Читать книгу Her Holiday Fireman - Kathleen Y'Barbo - Страница 4


“Get. Out. Of. Here,” Leah said through clenched jaws.

The dog paused long enough to blink, then returned his attention to Baby, her oversize orange tabby, whose hissing and howling did nothing to help the situation. Leah waved her magazine at the dog, but the animal ignored her completely.

A shrill whistle split the air. The dog froze and looked back toward the open door. Another whistle and he made a hasty exit.

Leah stormed out in pursuit of whoever owned the disaster with paws only to slam into a wall of gray fabric.

The collision knocked her backward, and she saw stars. A pair of strong arms caught and pulled her upright.

“Did you hit your head?”

“I’m fine,” she said, though her field of vision was limited to a gray Firemen’s Training School T-shirt. Moving her gaze higher, she recognized her rescuer as someone who looked very familiar.

Ryan Owen.

Her Holiday Fireman

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