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Kiss me.

The stray thought caught her off guard and she jerked away from temptation, stumbling like a klutz over a box. Brandon grabbed her before she fell. The warmth from his hands sent heat coursing through her body. This was so not good.

“Thanks,” Arden said breathlessly.

Brandon raised an eyebrow and stared at her as if he knew what she’d been thinking. “Don’t you want to know what he said?”


“John.” She must have looked as blank as she felt because he spoke the next words very slowly. “The guy who’s fixing your car.”

“Oh, yeah. Right. What did he say?”

“He towed it in, but he needs the keys. Once we get this stuff inside, I’ll drop you off at the garage.”

The thought of sitting shoulder to shoulder again in the cab of his truck, his masculine scent swirling around her, tempted her to forget she wasn’t interested in getting involved with another man. “You don’t have to do that.”

“It’s not a problem,” Brandon replied as he hoisted a box onto his right shoulder.

Then he glanced at the woman before him and wondered, not for the first time, what the heck he was doing.

* * *

SWEET BRIAR SWEETHEARTS: There’s something about Sweet Briar...

The Waitress's Secret

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