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June 24th, 2002 and Black's words were still lingering in Meesa's head. Now the stuff about her and her friends being paper chasers was true. But not true for Meesa anymore. She had stopped using men for money a few years back. Dudes still offered to buy her things, and sometimes she would oblige, but not all the time. A lot of dudes around the way got mad when they saw that Meesa really wasn't interested in them personally. So they started spreading rumors that she gave it up for money.

The real deal was they were suckers and were mad that they got played. Meesa had never been loose, but some of her friends had and still were. So, that put a brand on her as well. She hated what people said about her so much, that that was the reason she stopped using guys for their dough. It made Meesa laugh, because the same niggas talking shit about her were the same cats all up in her face. Meesa was nineteen and making it on her own. Okay, Meesa was not really making it on her own. Meesa's mother passed away when Meesa was seventeen, and she left all of her belongings to her one and only child.

Miss Anne is what people called her. She died of breast cancer, she suffered for over three years. And one day while lying in bed next to her daughter, Miss Anne sincerely told Meesa, “Baby girl, you have to depend on you and only you.”

Those words were forever imbedded in Meesa's mind. So, she sold her mom's house and collected that, and the insurance money her mother left her.

One of Miss Anne's closest friends cosigned for an apartment. She found herself a moderately sized, but affordable, apartment in a nice area. She set it up with all of her mother's furniture that could fit in her quaint apartment, paying the first and last months rent and the security deposit. Meesa found a storage space for the rest of her mother's things. Promising herself, once she got her degree and bought herself a house, she would put all her mother's belongings in it.

After all that, Meesa had $74,780 left in her savings account. She only touched her savings for groceries, rent, and utilities. From the beginning, it had always been her and her mother. Before being diagnosed with cancer, Miss Anne worked as a teller at a bank. As a teller, she made a pretty decent amount of money. She bought any and everything Meesa wanted, within reason. But when Meesa started to blossom during her teenage years, she lost control. Noticing how men took to her body and the way her hips swayed when she walked, Meesa used her powers to drain men of their money. Miss Anne tried to tell her daughter that the life she was leading was wrong, but Meesa figured, if I have it why not use it.

She didn't fully understanding Miss Anne's words until she succumbed to breast cancer. Knowing it would just be her now, Meesa decided to make a change.

Every time a man she knew she could trick approached her, she remembered her mother's words. Meesa never knew her father, so that left a huge scar on her heart. Sometimes she wondered how he looked and what it would've been like to know him. But anger quickly replaced those thoughts.

In a psychology seminar, she learned that a lot of women use men as a replacement for the fathers they never had, quickly she figured out the connection for her using men for money. Meesa saw that she was, in a weird way, using men to pay her father back for not being there for her.

Tired of strolling down memory lane, Meesa decided to call Destiny. The phone rang and on the fourth ring she got a “Hello.”

“What's been up with you girl, I haven't talked to you in a couple of days?”

“Living it up, that's what I've been doing. Daryl has been spoiling me with so much stuff girl, I don't know how to act.”

“I see that.” Answered Meesa.

“Have you talked to Gwen and them?” Asked Destiny.

“No, not for a couple of days. Well hold on I'm going to call her on three way.”


“What's up hoe?”

“Who is this?”

“Girl you know who in the hell this is,” Meesa answered.

“Oh what's up, who else is on the phone?”


“Hey hoe where in the hell have you been?”

“Like I told Mee Mee, living it up.”

“Daryl got your ass sprung, huh?” Asked Gwen.

“Girl, you just don't know, he be whipping it on a sista.”

“Ooh, let's call Kelly, Tamara, and Nikki.” Requested Meesa. After three phone calls, everybody was on the line laughing and talking catching up on shit they had missed.

“So, what ya'll doing tonight.” Questioned Nikki.

“Ooh, lets go out tonight?” Meesa asked excitedly.

“You always want to go out Meesa, so you can run into Black ass.” Joked Nikki.

“Forget you hoe, ya'll want to go out or not?” Questioned Meesa.

“Yeah, let's go.” Said Tamara.

“Let's all met up at up The Spotlight at 11:00.” Replied Destiny.

“Who is going to pick me up?” Asked Meesa. “I will.” Replied Gwen.

“All that money you got, you need to go and buy ya ass a car.” Said Destiny.

“Fuck you hoe.” Shot back Meesa playfully.

They all said their goodbyes and each got ready for a fantastic night out with the girls.

The Spotlight was packed as usual. Niggas were every which way you turned. All of the girls were dressed to kill. Meesa decided on wearing the black Gucci tube dress that Destiny had given her from the shopping spree on Daryl.

It was spandex so every nick and cranny on her body was explored. She accessorized with diamond stud earrings, silver heart necklace, silver bangle bracelets, and silver strapped high heels with rhinestones across the toe strap. Meesa looked like a million bucks. The little makeup she wore made her look angelic. Kisha, her hair stylist, had tried something new on her that turned out to be really cute. She had spike curls and flip curls mixed together. It gave Meesa a spunky edgier look. The music was pumping and Meesa's body swayed to the beat. She and the girls hit the dance floor with a purpose. They let everyone know that they were in the house, and taking no shorts. Starting to get hot after four straight dance tracks Meesa and Nikki walked to the restroom.

They freshened up, and on the way out, Meesa noticed she had left her lip-gloss on the counter.

She walked back alone only to see Black and his boy Rick standing against the wall talking business. Meesa tried to walk by him hoping he didn't notice her for the first time. But, of course, he did cause Rick with his big mouth, had to say what's up. Meesa walked by and only gave a wave. Black played like she didn't even exist, but the dress she had on made it hard for him. Her already thick hips were saying hello to him silently.

In the restroom, Meesa fanned herself with her purse. Even though she was still mad at Black for the comment he made about her, she couldn't help but still be attracted to him. He was most definitely out to prove something. The boy had all his dreadlocks hanging down surrounding his beautiful face.

On his body lay a blue & white Phatfarm shirt open to show the matching Phatfarm T-shirt he had on under it. On his legs was a pair of indigo Phatfarm shorts, and a pair of new white on white Nike Air Force Ones. The man was absolutely gorgeous, he was almost God-like. The muscles in his arms and legs were visibly being shown. Black possessed power. It exuded out of him.

Five minutes passed and Meesa was still perched up against the wall fanning herself. Knowing she had to come out sooner or later, Black stayed glued to the same spot, hoping to get a glimpse of her walking by. Meesa finally got a hold of herself and walked confidently out of the restroom. Black was in the corner of her eye. She knew that he was looking at her, but she kept on walking.

Meesa found Destiny and Daryl on the dance floor slow dancing to Jill Scott. So she tapped Daryl on the back and asked if she could cut in. Daryl turned around grinning, but the smile quickly faded when he saw Meesa and what she had on. He pushed Destiny off of him almost making her fall.

Disgusted with her, he walked away. Destiny and Meesa stood in shock.

“What is his problem?” Asked Meesa.

“Girl, I don't know, he been tripping since we got here. He saw me talking to John from high school, and thought I was flirting with him.”

“Well, I'm sure as hell not John and for damn sure don't look like no man, so he's tripping.” Meesa jokingly suggested.

“Let me go and find him, I'll be back.” Replied Destiny.

Across the floor, Black had saw everything that had went down, and kind of felt sorry for Meesa's partna. He had also seen a couple of dudes try and holla at Meesa. But Meesa turned down each advance. Now Black was starting to get confused, because two out of the three dudes that tried to holla at Meesa were baller's. Maybe the rumors about her weren't true.

Gwen, Kelly, Nikki, Tamara, and Meesa partied the night away. The night was almost over and nobody had seen Destiny since the incident.

Each of the girls looked all over for her, no one found her. Walking out the club, they heard people shouting. One of the voices were familiar, it was Destiny's. Meesa and the girls pushed their way past the others and hurried to see what was happening.

They found Destiny crying and screaming at the top of her lungs at Daryl. Gwen, being the fearless one in the group, quickly asked, “what in the fuck is going on, Dee?”

Not answering, she just kept on saying, “Daryl I'm sorry, I'm sorry.” Crying and pleading, making a fool out of herself. Standing in shock, Meesa looked at her friend as if through rose colored glasses. This was not the same girl she knew. Who was this imposter, because this was not Destiny Richards?

Meesa was embarrassed, people had started crowding around looking at the spectacle that was occurring. Nikki finally did what most of them wanted to do, but couldn't do, she grabbed Destiny and tried to calm her down. But Daryl interjected and told her to mind her own business.

Having enough, Meesa finally asked softly, “Dee what's wrong?” All the while stroking her hand. “What's wrong is your ass, why in the fuck do you got on something that I bought for her ass?”

“I told you, I let her have the damn dress because she worried sick while I was out with your ass!” Yelled Destiny. “Bitch, I'll slap the shit out you, don't you ever talk shit back to me. You ain't nothing but a inconsiderate bitch! I already told you, I didn't want you hanging around these scandalous ass bitches! They don't care shit about you!” Daryl demanded.

“Now look, hold on Daryl, all that shit ain't even called for!” Meesa shouted back.

“Bitch, you need to stay the fuck out of our business and get some of your own!”

“Who in the fuck are you calling a bitch?” Asked Gwen.

“Stop, ya'll stop it, ya'll only going to make things worse!” Hollered Destiny.

“Fuck him girl, he sitting up here disrespecting you and us!” Said Nikki.

“Fuck this shit, come on Destiny we can finish this shit at home!” Daryl demanded, yanking her arm. Not knowing if she should choose her friends or Daryl, Destiny stood still, and too long for Daryl because, before they knew it, he punched her dead in her face.

Everybody in the crowd gasped, niggas and bitches. Destiny just cried even harder and held her eye. It wasn't the dress Daryl was mad about, it was the fact that Meesa didn't want him. She saw in him what no one else could, and he hated the fact she didn't want him. Taking off her shoes, Gwen got ready to go heads up with Daryl. Gwen had fought plenty of dudes growing up, so a nigga didn't scare her.

Holding her back, Meesa just wanted the whole horrible scene to be over.

“Daryl.” She said patiently. “You need to just chill the fuck out. If me having on this dress is causing all of this commotion, then I will give Destiny the dress back tomorrow.”

“You think I want you to give her that dress back, bitch please, she shouldn't have given it to you in the first place.” Fed up, Meesa went to say she wasn't going to be anymore of his bitches, but she was cut off by the sound of Black's voice coming through the crowd of spectators.

“Aye man, you need to chill out and go on home. You drunk man and you don't know what you're saying right now, so chill out and go on home.” Black said, meaning every word.

“Who in the fuck are you, nigga.” Daryl stepped up.

“I'm Black. I mean if you want a formal meeting, we can make that possible.” Black pulled up his shirt to reveal his pistol. Daryl looked Black up and down and stepped back since he wasn't strapped.

“Fuck you nigga and that bitch. This shit ain't over nigga.” Yelled Daryl walking away.

“Daryl.” Yelled Destiny. She wanted him to come back. The crowd started to disperse since the scene was over.

Tamara was trying to calm Destiny down while Gwen put back on her heels.

“Are you going to be okay Dee, because I got to go pick up Jaden Jr. from my momma's house.” Kelly asked.

“Yeah, I'll be fine.” Destiny answered, sounding sickly. Kelly left and the rest of the girls stayed and tried to console Destiny.

The punch that Daryl gave her to her eye was already starting to swell. The beautiful Tyra Banks look alike looked like she had stared in Rocky 3.

Meesa began to cry too feeling sorry for her friend.

“I'm so sorry Dee.” She said.

“Don't be Mee Mee, I'll be okay.”

“Thanks ya'll, but I need to get out of here.” Destiny said anxiously. She walked away hurriedly, not giving them a chance to say goodbye. Nikki shook her head, saddened by her friend and hugged the girls goodbye.

Black was still at the scene sitting in his Escalade. Gwen and Meesa were walking to Gwen's gray Maxima, when Black jumped out of his truck and approached Meesa.

“Ay ya, Shorty, come here?” Meesa turned and found Black standing like the hero he was.

“I'll be right back Gwen.”

“Hurry up, I'm ready to go.” She replied, aggravated still. Approaching Black nothing ran through her body like usual. Meesa was still in a fog over the night's event.

“You alright.” Black asked sincerely.

“Yeah, I'm okay. I'm just worried about Destiny.”

“Are you about to go home?”


“Well uh, if you want, I'll give you a ride?”

“Aight, I'll be right back. Let me go and tell my friend that I'm going to ride with you.” She put pep in her step and told Gwen she found another way home.

Black still didn't open the car door for her, but for once she didn't care, she had other things on her mind. Black popped in an old Jodeci CD. They both sat in silence and vibed off the slow music. Half way through the ride, Meesa finally turned and faced Black.

Remembering what happened the last time she was in his car, she tried to look into his soul, wondering why he thought what he thought about her. Black knew what she was thinking even without her voicing it. So, he turned to her and smiled, looking serious at the same time. A smiled crossed Meesa's face, she hated the effect he had on her. The littlest thing he did made her happy. She just hated he didn't feel her the same way. Remembering Destiny, her face reentered Meesa's mind. She let out a desperate sigh.

How could things have been so fucked up for her? Meesa didn't like Daryl from the moment they met, not really knowing why. But tonight, she sure figured out why. The nigga was loony as hell. Looking down at the infamous dress, she still was in shock.

“All of this over you.” She said aloud.

“What did you say?” Black asked.

“I just can't believe Daryl dogged my girl like that in front everybody over a dress.”

“Man, I don't know what to say about that dude.” Perplexed, Black continued, I do know your friend needs to leave that nigga alone though because he's crazy.” Black said thinking back to how his father used to beat on his own mother.

Black didn't remember when it all started. But, by the time he was old enough to understand, he was used to it. Anything his mother would do, if his father didn't like it, she would get beat. If dinner wasn't ready and on the table, she would get beat. If the house wasn't dust free, she would get beat. If Black cried and his mother couldn't quiet him down, she would get beat. Almost everyday his mother had a different bruise on her body. Normally, he would hit her in places that she could hide with clothes, so no one could tell that his father beat her. Then he started drinking, and he didn't give a fuck. One time he beat his mother so bad she had to go to the hospital. He had broken one of her ribs, blacked both of her eyes, and busted her nose.

After that incident, the authorities took Black out of the home, saying he wasn't in a stable environment. The state was going to put him in foster care until his grandmother stepped up to the plate. He thanked God everyday for that blessing. Black had already made a promise to himself that, when he was old enough, he would buy a gun and kill his father. Black begged his mother to leave too, but instead, she opted to stay. She told Black she loved his father and that she made a promise to God to stick through for better or worse.

Sadly enough things never got better. The last fight Black's mother and father had led to someone dying.

At the funeral, Black never shed one tear, his heart had already turned cold. He hated his mother for not leaving. And so he sat and stared at the coffin hoping that, at least, now his mother was finally at peace. Black's father stabbed his mother thirty-two times. That time he succeeded in destroying the women he so-called loved.

That mark in Black's life made him look at women different. He vowed that he would never love any woman, scared that he would follow in his father's footsteps. Fearful he may end up with the negative trait of abuse. Also making him hate women who couldn't stand on their own. Weak, fragile, insecure, immature, dumb, gold diggings, hoes, were not for him. And the incident that night dredged up too many suppressed feelings in Black. Being able to stick up for someone who couldn't, made Black's heart loosen a bit.

Stopping in front of the apartment building, Meesa considered asking Black to come up. But thought against it, rethinking the words he uttered to her.

“Well, thanks Black for the ride.”

“You welcome Shorty. You mind if I come up and use your bathroom?” Black asked, not wanting the night to be over.

“Sure.” Meesa said, glad that he wasn't leaving yet.

Meesa escorted Black up to her apartment. While Black took a piss, Meesa hurriedly sprayed perfume on her body and checked her hair and makeup. By the time he got out of the bathroom, Meesa was seated in her love seat, as if she had been sitting there the entire time.

“Would you like a glass of wine?” Meesa asked, nervously.

“Yeah, what you got?”

“Um, I have a bottle of White Zinfandel.”

“Yeah, go and pop that shit open.” Knowing she shouldn't be drinking, Meesa poured two glasses of wine.

She hoped she didn't get drunk instantly and make a fool out of herself. Handing him his drink, Meesa sat back on the love seat across from him. Immediately feeling a buzz, Meesa's body tingled. Feeling sexual, she realized she hadn't had any in four months. Black, on the other hand wanted another glass, not feeling a thing. One glass didn't do a damn thing to him.

After three more glasses, he finally was at a place of peace.

Eyeing Meesa's silky legs crossed, he licked his lips. She had the prettiest legs in the world to him. Feeling him staring she uncrossed her legs giving him a sneak peek.

Black's eyes widened, loving every minute he spent with her.

“Come here.” He asked. Meesa, sat still not knowing if she should go. Thinking of what he said to her, and knowing if she went, where it would lead. But she knew she had to. she had to go to him, her heart commanded her to. “Come over here.” He said again.

Pulling down her dress as she stood up, she gave him her sexiest walk.

It paid off, because as soon as she approached the couch, he grabbed her. Pulling her on top of him, he did something he had been dying to do. He kissed her slowly, making sure she understood the effect she had on him. Meesa felt it all right. She was in absolute heaven. Meesa saw the clouds, the sun, and the moon. Trying to take control of the situation, she lifted her head up releasing herself from the kiss. She licked her lips savoring his taste and pushed him down. Straddling her legs on each side of him, she leaned back down and kissed his eyes.

No women had ever done that to him, so Black was surprised. After his eyes, she made her way to his nose, cheeks, ears, and then finally back to his lips. Black knew that this was more than foreplay. They explored each other's mouths, sucking and licking each other's lips. Sliding his hands up and down Meesa's back, she arched her back, loving the way his hands felt on her bare skin. Black knew it was time for him to retake control. So he sat up and lifted himself and her up.

Carrying her to the bedroom, he laid her down, then he walked out of the room. He left Meesa wondering if he had played her again. The thought passed when he re-entered the room with a lighter. He began to light each of the six candles she had placed around her room.

Black was setting the scene for seduction. Not knowing the feeling he had inside, he kept up the momentum, and crawled onto the bed with her. Black unbuckled her stilettos, which revealed ten perfectly pedicured toes. He then ran his fingers up to the top of her dress, peeling back the material to show her breast. He pulled the dress down around her ankles. She kicked it off, kicking it across the room.

She wore a black lace front thong to go with the dress she no longer had on. Black gently took her thongs off, leaving her buck-naked. He got off the bed to get a better view of her. She was absolutely beautiful. The light from the candles in the room flickered all over her body. Her body glistened in the light. Meesa bit her bottom lip, wondering what he was thinking. Black let his first shirt slide down his arms and pulled the other over his head. Meesa was breathless. The muscles he had were beautifully carved out.

His chocolate skin looked good enough to eat. She wanted to taste him. She imagined what he felt and tasted like. Black was down to his boxers and he decided to keep them on, as he wanted her to take them off of him. Back in the bed, he began to kiss her legs, leading to her inner being. Black tantalized her insides with his tongue. Meesa moaned from pleasure. He was taking her places she had never been before. Basking in the moment, she screamed nearing an orgasm. She begged him to stop, not wanting to cum yet. He obliged and lifted his head up and licked her stomach. Circling his tongue all around, he traced his tongue along each of her nipples, biting and sucking them at the same time. Meesa loved it, it was everything she hoped it would be. She pinched herself to make sure she wasn't dreaming.

No, it's really happening, she thought to herself. Not being able to take any more, she pleaded, “Black please put it in.”

“Are you sure?” Wanting her to beg.

“Yes I'm sure, please, please, please.” She whined.

“Take my boxers off for me.” He asked. Releasing the tool meant to bring her joy, she touched him. In her hand she held a long black instrument. She led him to her open field of sin. As he entered her, she relaxed herself wanting to feel everything. In the beginning, it hurt a little, being Black's dick was so big. But she got in the groove quickly. He stroked her slowly at first, then he began to speed up.

“How fast do you want it?”

“As fast as you can go.” She countered. They locked eyes wondering, why they hadn't done this before.

“Black I need you.” Pleaded Meesa.

“How bad do you need me?

“Bad, Black, Bad.”

“Do you want me?”

“Yes!” She screamed, as he stroked her harder.

Crying out from gratification, she moaned his name. Am I saying his name out loud she thought? It felt only too natural. Coming, Black stopped to watch her. As her body spasmed it made him want to please her even more.

“Oh God!” Meesa yelled. Starting up again, Black slowed down relishing the feeling her body gave him. The moans came more and more, letting Black know he was putting his thang down. Coming alive at every touch she gave him, Black knew that this was more than sex. This was making love. But how could he love her he thought. Feeling himself cuming, he licked her swollen breast.

Meesa then un-wrapped her arms from being around his back and replaced her breast with her finger. Wanting him to suck them badly, he did too.

Releasing the demon, he came inside her. While his body spasmed, she held him loving the way he seemed to need her.

Caressing his locks she held him like a baby. Enjoying lying in between her breast, Black closed his eyes, hoping time wouldn't pass too fast. Meesa lay looking up at the ceiling, contemplating what would happen next. Would Black get up and leave and never talk to her again? Or would he stay the night and they begin to get to know each other. She knew that they should have gotten to know each other first, but Black was the one.

Black lay wondering if he had made the right decision to sleep with Meesa. She had a powerful being about her that made him want her. The thoughts in their heads were quickly replaced with dreams.

Me & My Boyfriend

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