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Congratulations! You made it! You got yourself a job! You worked on your resume for weeks, networked your butt off, and after a million and five interviews, someone decided to give you a shot!

The hardest part is out of the way, right? Now you can kick back, relax, and post all over Facebook the fact that you’re finally employed. You can dress up in nice suits, go to work, collect that paycheck, and life is going to be awesome!

Hah! Not so much. Hate to break it to you, but the hard work is just starting! Yea, you heard me correctly. Now is when things actually get tough. You landed the job, but now you have to live it every day, and doing that isn’t always easy.

Welcome to the corporate world, my friend! A world where things aren’t fair, some people are mean, and if you want to succeed, your boss has to like you.

Let’s face it, no one prepared us for corporate life. No one taught us the difference between carbon copying and blank carbon copying, and if you don’t know what I’m referring to by carbon copying, that’s exactly my point.

Should you speak up in meetings? Should you stay quiet? Are you allowed to be friends with your co-workers? Should you eat at your desk? What should you wear? And what do you do when someone blasts you via e-mail?

You’re going to have all these questions and more, I promise you that much. And while it’s not your fault that college didn’t teach you this stuff, there are things you’re going to have to know if you want to kick-ass in your career.

I’ve been surviving in the corporate world since I was 18 years old, and no, it hasn’t always been easy! A lot of this stuff I’ve had to learn the hard way, and by hard way I mean I’ve been called into the Human Resources office one too many times.

But I’ve learned a lot these past few years, and my goal here is to share with you some basic survival skills for the corporate world. Because when I landed my first job, I really wish someone had handed me a survival guide. Heck! I would have settled for a simple 30-minute advice session with anyone who’d been working for over a week.

But you don’t always get that, and you’re thrown off the boat expected to swim. I’m going to make sure you do. I’m not going to let you sink, because I want you to succeed. I want young professionals everywhere to show anyone who’s ever doubted us that we know what we’re doing and we’re going to make a difference in this world.

So I hope you enjoy the stories and the advice I’m about to share with you, and I wish you nothing but the best!

Corporate Survival Guide for Your Twenties

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