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This little novella has lived with me much longer than it took to write. These characters took shape in my dreams and while writing other projects. They are the creative shadows of other fantastic characters, and I hope they jumped out on the page for you just as much as they took shape in my heart.

A huge thank you to the SCAG for daily laughs and helpful suggestions for everything I throw at you.

I want to thank my fab SCBWI crit group for your positivity and constructive thoughts for my books.

Singling out Kierney Scott and Sarah Bennett, you two were so helpful in the early stages of SLS, your advice changed the book for the better!

For Chelsea Ichaso and Jen Nadol, I’m grateful for you taking the time to read it from top to bottom and offering some great ideas to bring this book to another level.

As always, big thanks to my family for your support and understanding when I’m lost in thought and when the house isn’t as clean as I’d like.

To all of those at HQDigital, thank you so much for your advice and amazing cover design. We’ve been through eight books together, and I will forever be grateful.

And to my readers, thanks for taking another journey with me. I hope this book sticks with you long after you finish.

Six Little Secrets

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