Читать книгу All Male - Kay Thorpe - Страница 3


“You just can’t accept it, can you?”

“Accept what?”

“That the woman exists who can find you resistible.”

“Is that a challenge?”

“No, it damn well isn’t!” Kerry said, furious with herself for getting involved in any kind of repartee with the man. “As I’ve said before, I’m here to work, not to play games with you!”

“I don’t recall you saying that before. Not in so many words, at any rate.” He was openly laughing, eyes crinkling at the corners. “I like your style, Kerry. So refreshingly astringent! Makes me wonder if that’s the real you—or if there’s a softer side underneath it all....”

“If there is you’re unlikely to find it!”

“Now that,” Luke returned, “is quite definitely a challenge!”

All Male

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