Читать книгу Cowboy Strong - Kelli Ireland - Страница 4


Dear Reader,

As I wrote this story, I found myself often grieving the fact that this is the end of the Covington brothers’ stories. There is something inherently poignant about writing the last book in a trilogy, particular when the story centers around characters as tightly knit as these men. They’ve been so much fun to write and even more fun to share with you as the stories built and the world grew.

I do have a confession, though. Despite the fact I’m the author and should, in theory, know how the story goes, Ty’s story presented a handful of surprises as I wrote—some heartbreaking before they could be happy. This posed some challenges, and I had a blast making it all work. (And rest easy—Ty and Kenzie end up with exactly what they need.) The experience created a final product I was—and am—able to look at with pride. This is a series that will forever hold a special place in my heart. Seeing the brothers find success and love has been an absolute thrill.

I want to thank you for riding along.

And while this is the last book for the Covington brothers, wise words from a fellow author helped remind me that this isn’t over. The brothers will live on every time someone picks up one of their stories. And there are always the ranch hands who have stories to tell...

Happy reading,

Kelli Ireland

Cowboy Strong

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