Читать книгу Unlocked - Katie While - Страница 5



Reproducible pages are in italics.

About the Author


About This Book

Creativity and Assessment

How This Book Will Explore Creativity Through Assessment

Final Thoughts


The Integrated Nature of Assessment and the Creative Process

Myths About Creativity

The Creative Process

Creativity in a Classroom Context

Threats to Creativity

Assessment Processes That Unlock Creativity

Myths and Misconceptions About Assessment

Assessment as the Key to Unlocking Creativity

Final Thoughts

Applying Assessment Within the Stages of the Creative Process


Unlocking the Creative Space

Critical Actions for Teachers and Students When Unlocking the Creative Space

The Role of the Teacher

Final Thoughts

Unlocking the Creative Space: Observation and Self-Assessment

Suggestions When Designing Creative Spaces


Unlocking Exploration

Critical Actions for Teachers and Students When Unlocking Exploration

The Role of the Teacher

Assessment and Exploration

Final Thoughts

Unlocking Exploration: Observation and Self-Assessment

Using Conversation as a Formative Assessment Tool During the Creative Process

Collecting Conversation Data

Self-Assessment and Goal Setting During Exploration


Unlocking Elaboration

Critical Actions for Teachers and Students When Unlocking Elaboration

The Role of the Teacher

Assessment and Elaboration

Final Thoughts

Unlocking Elaboration: Observation and Self-Assessment

Elaboration Self-Assessment and Goal Setting

Ingredients for Creativity

Seeking Feedback

Creative Focus Tracker

Observations by Target

Observation and Action


Unlocking Expression

Critical Actions for Teachers and Students When Unlocking Expression

The Role of the Teacher

Assessment and Expression

Final Thoughts

Unlocking Expression: Observation and Self-Assessment

Expression Self-Assessment and Reflection on Goals and Success Criteria

Observation During Expression


Unlocking Reflection and Response

Critical Actions for Teachers and Students When Unlocking Reflection and Response

The Role of the Teacher

Assessment and Reflection and Response

Final Thoughts

Unlocking Reflection and Response: Observation and Self-Assessment

Reflection and Response Self-Assessment

Comparing Creative Work

My Portfolio

Appendix A

Appendix B

References and Resources



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