Читать книгу Rouse Up O Young Men of the New Age! - Kenzaburo Oe - Страница 2
ОглавлениеPraise for Rouse Up O Young Men of the New Age!:
“Exquisitely sensitive … Notable for [its] piercing emotional honesty … A hopeful book, one that beautifully charts K's evolution from a man ashamed of his son to one capable of celebrating the boy's unusual but complex humanity.”
—John Freeman, Dallas Morning News
“Wondering how Oe would pull this [book] off, I thought of Ingmar Bergman, who draws so clearly from his own life and produces profound cinema. Oe shares this great ability to grasp his characters’ psychology, supremely assured in his own artistic gifts to allow the inner drama of Eeyore's life to speak for itself.… In this fluent translation by John Nathan, Oe's novel stands out as a dark jewel, its maker, its master ecdysiast, hiding as much about himself as he reveals.”
—Luis H. Francia, The Village Voice
“There is nothing quite like it in the English language.… Compelling and strange. Oe is repeating no one and nothing.… [In] this story … ordinary events become extraordinary moments of aloneness where the father and the son merge into the same breath. Which is the opposite of loneliness. This is intimacy and art … Oe does what Blake did. He demonstrates time and time again that morality obliges us to oppose the reality or cruelty of injustice with a redeeming vision.”
—Nasdijj, Raleigh News & Observer
“Oe is cunning in his reliable/unreliable author guise, so that one sometimes doesn't know how ‘true’ to the facts he is being … but far from being an irritation, such tricks only lead one deeper into the poignant picture of the strange, burdensome, loving relationship between father and son. Sometimes hilariously funny, often dramatic, always seductively readable, this is a marvellous book, beautifully translated.”
—Anthony Thwaite, Sunday Telegraph (London)
“[A] moving novel … [that] ranks with such triumphs as Oe's The Silent Cry and Teach Us to Outgrow Our Madness … A dazzlingly unconventional fiction, alive on every page with deeply considered ideas and restrained emotion, that's capable of frequently reducing the reader to helpless (albeit grateful) tears. Oe has been afflicted, and blessed, with a great theme that's entirely his own—and has made it the cornerstone of an irresistibly compelling body of work.”
—Kirkus Reviews (starred review)
“The novel display[s] Oe's gift for the portrayal of the inevitable emotional blunders of human beings.… Over and over Oe presents examples of how real communication between people is almost impossible, in the end suggesting that maybe simple presence of mind and gentle care are the best we can do. Whether this is a first experience with Oe or not, the reader will be left with questions, many questions, and all good ones.”
—Amy Havel, Review of Contemporary Fiction
“Writing once again with depth and passion about his relationship with his brain-damaged son, the Nobel laureate transforms his musings into a full-blown narrative that becomes a thoughtful yet provocative study of the nature of human relationships.… A deceptively modest, powerful book by a master at the height of his literary powers. Whether he's expanding on a mystical or philosophical concept or painting an achingly poignant picture of a unique father-and-son relationship, Oe contrives intensely memorable images of these two special characters and their thoughts, insights and loves that will stay with readers.”
—Publishers Weekly (starred review)
“Moving … This novel… ranks with Oe's best work.… Rouse Up is conversational in style, concise, full of literary allusions and revelations.… Poignant and memorable.”
—The Sunday Star-Ledger (Newark)