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At the National or Global (Macro) Level


Literacy is a vital component of socialization yet remains an unmet need in many parts of the world, especially in the less-developed countries of Africa and Asia.

 World Education provides training and technical assistance in nonformal education in economically disadvantaged communities worldwide. Go to the organization’s website at www.worlded.org to learn about its wide variety of projects and volunteer or work opportunities.

 CARE International (www.care-international.org) and Save the Children (www.savethechildren.org) provide funding for families to send children to school and to receive specialized training.

 WE Charity (wecharity.org) is a Canadian-based organization that empowers young people to help other young people. Through its “award winning development model” they have been “changing lives in more than eight countries around the world.” Go to the organization’s website to learn how you can work with others to help create more educational opportunities for children. This organization provides multiple ways to track the impact of your donation.

 UNESCO (the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization) promotes literacy around the world in many ways. Learn more about its efforts at en.unesco.org/themes/éducation. Opportunities exist for fund-raising, internships, and eventually jobs with these organizations.

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Our Social World

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