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Strategic Advice and Recommendations Amidst and Post the Coronavirus Pandemic—Challenges and Opportunities for Cash Flow Investors Overseas

As this book goes to press, more than 90% of the U.S. population and more than 20% of the entire global population are under instructions to stay at home and shelter in place. Millions of workers are filing for first-time unemployment, and trillions of dollars have been erased from stock portfolios. We humans are living through the greatest health crisis since the Spanish flu of 1918 and could face the biggest market meltdown since the Great Depression. The personal and financial challenges we're navigating are existential, the pain and hardship they're creating overwhelming.

What do they mean in the context of these pages?

We believe the COVID-19 crisis is also going to lead to one of the greatest buyer's markets the world has ever seen. Overleveraged owners, bankrupt businesses, desperate sellers, and rock-bottom currency values will translate to the fire-sale of a generation if not the century. The eighteenth-century British nobleman and banker Baron Rothschild said it so we don't have to. You should buy when there's blood in the streets, and that's the view today.

With the help of contacts in key markets worldwide, we're taking stock of pre-crisis trends, property listings, government interventions, currency values, and COVID-19 casualties. We want to be prepared to act as soon as it makes sense to do so, and we recommend you do the same.

Because, eventually, the pandemic will be contained and global markets and economies will recover, and, again, the fallout from the crisis will present the world with unprecedented investment opportunity. Perhaps more important, however, the experience of having lived through this period will leave us with a reinforced and maybe a reinvented understanding of what matters most in life.

Considered from a post-crisis perspective, where in the world will offer the best options for diversifying your investment portfolio and, at the same time, your lifestyle? Where should you look now to embrace the many opportunities our world continues to offer while positioning yourself for cash flow, upside, and security in the face of whatever tomorrow brings? We think we must consider that COVID-19 is not the only global catastrophe we could face in our lifetimes. Given that position, we further believe it is more critical than it has ever been to expand where you spend your time and your money so you're not at the mercy of any single government, economy, marketplace, or currency.

We have a moment now, while the world sits on collective pause, to regroup on what we'd like our lives to look like and to connect the dots between our ideal lifestyle and the top choices for the best places to think about spending time while making money overseas.

Our overriding objective in these pages is to show you how to build a diversified portfolio of hard assets overseas to generate cash flow to fund the lifestyle, the retirement, and the legacy you want. So, as we consider our world post-pandemic, let's start there.

What will global property markets look like post the COVID-19 crisis?

We do not believe we're going to see 40–70% drops as we did in the wake of the 2008/2009 global crisis, when real estate markets worldwide took huge hits with few exceptions. However, localized markets and individual properties will experience those levels of price reductions, even if only in U.S. dollar terms.

Buying Real Estate Overseas For Cash Flow (And A Better Life)

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