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I need to begin by telling you about some dreams that I had years ago. It all started with a dream that I had been climbing a mountain. For some reason, I was on a journey to climb this massive mountain. I don’t know why but my destination was the summit. For many nights, I climbed this mountain trying to reach the top.

One night on the climb, I finally made it to the summit, but to my surprise, it wasn’t the top of a mountain. I had climbed all these nights to get to the top of a volcano! As I was looking from the rim of the massive volcano, I could see far below into it, and inside this was a lake of fire. Bubbling with blustering lava, fire shooting up in the air, and steam rising like fog on a lake on a cool summer morning. As I was looking down, something was drawing me to the bottom. So I started to work my way there with caution and care. There was a shore around the lake. It was very hot! It was enough to burn a man alive, but for some reason, I was not burning.

As I was walking it appeared as if I was traveling on a shore. Picture a beach where the ocean meets the sand. I was walking on the bank of this volcano where fire was so close to me I could feel the heat. Something was drawing me. So just like anyone else, I started over to the side where the ground and the lake met. I looked down, and a woman came up out of the fire and grabbed me around the neck. There was some kind of force trying to pull her back down. With everything in her she was trying to stay up. Resisting from going back under. She was pulling my hair out, and had a death grip on me! I was fighting with every ounce of strength I had to keep her from going back into the fire! There was blood curdling pleas and screams for me to help her! She was clawing her fingers into my skin, and blood was pouring off of me! With every ounce of fight I had in me, I couldn’t keep her up! She disappeared out of sight in a matter of seconds! I was left with nothing but cuts and covered in blood.

I woke up in a cold sweat, crying with fear. “God, what are you trying to say to me?” Even after that whole ordeal I would still have this vision of that mountain. At times dreaming of it, but I couldn’t understand the signigicance.

Many years later, I was praying and God spoke to me. He said to find the loudest sound that has ever been recorded to this day. Not really knowing the purpose or direction, I just obeyed his voice.

The loudest sound ever made on Earth (that we know of) can be traced back to 1883, when the gigantic volcano named Krakatoa erupted in the Pacific Ocean. My research said the sound of the explosion was heard up to 3,000 miles away, and over 36,000 people lost their lives. The island itself was completely blown to bits, but at the same time powerful enough to create new islands in the Pacific Ocean. Ash in the air traveled many continents away. Reports from far away as Norway that the sky was red due to the debris in the atmosphere. Famous artist Edvard Munch who lived in Oslo, Norway at the time of the Krakatoa eruption, is known for his painting, “The Scream”. This painting is thought to depict the sky after particles of the volcano filled the air.

I began to study more about the Krakatoa eruption, and this incredible sound that resulted from it. Why would God want a person like me to spend time learning about loud volcanoes? Well, it started making me think about the way we hear, and the way we interpret sounds. This was all God’s plan to take me on an amazing adventure to learn about sound. So I questioned God with what I was supposed to do with all of my new knowledge on sound? He replied, “I want you to write a book on the power of sound!”

So here we are on a journey that changed my life forever, and I hope it creates an eruption in your life that changes your perspective on sound as well!

The Power of Sound

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