Читать книгу The Prairie Doctor’s Bride - Kathryn Albright - Страница 3


“Climb in the back.”

Nelson took hold of the edge of the wagon and then paused. “You do realize that this is kidnapping?”

Sylvia shut out the twinge of guilt she felt. Tommy was all that mattered. “Can’t be helped.”

“I could shout. Call out for help.”

“Everyone is at the town hall. There’s no one around to hear you.”

“You’ve planned this well.” He swung himself into the wagon bed. “If I forced your hand they would hear a gunshot—”

“I don’t think you want to take that chance, now, do you, Doc? I been living off the land most my life. I don’t miss what I aim for.”

“I see your point.”

“Now, lay down on your back.”

“I hardly think that is neces—”

She threw a tarp over him. “I’m in charge here, in case you ain’t noticed. Now, no more shenanigans. I never heard someone talk so much during a kidnapping.”

“So this is a common occurrence?”

“Ya gotta come with me, Doc,” she said softly, mostly to herself. “I can’t give you no choice in the matter.”

Her heart hurt, tight with remorse. It wasn’t right, her using him this way—especially after he’d done her a good turn a few days back at the mercantile—but it couldn’t be helped. Tommy came first, despite how guilty she felt about forcing the doc.

She snapped the reins. “Get up, Berta!”

The Prairie Doctor’s Bride

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