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Chapter Three

Mission accomplished.

With a satisfied smile, Kate tacked down the last string of white lights along the roofline of the gazebo. When Quinn and Abby returned from their final premarital counseling session with Matthew Wilde, the pastor at Church of the Pines, they would discover the garden area transformed into a wonderland of fragrant blooms and twinkling lights.

She scooted away from the edge of the roof, careful not to look at the ten-foot drop to the flagstone patio below. Kate didn’t particularly care for heights but decorating for the reception was a labor of love for her friends. And because stringing lights around the gazebo had been her idea to begin with, she didn’t think it was fair to ask someone else to put them up.

Hammer tucked under her arm, Kate swung a foot onto the top rung of the ladder. A sudden commotion had her twisting around just in time to see Mulligan and Lady, Quinn and Abby’s dogs, race around the corner of the lodge. Both animals were linked together by the long rope clamped between their jaws. And they were heading in her direction.

Kate swiftly calculated destination, speed and distance and threw herself back onto the roof. A split second later, Lady ducked under the ladder while Mulligan veered to the right. The rope went through the middle. It was Kate’s foot, however, that connected with the top of the ladder, which teetered back and forth before it hit the ground with an impressive crash.

Leaving her stranded.

Kate groaned. “Now what am I supposed to do?” she called down.

The dogs, who circled back to survey the damage, looked at each other. Kate was pretty sure she saw them shrug.

She rose cautiously to her feet and looked around. There was no sign of Abby’s guests taking a leisurely walk by the lake. Kate checked the pockets of her cargo shorts before remembering that she’d left her cell phone in a safe place—on the wicker table in the gazebo.

Maybe she could jump. It didn’t look that far down.

She peeked over the edge and swallowed hard.

It was that far down.

There was only one thing to do. Pray for a quick rescue by a good Samaritan—or that Abby and Quinn would return sooner than expected.

“Either one, Lord,” she murmured. “I’m flexible.”

At least she didn’t have to worry about Alex discovering her in this predicament. Abby had mentioned that her brother had made plans to meet with Jeff Gaines, a local developer and kindred millionaire, and wouldn’t be back until later that night.

Another twenty minutes crawled by. The setting sun melted into the trees, but Kate couldn’t even appreciate the way it turned the lake to liquid gold. She was too busy fending off the swarm of mosquitoes that had found an easy target.

Just when Kate was contemplating how soft a landing the bed of hydrangeas would provide, Lady launched to her feet and shot down the path, releasing a chain of sharp little barks. A canine SOS.

Kate’s relief turned to dismay when she heard the low rumble of a masculine voice. A familiar masculine voice.

She wondered if it was too late to add an addendum to her earlier prayer. Because Alex Porter was the last person she wanted to come to her rescue.

Out of the corner of his eye, Alex saw two furry missiles hurtling toward him. One was Mulligan, the walking carpet that Abby insisted on calling a dog; the other a buff-colored cocker spaniel he assumed belonged to Quinn. Both animals performed figure eights around his feet, voices raised in a duet that threatened to pierce his eardrums.

Alex winced. “That’s enough, you two. Time to go inside. You’re disturbing the peace.” More specifically, his peace.

As he bent down to take hold of Lady’s collar, the dog danced out of reach and trotted up the path. Every few feet she would stop, glance over her shoulder and bark. Between each little yip, Mulligan interjected a mournful howl of his own.


In the split second of silence that followed Alex’s command, he thought he heard something that sounded suspiciously like a…groan.

Frowning, Alex strode down the narrow flagstone path that wove through the gardens and opened into a spacious patio area. There was no one there. But next to the old-fashioned gazebo, he spotted a ladder lying on its side and a rope tangled around one of the legs.

“I get it.” Alex shook his head. “Okay, now that we’ve returned to the scene of the crime, which one of you knocked it over?”

Mulligan barked twice. And looked up.

Before he realized what he was doing, Alex did, too.

He blinked, wondering if the evening shadows were playing tricks on him. But no…it was her. The very woman who’d been plaguing his thoughts for the past twenty-four hours was perched on the roof of the gazebo.

“What,” Alex said, “are you doing up there?”

“Waiting for a helicopter,” Kate said promptly.

“Landing might be a bit of a challenge.” A smile rustled at the corner of Alex’s lips as he went to pick up the ladder. “In the meantime, would you like some help?”

Absolute silence greeted the question.

Alex realized that Kate was actually thinking about it. Instead of being offended, he was overcome with a sudden urge to laugh.

“All right.” She stood up and inched her way over to the edge of the roof while Alex repositioned the ladder next to the gazebo. As Kate scampered down, he reached out and took hold of her arm in an attempt to steady her. The contact with her bare skin created a jolt of awareness that made Alex feel as if he’d been branded.

He released her immediately and Kate stumbled back. “Thank you,” she muttered.

Noticing the flush on her cheeks, Alex frowned. “How long were you up there?”



“No. Mosquito bites.” Kate scratched behind her ear and sighed. “Make that fourteen.”

Alex tamped down another smile. “Now are you going to tell me what you were doing up there?”

“I’ll show you instead.” Kate disappeared into the gazebo and dozens of white lights illuminated the entire structure. She popped back up in the doorway a moment later. “What do you think?”

“I think you’re going to attract every flying insect for a five-mile radius.”

Kate didn’t appear at all fazed by his observation. “I already thought of that. There will be citronella candles strategically placed around the garden during the reception.”

“The reception is going to be here?”

Her eyes widened. “Didn’t Abby mention that?”

“No, but that doesn’t surprise me.” Alex had offered to help with the planning on several occasions, but Abby had resisted all his suggestions. Frustrated, he’d asked if there was anything he would be allowed to do. That’s when his sister had finally given him a task.

You can give me away.

Alex felt his throat tighten at the memory.

It was the one thing he wasn’t sure he would be able to do when the time came.

As the silence stretched between them, Kate released a slow breath.

She hadn’t expected applause but something other than a scowl would have been nice. “You don’t approve of an outdoor reception?” she guessed.

“It’s not that I don’t approve,” Alex said, his voice tight with something that sounded a lot like disapproval.

“Then what is it?”

Alex appeared taken aback by the question. Maybe because, Kate acknowledged ruefully, he wasn’t used to being questioned!

“This wedding wasn’t the kind that I envisioned for Abby,” he said after a moment. “I thought every woman wanted a fairy-tale wedding. The big puffy dress. Dozens of roses—”

“A horse-drawn carriage. String quartet,” Kate murmured.

Alex’s eyebrows shot up and she cringed. Finishing people’s sentences was one of her worst habits! And Kate could only hope Alex wouldn’t realize that what she’d described was her dream wedding, not Abby’s.

“Some women dream of all that,” she said quickly. “But Abby likes things simple, you know.”

“I’ll have to take your word for that,” Alex said. A shadow passed across his face, so fleeting that Kate wondered if she’d imagined it. “I practically raised her, but she’s changed since she moved to Mirror Lake.”

The changes in her friend had more to do with her relationship with God than a change of scenery; but Kate wasn’t sure Alex would understand. According to Abby, he remained openly skeptical about her faith.

“I caught her spying on a wedding at one of the hotels when she was about fifteen,” Alex said, his voice so low that it was almost as if he were speaking to himself. “It was the event of the summer. Ice sculptures. Fresh flowers flown in from Hawaii. I saw the look on Abby’s face when the bride and groom came in and I decided that when she got married, even though our parents couldn’t be there to make things perfect for her, I could.”

As Kate listened, it occurred to her that she hadn’t thought about the situation from Alex’s point of view until now. Abby had been in her teens when their parents died. Alex wasn’t simply an older brother smiling from the sidelines as he watched his sister get married. It was more complicated than that.

I practically raised her.

“The wedding will be special for Abby,” Kate ventured. “Her close friends and family will be there. You’ll walk her down the aisle where Quinn will be waiting. Those are the things that matter the most to her.”

“It just seems like there should be…more,” Alex said. “It should be perfect.”

“This is Abby’s more—and that means it’s perfect,” Kate said.

Alex stared at her and the look in his eyes made Kate catch her breath. Because this Alex Porter, the one who appeared…uncertain…was infinitely more dangerous than the millionaire CEO who insisted on having his own way.

He opened his mouth to say something but didn’t get the opportunity because the approach of a car drew the dogs’ attention. Lady took off down the stone path while Mulligan chose a shortcut through the bushes.

“It sounds like they’re back.” Kate followed Lady, aware that Alex was right behind her.

Quinn had parked the car and was opening the passenger door for Abby when they stepped into the driveway. The moment her friend got out, Kate could tell that something was wrong. Alex saw it, too.

“Abby?” His brows dipped together in a frown. “What happened?”

In a silent appeal, Abby looked at her fiancé. Quinn clasped her hand, his expression grim. “We should talk inside.”

As if by silent agreement, everyone trooped inside and headed straight for the kitchen. Abby went over to the sink and began to fill the teakettle with water. When she turned back again, Kate didn’t miss the glaze of unshed tears in her friend’s eyes.

“Jessica called when Quinn and I were on our way here,” Abby began. “She had an appointment with her OB doctor this afternoon and he found symptoms of a condition called preeclampsia. To be safe, he put her on complete bed rest for the next few months.”

“The next few months?” Kate echoed. “But that means she and Tony won’t be able to attend the wedding on Saturday!”

Abby leaned against Quinn and his arms immediately came around her, bracketing her slender frame. “I’m afraid not.”

“Oh, Abby.” Kate’s heart wrenched at the thought of the couple missing out on such a special day. Jessica and Tony Benson had been instrumental in leading Abby to the Lord and she counted them among her closest friends. “I know how important it was to have them here.”

Alex shot her a grim look. “That’s not all it means,” he pointed out. “They won’t be able to take over the inn while you go on your honeymoon, either.”

“What’s important is Jessica and the baby’s health,” Abby said softly. “If it means delaying our honeymoon trip for a little while, then that’s what we’ll have to do.”

Quinn nodded. “We already prayed about it and we trust that God is in control of the situation.”

Kate felt the sting of tears in her own eyes. Before he’d met Abby, Quinn had been angry at the world—and God. “You’re right. He knows what you need.”

“So do I,” Alex said. “You need a temporary manager. I can take over while you’re gone.”

Three pairs of eyes turned to him in amazement.

“You?” Quinn was the only one brave enough to voice the question.

“Don’t look so surprised. I do own four hotels,” Alex reminded his future brother-in-law.

The couple exchanged a look.

“But this is a bed-and-breakfast,” Abby said.

“Your point?” The eyebrow lifted.

“You don’t know how to cook,” Quinn said bluntly.

To Kate’s astonishment, Alex didn’t deny it. She glanced at Abby and found herself on the receiving end of a bright smile.

Oh, no.

Kate could read her friend’s mind. Now she could only hope that Abby could read hers.

Don’t say it, Abby.

But Abby did say it. Out loud.

“Kate does.”

Longing for Home

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