The small-scale cattleman faces seemingly overwhelming competition from mega ranches. It’s a classic David and Goliath story, and the day worker is one of David’s best allies.
With no shortage of work for an experienced cowboy during calving season, Jack is hard-pressed to devote his time to one aging Montana rancher who’s too stubborn to admit that his health might be failing. But Jack knows what it’s like to be a loner. His sympathy for his boss is only the beginning of this cowboy’s commitment when Mike’s daughter, Lily, reluctantly returns home.
I love writing about cowboys, and I know you love reading about them. I hope you’ll check in with me on Facebook, my website kathleeneagle.com, and my blog, ridingwiththetopdown.wordpress.com. We’ll talk cowboys and Indians, horses and kids and books, books, books.
Happy tales!
Kathleen Eagle