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1 Sleep with an exotic foreigner – (in an ideal world, Javier Bardem). Night of heady, all-consuming passion: getting lost, snogging amongst lemon groves and being drunk on something thick and hugely alcoholic that I can’t pronounce. (*Do this without becoming completely neurotic about what it’s supposed to ‘mean’.)

2 Learn to do SOME sort of dance: jive, tango, birdie … Don’t tell anyone am having classes then wow them at random event and watch as they go, ‘Oh, my God, Liv, you didn’t tell me!’

1 Learn a foreign language.

2 Learn how to make a Roman blind.

3 And the perfect Victoria sponge …

4 Read all works by William Wordsworth and be able to recite lines at will. (Not including ‘I wandered lonely as a cloud’.)

5 Use up all seven Scrabble letters in one fell swoop! BUFFOON, for example, which would be great.

6 Go to Venice, properly this time, and have a bellini at Harry’s Bar.

7 French kiss in Central Park.

8 Climb Great Wall of China and learn a bit of Chinese (should be able to do this whilst climbing the Great Wall).

9 Vegas, baby!

10 Live in Paris, listen to Edith Piaf, smoke Camels, drink pastis and have a torrid affair. Then leave, crying eyes out in Paris Gare du Nord.

11 Learn how to pluck eyebrows so that they ‘frame the face’.

12 Swim naked in the sea at dawn.

13 Get a six-pack (or at least a two-pack) Something better than the one-pack I currently sport.

14 Learn how to meditate. To live in the moment.

15 Have a massive party for my wonderful, wonderful friends. Just because …

16 Learn how to use chopsticks. Asking for cutlery is getting embarrassing at twenty-seven.

17 Go to airport, close eyes and pick a destination at random, then GO! Even if it’s to Stuttgart or Birmingham.

18 Make homemade porn video. Can’t believe I just said that.No really, I can’t.

How We Met

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