Читать книгу Grammy's Bedtime Bible Stories - Kathy Brooks - Страница 11


Chapter 2

The Story of Creation

The stories about how the earth, the sun, the moon, the sky, and all the stars were created were told to and later written down for simple people a very long time ago. Back then, there were no cell phones, computers, and TVs. In fact, there were no pencils and paper either! If someone wanted to know about their great, great-grandparents, they had to ask someone who knew them or knew about them. When these ancient people listened to the stories and learned about their families, they would tell the stories to their own children. That is why storytelling was so important. Stories were the way that children, and grownups too, learned about themselves and their families. Then their children grew up and told the stories to their own children.

One of these stories was about the Creation, how our world was created. Nowadays, some people believe that God made the day and night, the earth, sun, moon and stars, the land and sea, and all the animals and people in six days, and since that was a lot of work, God rested on the seventh day. God is super powerful, so He could do that.

Other people today believe that there was a big explosion in the universe, and out of that explosion, the earth and other planets were formed; and when millions of years had passed, bugs crawled out of the ocean; and in more millions of years, the bugs turned into animals and finally humans. Which story do you think the simple people back then would think was easier to understand?

Now that we have science, we can learn more about the age of rocks and our planet, but God is the Maker of everything and how He did it, and how long it took is not as important as knowing and believing He did it. God has always been alive. He is the source of all energy, and He will never die, so He is ageless. That means time has no meaning to God, and it has no effect on Him. He won’t ever get old. God is everywhere just like energy, so to Him, there is no such thing as time; it doesn’t count.

To God, six days is the same as six million years or sixty million years! So He could make everything in six days, and it could really have been sixty million years; it’s all the same to God! No matter how the earth was made, and the people in it, the important thing to remember is that God is the one who caused it all to happen. God has no limits. He is all around us, and He will always be there just like space. Maybe He is space or space is Him! Have you ever heard that the space shuttle astronauts say that they feel like they are touching the face of God when they’re in space? Maybe they do! Or maybe because space is so empty, without all the plants and trees and people, it’s easier to notice that God is there.

God wants to take care of us and surrounds us all the time just like space. Now the animals, the world, and all the people from long, long ago were probably quite different looking from the animals, world, and people of today. Some were not as strong and healthy as others, so they did not live as long or have big healthy families. Others were very strong and healthy, and they had big healthy families. This is called survival of the fittest and is part of the science of evolution. People learned that if they wore warm fur clothes in the winter, they would live; and if they did not, they wouldn’t last very long! The animals, too, would pick the best and strongest mates to have the healthiest litters. The next story is about a couple of the earliest people—a man and woman called Adam and Eve.

Grammy's Bedtime Bible Stories

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