Читать книгу Waiting for Sparks - Kathy Damp - Страница 3


Sparks laughed and chucked her under the chin.

His touch set off so many alarm bells that Emma forgot to watch for the inevitable with Trouble and the lake. The dog shook the water from himself, gathering velocity as the shake intensified. Sparks and Emma ducked behind the cottonwood tree that had been there ever since Emma could remember.

That tree would be gone, as well. No need for a shade tree under bazillions of gallons of water.

She turned to Sparks. “It really is true. It’s not just that the town is out of money. It could also be flooded?” Surprise tears stung her eyes. Why did she care? She was leaving as soon as her plans were finalized.

Sparks’s shoulder, so close to hers, invited her to snuggle into him, hoping he’d tell her everything would be all right.

Waiting for Sparks

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