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freedom: the state of being at liberty rather than in confinement or under restraint

To Father Michael Griffith:

This will be my third attempt to record what has happened. No-one should doubt that the story needs to be told - at least I don't - but I find it increasingly difficult to remain objective, being caught in the middle as I am.

I began by trying to state simple facts, not offering opinions, hoping that you would be able to make up your own mind, but I destroyed these pages. I did it because you are already familiar with the salient points; however, without the background, subjective though it might be, you will never know the whole truth. So, I am beginning again, this time telling my story as it happened, expressing my thoughts as they occurred.

Bear in mind that my time is limited, so frequent re-writes are luxuries I may not be able to afford. Consequently, events and characters, especially characters, appear and behave as I remember them. Their attitudes, their ideals, the loves of their lives - and their fears - will tend to change with the influence of the climate to which I perceive they were exposed. If they seem rather fickle and pseudomorphic, that is because I could not be sure of their true feelings and had to make assumptions based on my own interpretation of their words and deeds.

Considering that I, too, was affected by these same influences, perhaps this will compound existing errors and confusion. So be it. I do not profess to be perfect, neither do I fully understand how I, or anyone, can be so enamoured one minute and disenchanted the next. I imagine that is the price we pay for being human, for allowing emotion to dominate our short lives.

Mine, I am afraid, seems destined to be shorter than most. What they have already done to me has seen to that. If I was the only one they were pursuing, they could sit back and let time finish the job for them; but it isn't just me. I have something they desperately want and they will never give up the search. Fanatics rarely do. Then, I guess, it will be over for me, whereas the torment for the rest of you may be just beginning.

I suppose that sounds a little melodramatic, but I believe what has happened, what may eventually come to pass, is of sufficient importance to warrant at least some emotion. After all, it was a moment of passion which created it, and the end will surely be the same. I seriously doubt I shall be around to witness that part of the story. I hope not.

What really matters is Daniel and what he stands for. People like him have been popping up throughout history. His wide circle of ever-changing friends is testimony to his gregarious nature. If, by now, you have met him, you will already have made up your own mind about his character. Whether this opinion reinforces or conflicts with mine is of little consequence - the fact remains that he is here, in our time, and he makes things happen: strange things; unbelievable things; frightening things.

He is certainly no ordinary man, and he has made the promise of an extraordinary world, one which you will have to live in. It is best you are prepared, so let me tell you about a young man called Daniel.


The Touch of a Strange Young Man

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