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In this lesson we will be studying the superior resurrection which is the first resurrection. We begin in Revelation, chapter twenty, verses four through six.


Whenever you see the phrase, "I Saw" it denotes vision. Not a natural vision, but a spiritual vision. Proverbs 29:18 tells us that, where there is no vision, the people perish. The word "perish" means that flesh is exposed. Therefore, without a vision people are nothing but exposed flesh. They abide in a natural fleshly realm.


We must first realize that this passage of scripture in Revelation is speaking of a certain kind of seeing. It is Insight into the heart of God; Insight into the realm of the Spirit; Insight into the depth of God, where deep calleth unto deep. Many people today are not ready to see into the depth of God, but we are living in an hour, when God is revealing Himself. This is the "day of the Lord" and the revelation of God is for the controversy of Zion [Micah 6:2]. God is becoming an adversary to all the false images, false doctrines, and theories that have been brought forth about Him; and the refuge of lies that people have hid themselves in are being swept away and stripped away.


The "day of the Lord” is not only a day of revealing, but a day of recognition; For we are recognizing Who We Are by finding out Who He Is. Revelation 20:4, "And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them; And I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the Word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; And They Lived... [They did not die in their physical bodies, but they lived], and Reigned With Christ for A Thousand Years." Those who partake in the first resurrection will overcome death, the last enemy, and be changed in the cells of their bodies, by seeing that they already died at the cross. Revelation 20:5, "But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. This Is The First Resurrection." The phrase, "This is the first resurrection" should have been placed at the end of verse 4, rather than at the end of verse 5. The first resurrection has to do with those who live and reign with Christ a thousand years. Revelation 20:6, "Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with Him a thousand years."


Hebrews 6:1-2, "Therefore, leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on unto perfection; not laying again the foundations of repentance from dead work, and of faith toward God, of the doctrine of baptisms and of laying on of hands, and of resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment." In this passage of scripture we find a listing of the doctrines of Christ which are called the "First Principles." Included in those doctrines is the teaching of resurrection from the dead. Nearly everyone has believed that those who have died physically will be resurrected, but many have not understood that process. Some believe that the literal graves in the cemeteries will open up, and the bodies that are placed in those caskets will come forth. However, that is really not what the Bible teaches. Those in that type of resurrection will have physical bodies, but with less glory than those who came into immortality without experiencing physical death. Those involved in the first resurrection will have physical, immortal bodies. They will not experience physical death! The last enemy death will be put under the feet of this people. According to I Corinthians 15:54, "...this mortal shall put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, death is swallowed in victory."


We must understand that resurrection is a Person. It is also a realm, a state of being, and an awakening of God, that is completely relevant to this "Day of the Lord" that we have entered into now. God is lifting this doctrine of resurrection out of a First Principle understanding, where it is no longer something futuristic, but a truth that is being experienced in a people now.

Dawning of a New Day

Jesus often referred to the day of resurrection. The prophets prophesied of a day of resurrection. The importance of it is the fact that Hosea 6:2 records, "After two days will he Revive us; in the third day he will Raise Us Up, and we shall Live in his sight." The raising in the third day speaks of God resurrecting a people in the "Day of the Lord."

In II Peter 3:8, God gave Peter some wisdom concerning time, in the sight of God. "A day with the Lord is as a thousand years, and a thousand years is as a day." We are at the end of the second one thousand year day since Jesus Christ came and initiated the new covenant, and we are at the dawn of the third day. Anyone with spiritual understanding knows that something new is dawning in the realm of the Spirit! The significance is made even more clearly as we understand that God's day begins at Night; that the evening and the morning were the first day. Therefore, God's new day always begins in the nighttime of the day before.

We are living in an overlapping; transition period. That is why there is so much conflict in Christendom at large; that is why there is conflict in the world at large; that is also the reason there is conflict in us right now. There are things in us that do not bespeak an End, but bespeak of a beginning; and many times it is hard for us to relate, when there are feelings and emotions that are coming to an end in us. But for those who are beginning to walk in the dimension of Spirit, realize that a New Day is dawning. With that new day comes a new mentality; a new way of thinking, and they are allowing God to raise their level of consciousness to that new day, so they can begin to Walk in the Reality of it.


Contrary to what men have understood about resurrection, it is not some instantaneous moment of time when the literal graves open up, and the bodies which were buried in them will come forth. That is what the church has taught. However, if we want to come into real truth, we must put away childish things. Resurrection has nothing whatsoever to do with the opening of literal graves out of those "dark cemeteries." There is never going to come a time when the dead bodies of those who have been placed in caskets and vaults [six feet under the ground], are going to come forth in the same bodies that went into the grave.

In I Corinthians chapter 15, verses 34 and 35 we read, "Awake to righteousness, and sin not; for some have not the knowledge of God: I speak this to your shame. But some men will say, how are the dead raised up? And with what body do they come?" Here they were asking the question, what kind of body will those who have died be resurrected with? Then in Verses 36 through 38, Paul begins to answer their question. “Thou fool that which thou soweth is not quickened except to die: And that which thou sowest, thou sowest not that body that shall be, but bare grain, it may chance of wheat, or of some other grain: But God giveth it a body as it hath pleased Him, and to every seed His own body.”

Jesus Christ is not coming back in the same body in which He went to the cross. He can take on any kind of body He desires. In fact, following His resurrection, He did just that. There was only one recorded time in which they knew Him in the body of His crucifixion. That was when Thomas who doubted the Lord, asked to see it, and Jesus showed him His body with the holes. Every other time He revealed Himself in a different looking body. He appeared to Mary as a gardener; He appeared to His disciples as a strange foreigner, walking down the Emmaus road. As recorded in John chapter 20, the disciples were fishing while Jesus was on the shore, and they failed to recognize Him. He can appear in any kind of body He desires. That is not saying that He could not appear in the body in which He went to the cross with; but people are limiting Him to that kind of body, when God wants to find a Greater Expression than that.

The reason Jesus went to the cross and the reason He died, beyond the fact that humanity needed their sins forgiven, was so that He could be raised up in Spirit and then pour Himself into them; therefore He created a larger manifestation of Himself in Many People. In I Corinthians 15, Paul gives the principle that once something is sown into the ground, it does not come back in the same form in which it was sown. Resurrection denotes an advancing.


The word "resurrection" [ANASTASIS - Greek], means an uprising, rising to a state of highest advancement. It also means a reversal and a recovering of spiritual truth. It means to collect ones faculties. The word "first" which appears in Revelation 20:5, as it speaks of the first resurrection, is [PROTOS - Greek], means foremost in time; and it comes from a root word [PRO], meaning superior.

There is a difference between the general resurrection and the superior, or the great [first] resurrection. There is a difference for those who have died in their physical bodies, and those who experience the great resurrection. Anyone who dies physically will go into resurrection, a state of advancement in the Spirit realm. II Corinthians 5:1 "For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens." This particular passage of scripture has been very popular at funerals, but God has a higher realm of interpretation for this scripture. It is true however, that when one dies physically, there is another body, or house which houses the spirit; from there they advance on into God.

The point is, resurrection has nothing to do with the literal graves in the cemeteries opening up and the dead bodies coming forth. Verse two of that same passage says, "For in this we groan, earnestly desiring to be clothed upon with our house which is from heaven." In other words, His desire was to see the realm of Spirit from within, come without, and envelope our entire being. To desire to be clothed with our house from heaven means to desire to be clothed with the house from the realm of Spirit! It means to have Spirit released into conscious awareness and then into our Physical Bodies. It means to give outward expression to that which we are inwardly. Verse four tell us, "For we that are in this tabernacle do groan, being burdened: not for that we would be Unclothed, but clothed upon, that Mortality Might Be Swallowed Up of life.” This is what the great and superior resurrection is; it is putting on the Spirit! It is not just Christ In us, but on us.

Colossians 1:27 "To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you the hope of glory:" In this scripture, the hope is not the Glory. Glory is when the Christ In us manifests outwardly. It is when we give outward expression to that which we are inwardly. This is being clothed with our house which is from heaven, or from the realm of Spirit.

Company of Overcomers

The resurrection in Revelation 20 has to do with those who will experience it while still in physical bodies. Everyone experiences resurrection, but not everyone is in the first resurrection. The first resurrection or superior resurrection has to do with a people who are laying hold of the present truth that is coming forth today, and are becoming God's availability in the earth. It will not be for a people who are seeking to escape. It will not be for a people who are seeking to be "raptured away" in some natural catching away. But it is for a people who are seeking to be "caught up" into a dimension of Spirit, so Spirit can find expression through flesh, and the kingdom of God can come upon earth. The first resurrection is for a people who overcome through the awakening that they are in the Overcoming One.

Revelation 20:4, as we read earlier, says, "And I saw Thrones." The Bible is the best interpreter of the scripture. Revelation 3:21 records, “To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in My Throne, even as I also overcame, and am sat down with My Father in His Throne" The Throne belongs to them who overcome in Jesus’ overcoming. This overcoming is not in the flesh realm, or the knowledge of good and evil realm, for that is all in the realm of death, but overcoming is a working of the Spirit within us. The Thrones are given to those who, through the Spirit, overcome the world, the flesh, and the devil; this company of people is given a seat of authority or a seat of power.

In Revelation 3 as John was recording the words of Jesus, “The overcomer will sit with me in My Father's Throne." The very next thing shown to John [Revelation chapter 4], because he Became Spirit in the realm of Spirit, was that he was immediately brought Into the Spirit, and saw a Throne; and he saw one that sat upon the throne, and he began to describe that one. He went on to say that around the throne were Living Creatures Expressing Life, And They Lived. Also Revelation 20:4 tells us that they lived. In Revelation chapter 4 John saw a people who were also expressing life, and a little later he said that there was a Lamb. John was describing a people who have come into a realm of Spirit, and are partaking of the resurrection, that lifts them out of the dead while still in physical bodies.


John saw Thrones, and the scripture says that "they Sat upon them" which denotes a realm of Rest [Revelation 20:4]. In other words, they had ceased from their own labors, and were in a state of rest. It also says, in verse four, that judgment was given unto them. The word "judgment" means the ability to make decisions. This people had the Godly wisdom to make righteous judgments and decisions. They were not ethereal; they were not cosmic; but they had grown up and had learned how to think as God thinks. They learned to have judicial authority. They judged righteous As God. The scripture also says in verse four, "...And I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness..." It is very important to realize that this portion of scripture in Revelation 20:4 follows three previous verses which deal with the adversary realm. Verse one tells us that an angel came down; and that angel was a message. The message which is coming from the realm of Spirit is placing a binding upon that old serpent, the devil, and Satan, which simply means Adversary and Accuser. There is a message that is making the realm of accusation and slander of No effect in our lives. This realm of slander and accusation is being placed in a bottomless pit, which means that there is a people in whom there is No Foundation to build accusation, slander, and condemnation upon. There is no foundation to build conflict upon.

Accusation, Slander, Condemnation, and Conflict will begin to be removed when we first learn to Agree with our adversary. The realm of conflict begins to be removed from us, the moment we realize that even our conflicts have no power. Then we no longer fight them, but we agree with our adversary, we have a healthy awareness about them; and thereby take away any ground for them to build upon. It is following this fulfillment, that there are a people upon Thrones. One begins to rule and reign when the accuser is thrown down.

Revelation 12:10 "And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of His Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night." All this takes place within us, and when this does take place within a people, they will begin to release the Christ which they are, the moment the realm of the adversary is thrown down in their lives. At that point the accuser begins to become of No Effect.


The beheading of Souls that takes place for the Witness of Jesus, as recorded in Revelation 20:4, speaks of a people losing their life for the life of Christ, and putting on the mind of Christ. The word "witness" is translated in other places as Testimony. It is translated from the Greek word "MARTE-ROUS" which means, evidence given bearing witness, or one who gives evidence to something. In other words, these people spoken of here were giving evidence to Jesus’ finished work which could simply be said that they were giving evidence of the Savior, or Becoming Saviors’ as Obadiah verse 21 says. The English word "Martyr" means one who lays down his life for another; so to be a witness, to give evidence of Jesus, one must lay his new creation life down For Others! There can be no testimony to Jesus if one is Selfish! The scripture used the word "souls" therefore it is not talking about physical martyrdom, as in physical death. Martyrdom in that dimension would not serve the purpose of God for this hour. The purpose that is revealed today is that purpose which shall be accomplished through Living Martyrdom, through a people who are laying down their new creation lives on the earth, so that Christ can find full expression in and through them! Therefore, when the Word speaks of the soul it is very important, because the soul is the being. We were under the altar at the death of Jesus at the cross. At the new birth we received a new spirit and a new soul (a new being-New creation), and became one Spirit in the Lord. He (the new soul) that is joined to the Lord (new spirit) is one Spirit.


Man is a tri-part being. These three realms have certain functions. In order for us to become a spiritual being in the way God desires, we must find the balanced functions of these three realms. Since the fall of man, man has been fragmented and dual in his awareness. Duality, fragmentation, and divisions are all evidence of the appearance realm.

The functions of spirit are Intuition which is knowledge gained without recourse to natural reason. Another function of spirit is Communication, and it is with our spirit that we commune with God. Another word for "communion" is worship. Then the conscience is part of the outer realm. That part that must be purged according to Hebrews chapter 9 Verse 14.

The conscience is where we judge either by the Mind of Christ or by the 5 senses. The 5 senses are connected to the body and flow to the physical brain. When the conscience or awareness is purged it no longer discerns by the outer realm but by the inner realm.

The spirit makes one aware, or gives one a God Consciousness. The body gives one outer world consciousness. The thing that stands between the spirit and the body is the conscious awareness. When the conscious awareness receives the Mind of Christ, the body or flesh will be affected. It is in the conscience or consciousness that a thing is conceived and then manifestation will come.


All of our lives we have learned to live apart from the spirit realm. Our spirit did not vibrate or function at the same level, so as to have a consciousness of God. The life that we projected was based upon the things learned through the body realm. Therefore, the impressions and pictures that we reasoned, felt, and chose, were not only fragmented, and dual; they were divided in their own selves, due to subjection to bondage and corruption; but were also enhanced into further deception by learning to grow based upon the five senses. We could only believe what we heard with our natural ears. This is what the veil represents as the realm of appearance. This is the reason we are admonished by Paul as he writes in I Thessalonians 5:22, to abstain from all appearance of evil. We are not to judge anything by outward appearance. The judgment that was given to the people in Revelation chapter 20 partaking of the superior resurrection was not a judgment based on outward appearance.

When one is initially born again he is made aware, or quickened by the Spirit of God. The Bible calls it being "born from above," when one is generated by Spirit. The interesting thing about the word "generate" is that it means "generated from the first," or generated from the realm you first came from, which was Spirit. For all spirit came out of God and was created In Him in pure spirit form, then lowered into the bondage of corruption, where the awareness and memory of Spirit died into the death of human experience. We then entered a process of resurrection, which is far greater than, simply the raising of a physical body.

When Adam sinned against God his level of perception was altered. Therefore resurrection must take place, which involves the recovery of all that was lost when we took upon ourselves the form of flesh. A reversal occurs to all the consequences that came to us: as we grew in the realm of duality, becoming more enmeshed into the appearance, or outer world experience; as we lost the memory of that which we had from the foundation of the world. When God allows the Spirit to brood over the formless void of our earth and say, "Let there be light;" then there is an awakening and we are reborn back into the beginning of the knowledge we once had.

It all started by Spirit drawing us. It starts by coming to know Jesus. That is the beginning [entrance] into the knowledge of God. But all of that is so very low on the spectrum of where God desires to bring us to; because it is only as we see Him now, that we express Him. It is not as we saw Him then, that we started to become Him, it is only as we see Him Now. If we ever want to see Christ now, we must look within the realm of spirit. For it is out of this heaven that He is coming forth; and as He does, He is coming forth into conscious awareness. The spirit as light is generating our awareness and then it projects out into the realm of the physical body!


Revelation 20:4 speaks of the Souls that were beheaded. This beheading is two-fold. It is an inward and an outward beheading. The word "beheaded" means to be axed by a two edged-blade. We know that the Word of God is sharper than any two-edged sword.

This two-fold beheading denotes becoming a new soul or being, and getting a new mind, the Mind of Christ. The old mind which we had was exchanged for a new mind. We no longer had our lives governed by the old human mind, but rather by the new Mind of Christ. Everything in the inward and the outward changed. And as we utilize the Mind of Christ we experience this change in every aspect of our life. For example, eating food is a "first principle." Eating food is a principle that we are subject to at the present. When we come into the full expression of God there will be no need to eat, in order to sustain life. Although we will still eat, it will not be something that we must have to stay alive. Food is an elementary bondage. It is not sin, but it is something we must depend upon right now to sustain life. When we experience the fullness, there will be no dependence upon anything natural, in order to survive. One will not even need the elementary principle of air to sustain life. We will completely come out from under anything elementary which formerly ruled us. In II Peter, he speaks of the elements melting with fervent heat. The Greek word for "elements" is, "STOICHEION" meaning anything outward or natural. We will find our life from within ourselves, as a source that is within the realm of Spirit. This is all a part of the outward beheading, spoken of in Revelation 20:4.

The inward beheading has to do with being beheaded from religious bondage and religious legalism. The inward beheading also has to do with being delivered from knowledge of good and evil. All of these things have served a purpose in our lives at one time; for when God has no other way to discipline us, He puts us under law, as children in a play-pen, to lead us to Him. The law has served a purpose in all of our lives. Some people cannot receive the deeper truths that God is revealing today because they heard them without coming up to the standard of that glory therefore it was used to their own destruction. For example: We cannot tell some people that there is no more sin, because some of them would hear the truth, and use it as an excuse to sin. Therefore, God will keep some people's level of consciousness at a lower level than He would like to so He can work the discipline into their lives that is needed in order that they may be ready for the stronger truths. Then when God releases unto them the message of full grace, they will not use it to their own destruction. Truth carries with it a great responsibility. That is why God only takes us from realm to realm, and glory to glory. We cannot receive the higher glory if we are not prepared for it.

I Corinthians 11:27 tell us, "...if we eat or drink unworthily we bring judgment unto ourselves." In other words, if we begin to partake of a realm of glory that we are not prepared to receive, God brings us into correction. Therefore, each progression of glory we attain unto is attained by the in-working of God's Spirit, so we can come up to the lifestyle of that glory. Until then, we are under tutors and governors. Some of the tutors and governors have been the "five fold" ministry. Some people still need that kind of ministry, because they cannot allow the Spirit to take control of their lives as of yet.

Colossians 2:20-22 "Wherefore if ye be dead with Christ from the rudiments of the world, why, as though living in the world, are ye subject to ordinances, [touch not; taste not; handle not; which are all to perish with the using]; after the commandments and doctrines of men?" God is bringing a people out of the realm of "Do's and Don'ts" into the realm of Spirit. Although the law has served its purpose; for God gave Israel the law and confirmed it with glory. He did this so that Israel could be brought into obedience [not into righteousness], but temporarily constrained from exhibiting wild passion. God caused that law to be given with glory, in that Moses' face shown, but Moses seeing His face beginning to dim, put a veil over it so that Israel could not see that the power and glory of the law would be done away with and run rampant. That is why some people cannot see the ending of the church age. They still need to be boxed in a play-pen because they cannot take control and responsibility for their lives. But God is advancing in a people today that can hear these present truths and not use them as an occasion to the flesh.

This beheading is for or by the word of God. As the word comes to us and the level of our consciousness is raised, the word itself brings the experience of this beheading. We are brought into the "Day of the Lord" realm or the spiritual dimension, and leave the Appearance realm. We are separated from a fleshly mentality and receive a New Head and then take on a new conscious awareness. We no longer judge or make decisions based upon anything in the appearance realm, or five sense realm, but judge righteous judgment. All this is being accomplished by the word of God in us.

Revelation 6:9 says, "And when He had opened the fifth seal I saw under the altar, the souls..." The souls were under the altar, the place of sacrifice. And God, in our Christian journey in the Spirit, brings us to various altars, where we offer a little bit more of ourselves each time. He continues to bring us to the one true altar of Christ, until finally our entire is under the place and realm of sacrifice, willing to be poured out.

The scripture continues to say, "... They were slain for and By the word of God, and for the testimony which they held." Therefore the word of God working in us brings a death or a beheading to our judgment based upon appearance. This teaches us to judge or make decisions by Spirit.

God is leading us out from depending upon His life and His righteousness, because the letter [appearance] kills, but the Spirit gives life. Even the Bible is a dead letter to those who read it and take it unto themselves by the letter. But there certainly is a knowledge to be gained by the letter, for we cannot get revelation apart from it. The first thing we gain is the letter then we go into definition.

Once we gain the letter and understanding of the definition of various words, the Spirit then brings the revelation. The book within us is revealed, which will put us in contact with the realm of Spirit, where we find the performance of the New Covenant. The performance of the New Covenant cannot and will never be dependent upon flesh, but upon spirit that has become one with flesh.

The Spirit desires to mingle itself with our consciousness, and therefore will project outwardly into our outer world. We will never get rid of sin in the outer realm until we get rid of sin in the inner realm. We will never get rid of self in the outer realm, until we get rid of self in the inner realm. And we will never get rid of the devil out of the outer realm, because there is no devil in the outer realm, there is only a devil in the awareness of man. The devil exists in the knowledge of good and evil realm.

II Timothy 3:15-16 "And that from a child thou hath known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus, All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness." The word of God as water cleanses and sanctifies us. The word "sanctify" means to separate us or to behead us from the things that formerly ruled us. What does the word cleanse us from? It cleanses us of previous knowledge gained from the realm of appearance. Jeremiah 23 speaks of a fire that purges us. It purges us just as the offerings which were brought to the altars of the tabernacle and temple. They were cut up and opened up until the innards were exposed and burned up. Every inner motive, desire, and thought, which is according to the old consciousness is being purged by fire. This is exactly what is taking place in a people today. It is the day of resurrection. It is the day of advancing which is taking place by the purging and cleansing in the conscience from judging by the appearance realm.


The superior resurrection is the raising of man's conscious awareness and body from a sense-bound consciousness to a Spirit consciousness. This takes place as we turn to the Lord within. As we seek the Lord with a sincere heart, and come to know Him, then we find the experience and the illumination of Spirit; "the Epiphaneia of His Parousia" [the outshining of His presence]. Saint John 5:28-29 states, "Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming in which all that are in the Graves shall hear His voice." Now we know that He could not be talking about physical graves. The dead bodies in the graveyards return unto dust; those who have died have spiritual bodies. The superior resurrection has to do with those who are still in their physical bodies.

The Greek word for "Graves" is, "MNEMEION" which means remembrance. It also means, memory, to remember, and to recall or to put on the Mind of Christ. It refers to the fixture in the Christ mind, or of mental grasp of the Christ mind. Therefore, the word "graves" has to do with the awareness grasping something. He said "...the hour is coming when all that are in the graves shall Hear..." We know that a grave in the natural is a place you go to remember someone that once was alive. That is what our physical bodies are; they are a reminder of what we once were, when we were created in the image of God, in pure spirit form. Our eyes are a reminder of what we once saw, when we saw in pure spirit form. Our legs and feet are a reminder of a time when we walked in the realm of Spirit from before the foundation of the earth.

But the hour is now upon us, when these graves are beginning to Hear. The word "hear" means to understand a language; to understand the language of Spirit.

There are a people who have been in the graves of ignorance, who are now beginning to understand Spirit. They are now collecting their faculties. They are recovering spiritual truth. John 14:25-26 says, “These things have I spoken unto you, being yet present with you. But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in My name, He shall teach you all things and bring all things to your Remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you." The Spirit of God is bringing to our conscious awareness all the things we were taught from before the foundation of the world when we were in pure Spirit form. He is bringing to our awareness that we are the offspring of God. He is bringing to our awareness that we are in the image and the likeness of God, and that we Are Spirit. As our level of consciousness is raised to this level we then automatically begin to live out from that dimension of life.


John 5:28-29 "Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in which all that are in the grave shall hear His voice, And shall come forth; they that have done good unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation." This scripture carries with it a two-fold reality: He says, "...they shall hear His voice." The word "voice" means a disclosure, a saying, or a language. There are three times in the scripture where it says that the heavens were opened and a Voice spoke; and some said it was as the sound of thunder. The word that is coming forth in this hour is coming as earth shaking thunder. There are a people who are being awakened, and who are being resurrected as they are hearing the voice from heaven, or the realm of Spirit.

Verse 29 says, "And shall come forth; they that have done good unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil unto the resurrection of damnation." The word "damnation" means judgment. We can begin to see this in a New Light. We know that there is both good and evil in the world, but we are beginning to see that in this day of resurrection there is a processing going on, in both the good and the evil in us. The first part is the Good part. Good is a very peculiar word. The Greek word is "AGATHOS;" In the definition of AGATHOS, we find a reference to another Greek word, "KALOS", which also means good. But under the definition of KALOS, we see that KALOS is distinguished from AGATHOS. The meaning of AGATHOS is intrinsic.

Intrinsic denotes something inside, a private secret. It speaks of the essential nature or constitution of a thing characterized by the substance itself, rather than the content of any impurities contained within or about. In other words, the intrinsic part of our life is that which constitutes our substance. What is our substance? Spirit!! When He says that there is a resurrection of the good, there is a resurrection of the substance of God within us. Regardless of any other impurities that might be contained in our vessel, the spirit man is advancing!! Therefore, as we move into the day of resurrection we are finding our spirit man advancing. The scripture also says that there is a resurrection of the evil. What that means is that there is an advancing taking place to that part of us which is foul or evil. The word "evil" in Greek means, to be encrusted, clogged, or choked with a foreign substance, flaw. The word flaw means, a fault or defect which may cause failure under stress or weakness. This simply means, that while the good part of us, which is already the substance of Spirit, advances; the other part of our life which is flawed, which would break under pressure, is advancing unto corrective judgment; and that part of us, which clogs and chokes the Spirit from flowing is being swallowed up.

We are living in the day of resurrection, and God is coming forth breaking down the walls that have separated Spirit and flesh. We do not get to heaven by dying and going there. Heaven is a realm of Spirit. We are going to get into the spiritual dimension just as soon as we realize that God hath broken down the middle wall of partition, so Spirit can flow through conscious awareness and into body. We then experience the realm of Spirit, until we become so conformed to God's image experientially, that we can take upon ourselves any kind of form; go into any realm and redeem those that need to be delivered into the glorious liberty of the sons of God!


Builders of the Tabernacle

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