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This book is dedicated to the following who helped me grow in my love for and commitment to service of the Lord through International (Union) Churches:

The late Dr. Norman A. Horner, Dean and Professor of Missions at the Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary. His brief, almost off-hand, mention one day in a missions class of what were then known as Union Churches turned on a light for me that has never dimmed.

The late Rev. Gregory Seeber, pastor of international congregations in Panama, Turkey and Poland. Greg came by to introduce himself to us our first day at the Margarita Union Church in Panama. He helped me to learn international churches and opened up the exciting nature of the world-wide fellowship of such congregations.

The late Rev. J.R. “Jack” Collins, who, through the office of International Congregations and Lay Ministries in New York City, served in a position similar to an Association Minister (District Superintendent, Executive Presbyter, Bishop) of the global network of ICs, wisely advised me on how to seek my first pastorate in one, and continued as a friend and encourager through correspondence and visits for many years.

From Bangkok to Bishkek, Budapest to Bogotá

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