Читать книгу How To Steal The Lawman's Heart - Kathy Douglass - Страница 3


The sound of laughter followed by the slam of a car door jolted him, bringing him back to his surroundings.

He was on his front porch, making out like a horny teenager. He eased back, reluctantly ending the kiss, then leaned his forehead against hers.

“Wow,” Carmen breathed, her voice soft and slightly shocked. “I didn’t see that coming.”

“Should I apologize?”

“Only for stopping.”

“Nobody is sorrier for that than I am. But the chief of police shouldn’t be caught making out in public.”

She kissed him briefly before backing away. “It kind of kills the hard-nosed reputation, huh?”

“It doesn’t help.”

She leaned over and put on her shoes. He hadn’t been aware she’d removed them. What else had escaped his attention while he let his desire get the best of him? “We need to talk.”

“Not necessary.” She brushed a slender finger over his wedding band. “I understand.”

* * *

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How To Steal The Lawman's Heart

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