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Chapter Four

Brandon plated the seared sesame tuna, and expertly added the side dishes, dipping sauce and wasabi paste, thus finishing the order for table seven. He gestured to the waitress, who grabbed the tray and hustled into the dining area of the restaurant.

The crowd was unexpectedly large for a Tuesday night. He knew part of the reason was all the visitors in town for the wedding. Ordinarily he would be thrilled with the turnout, but tonight he was concerned because of his newest waitress. He didn’t want poor service to result in a less-than-spectacular dining experience for his guests, new and regular alike. Great food was only a portion of what Heaven on Earth offered.

True, Arden had experience, but every restaurant had a different way of operating. Although he’d given her a quick orientation, he didn’t expect her to remember everything the first night. It generally took at least a week before the waitstaff met his expectations. Of course he had no idea how long she intended to stay in Sweet Briar or if she was interested in working for him on a long-term basis. He’d just be grateful if she stayed through the reception and didn’t do any harm to his restaurant’s reputation in the process.

Brandon turned his attention back to work. The next hour flew as he prepared dinners quickly yet carefully, ensuring each one was cooked perfectly and attractively presented. Once things slowed down, he went into his office, stripped off his stained whites and put on a navy suit jacket. He removed his hairnet and adjusted the leather strap holding his dreadlocks in place.

He visited the dining room at least once each night. As owner, Brandon wanted his patrons to know he valued them and appreciated their business. More than that, he wanted their feedback. If there was a problem with the food or the service, he wanted them to tell him, not their Facebook friends or Yelp.

He stood at the entrance to the dining room for a moment soaking in the sight and the sounds of his restaurant. The pale gray walls and bluish gray floor-to-ceiling curtains provided the perfect backdrop to the snow-white tablecloths and napkins. The silver-and-crystal chandeliers gave off just the right amount of light to be flattering and cozy at the same time. The soft background music added ambience, but didn’t interfere with the quiet conversations his patrons were having.

The Waitress's Secret

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