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Everyone stared at the door. The moment suspended in the air was thick and made Zoe’s stomach harden.

The crack of Teddy’s stapler next to her shattered the silence.

Zoe had nothing else to do with her hands, so she continued, keeping her eyes on the project.

Q linked his hands behind his head and leaned back in his chair. ‘Who’s going to be the first to spill what big evil deed they did to get in here?’

‘Why do you care?’ Jackie asked. She lifted her purse from under the desk and grabbed a compact. She checked her flawless appearance before snapping it closed.

Q shrugged. ‘This is an eclectic group of individuals. I want to know what dangerous folk I’m spending the day with.’

‘If we were dangerous, we wouldn’t be in detention, idiot,’ Cece said.

‘Oh look,’ Q said. ‘A lucky volunteer.’ He put his hands down, drumming his fingers on the surface of the table before slapping them on it.

The girls jumped, and Teddy flinched.

‘Come on, princess,’ Q pressed.

‘Don’t call me that,’ Cece muttered.

‘Why not? Isn’t that what you are? The perfectly dressed little rich girl?’ Q asked. ‘Why aren’t you locked in your ivory tower this morning?’

Zoe couldn’t take her eyes off the scene unfolding in front of her.

‘What did you do?’ Q asked.

‘What did you do?’ Cece shot back.

‘I’ll show you mine when you show me yours,’ Q said.

Cece glanced around the table at each person except for Q. Her lower lip trembled.

Zoe knew what was coming next.

Cece was an emotional wreck over anything that didn’t go her way. Q’s nickname for her wasn’t far off. Even though she wasn’t close to Teddy’s valedictorian status, she kept her grades on the higher side. In the few classes Zoe shared with Cece, she’d seen way too many tears coming from that girl, and it didn’t have to be much to set her off. Once Cece received a B-plus on an exam, and she excused herself from class. Before she left her seat, she was already crying.

‘Maybe we should get back to work,’ Teddy said, picking up his stapler.

Q cut a look his way. ‘You’re next, nerd.’

‘I’m going to make sure Mr. Curtis gives you another detention,’ Cece said.

Jackie giggled from her seat. ‘You wouldn’t tell anyone. You don’t have the guts.’

Cece glanced at Jackie, open-mouthed. Whatever girl-power alliance Cece thought she had with Jackie disappeared into thin air.

Zoe could have told her that. Jackie’s wrath didn’t spare anyone, not even her friends. Over the years, Zoe watched the revolving door of ‘friends’ that Jackie kept in her tightly knit circle. One day they were laughing in the cafeteria together, and the next day one of the girls would be sitting alone or skipping lunch altogether.

Q grinned, and Zoe’s hand twitched, wanting to wipe it off his face. She hoped that no one else got in trouble so next week she could get her quiet Saturdays back.

‘Come on,’ Q pressed. ‘I could always look at your record.’

‘No, you can’t,’ Cece snapped. ‘Those are locked away.’

‘I’ve never met a lock I couldn’t break,’ Q said.

‘Come on,’ Jackie prodded.

‘I cut class, okay,’ Cece said. ‘To go shopping. Not a big deal.’

Q scoffed. ‘You’re right. Now I regret starting with you.’

‘What about you?’ Cece asked him. ‘You’re always getting in trouble in class. It must have been something good for you to get detention.’

Q sighed, taking his time to answer. ‘Remember that fire drill on Monday?’

Jackie rolled her eyes. ‘That was you?’

Q shrugged, but his smirk gave away his answer. ‘I plead the fifth.’

‘Lame,’ Holly muttered.

‘What about you, Holly?’ Q asked, turning his attention to her.

Her eyes turned to slits. The two of them stared at each other for long enough to make it awkward before a loud crackling sound filled the room.

Everyone looked up toward the ceiling. It was a force of habit from morning and afternoon announcements.

Why would someone use the intercom on a Saturday when they were the only people in the school? If Mr. Curtis wanted to say something to them, he could do it in person. Maybe that’s why he left, to deal with some glitch in the system. No other administrators or teachers were at school, so he seemed the likely candidate to fix it.

‘May I have your attention,’ a hoarse voice said from the intercom. It didn’t sound like Mr. Curtis. Zoe listened harder as the voice continued, ‘The six of you were selected to be here today because you are all hiding something. A secret. One that eats you up inside each day. I’m here to set you free. Life is made up of a series of choices that come with consequences. Today you will all learn that each decision you make affects the world around you. You will each complete a task. One that has to be completed by you and you alone. If you cheat, I will know. And if you inform anyone outside of this room, I will know. The choice is yours.’

The crackling filled the room once again and then the library went silent.

‘What the hell was that?’ Q asked.

Who was that?’ Jackie asked.

‘That voice sounded like something out of a horror movie,’ Cece said, drawing her arms against her chest.

‘What did he mean by secrets?’ Teddy asked.

Of course, Teddy had no secrets. He was the most honorable person in the group. Straight-As with the opportunity to pick a college of his choosing. Zoe had no idea what he’d done to get there, but she was sure it wasn’t that terrible. At least not bad enough for someone to want to exploit it.

‘Q, is this your idea of a joke?’ Holly asked.

Q snorted. ‘I’ve been here the whole time.’

‘You could have had one of your friends do it,’ Holly said.

‘What friends?’ Jackie said with a snort.

Q worked his jaw.

‘Yeah,’ Cece said. ‘You’re obsessed with wanting to know why we’re here.’

‘Okay,’ Q said. ‘Now I know you’re full of yourself.’

‘The only one full of himself is you,’ Cece said. ‘You’re annoying and an attention seeker. You know pulling the fire alarm is a crime, right? I’m surprised you’re here instead of jail.’

‘It’s only a matter of time,’ Q said. He sounded proud of that fact.

Zoe tugged on her sleeves again, keeping her thoughts to herself. That voice was seriously creepy. If it was a prank, it wasn’t funny at all. She had no idea what he was talking about.

‘Can we get back to that voice?’ Jackie said.

‘And consequences?’ Cece said. ‘I swear, Q if this is some joke—’

Q cut Cece off. ‘What are you going to do, princess?’

‘Will you two stop bickering?’ Holly said. ‘If someone is messing with us, then we should take it seriously.’

‘We don’t know anything yet,’ Q said. ‘Where are these tasks?’

‘Guys?’ Teddy said, staring down at the table. He pulled out a slip of paper from the pile. It wasn’t like the rest. It was red while the rest were white.

‘What is that?’ Jackie asked.

‘Is that a pinky promise not to drink?’ Q asked with a grin.

‘Teddy,’ Cece said. ‘Your name is on the other side.’

Teddy swallowed hard as if he expected the piece of paper to jump out and bite him.

‘Why does it have your name on it?’ Zoe asked. Her voice cut the air like a knife. It was the first time the others noticed she was in the room. But no one cut her off. They all wanted to know what was going on.

‘There’s more writing on the other side,’ Teddy said, his voice shaking.

‘What does it say?’ Q asked, leaning across the table.

‘Is this part of what that voice said?’ Jackie asked, her voice warbling slightly.

‘Should we read through all of these slips to make sure none of our names are on them?’ Cece suggested.

‘I’m pretty sure there would be another red one,’ Teddy said, licking his lips and swallowing hard.

‘How would you know?’ Holly asked accusingly.

‘Because this person wants us to find it,’ Zoe said. This had to be what the voice wanted. A shiver ran down her spine.

‘You all need to stop being so dramatic,’ Q said.

‘What does it say?’ Holly asked.

Teddy looked around at the group then down to the paper. He read it, his mouth silently forming the words.

‘The suspense is killing me,’ Q said with an eye roll.

Teddy jerked as if he forgot where he was.

‘Read it to us,’ Holly said.

‘Yeah, Teddy,’ Jackie said, leaning forward.

Teddy looked at Zoe for a moment. His face was ashen. What could he possibly be afraid of?

Teddy tore his eyes from Zoe and read the note aloud.

Six Little Secrets

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