Читать книгу Blessed Generation (First Edition): Unveiling Jesus In The Tithe - Kenny Mokoena - Страница 8

Giving Under Grace


In this book, you will learn how giving works, from a grace perspective. After reading this book, you will enjoy your giving because it will be done under grace and directed by the Holy Spirit. It is so fulfilling to give under the prompting of the Holy Spirit. On the other hand, it is so hard to give under compulsion or from a sense of obligation. I believe that giving is so fundamental to our spirituality and that it is very profitable. However, I have a serious problem with preaching that replaces the free gift of grace with the power of the seed. In this book, I make a case that before the seed, there is a fruit first. We have made giving, in our preaching, to be more about the seed, instead of the fruit. In the New Testament, the Seed is Jesus Christ. He is the one who produces the fruit which carries the seed.

The good news is about believing and not doing. When you believe, you walk in the spirit and not in the flesh. What guides a Believer is not principles but the Holy Spirit. When the Holy Spirit takes hold of you, He empowers you and works through you. It no longer becomes you who work but the Holy Spirit working through you. With no effort, you are able to accomplish much. Grace is Jesus Christ. He is the one who does the work in us and through us. He tells us where to go and when we get there, He gets the job done. Great business people, doctors, lawyers, scientists, inventors, kings and presidents perform and excel in their trades, professions and careers through the Holy Spirit. I call Him the Difference Maker.

Blessed Generation (First Edition): Unveiling Jesus In The Tithe

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