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Chapter 3


Oh my God. Whitney just grabbed him and ran into what was shaping up to be the best night of her life.

Not that she hadn’t ever had sex before, but picking up a sexy hot man who was into her as much as she was him? Oh man, oh man, this much thrilling stuff hadn’t flooded her veins in she didn’t know how long.

The night was dark, the road empty. On one hand, she was too damn old for running into the woods. For goodness sakes, she had her own house, nearly thirty, and she was heading to the trees like she was seventeen again.

But then… That other hand existed. It clutched his, filled with his heat. His fingers had sat very low on her back while they’d danced. They had made a gripping hold on her butt and lifted her against him as if it were nothing. That hand? That was the hand hurrying her across the road.

She slowed on the opposite side of the pavement as the shoulder slopped to a near drop off. “Watch your step. It can be slick.”

“Thought you didn’t remember your way through here?”

“I don’t. Not completely, but I haven’t forgotten everything I know.” Like just as they slid to the bottom of the hill, the woods didn’t look quite as thick as they appeared.

Another few steps and the dense trees swallowed them in another world.

She turned and was in his arms. His lips came back over hers, and she wrapped her arms around his neck to get even closer. Holy smokes, this wasn’t supposed to be happening. They weren’t supposed to be out here doing this. They? She shuddered. She wasn’t supposed to be out here doing this. She didn’t know him from Adam. Possibly, he did this every day of the week.

It’d certainly explain why he was so good at it. He knew just how to grip her ass and bring her snug against him. His thickness pressed to her, and yes. She wanted to scream to the treetops and then shove him to the ground. Show him exactly the kind of girl she really was. Rusty? Ha. Rust crumbled off with each swipe of her tongue against his.

It was all she could do to resist crawling up the front of him. She wanted to get all over him so much that if anyone did see them, they’d think she’d invented something new.

She was pretty sure she could show this city boy a thing or two about country life. With that in mind, she reached between them and popped the button on his jeans. Goal for the night accomplished. The hazy hours she’d spent staring into nothingness disappeared from memory as she lowered his zipper and had the firm swell of him along her knuckles.

His hands gripping her backside squeezed until he pinched. She stroked him again through his cotton underwear to provoke another painfully awesome pinch out of him. She was well rewarded. A growl rumbled in his throat, and he bit at her lower lip. That raw sound couldn’t have described it better. She found her way in his shorts and got her hand around his solid length.

He grabbed her and turned them so it was her back on the tree and him pinning her against it. His hands came off her ass, and if she wasn’t mistaken, fingers trembled as he felt along the waist of her jeans. “We should find somewhere to get these pants off you,” he mumbled against her lips, then neck, while he rubbed under her shirt.

“My house?”

“I like the sound of that.” Even still. He didn’t stop kissing her. That hand on her rib cage didn’t stop inching higher. “You think you can remember how to get there from here?”

“Maybe, but it’s not a short walk.” She squeezed him tighter, and a drop of liquid eased from his tip. Definitely too far. “Do you have a car?”

“I do.” Rough breath left his words raw. “You’ll get in the car with a strange man? Brave.”

She laughed. “If I’m about to take my pants off for him, getting in the car isn’t a big deal. And my two best friends know I left with you.”

“I’m parked somewhere behind the bar.”

“We should have figured this out before I dragged you across the road.”

“Or before we ever left the building.”

“That too.”

“You make it hard to think.”

Likewise. Now she just had to peel herself off him and stop kissing for five minutes to make it to that car.

That seemed like a lifetime. Taking his sweet time about cupping her bra didn’t speed things. His fingertips eased along her skin. It was hot touch on burning skin, fenced off by cool satin. She shivered, but she wasn’t cold. He pushed his fingers under her bra, and with a touch to her nipple, a gasp left her.

The hand on her ass curved between her legs, and he rubbed her in the best spot ever. His firm touch coupled with the stiffness of her jeans, and thank heavens for the tree holding her. Oh boy. Oh boy. If she could just get out of these clothes. Then get him out of his clothes. Then they’d be talking.

He thrust with her touch and another raw growl slid out. This one sounded full of familiar frustration.

Too many darn clothes. He lifted her shirt higher, and cold air snaked along her sweat dampened skin. Pneumonia would be worth it. Any man who could kiss like this would be worth a hospital stay, because if his kisses were this awesome, the rest was sure to be better.

He moved her shirt higher, and in the process, forced her hand from his pants. She wrapped her arms around him and held him to her chest. “Oh God. I need more.”

His length pressed against the very center and most sensitive part of her, and she couldn’t stop the gasp.

Or the moan that came next.

He pulled his mouth from her breast. “Hell.”

“Worth it.”

“If I don’t get these pants off you soon, I’ll die, and that’s where I’ll be going.”

“My house.”

“Yes.” They didn’t go anywhere. His mouth was on her neck. His hand pushing her shirt up the front. “My car is just so far away.”

She needed to be able to grab and hold him somehow. Against this tree, she could hardly do a thing but enjoy what he wanted to do to her. Not at all something bad to have, but she didn’t want things just done to her. She wanted to rock his world too. “If you have a condom, I’m okay right here.”

“Shit.” His head landed on the tree over her shoulder. The hungry touch of his hands died.

She might cry. A grown woman and she might break down if he didn’t have protection. “Oh my God, I hope you have some, somewhere.”

“In my wallet, that’s in my room in the bar. Don’t you have some at your house?”

She laughed. “If I did, they’d be expired. Rusty, remember?”

“I’ll have to run inside and grab my wallet.”

“The Quick Stop around the corner used to have them for a quarter in the men’s bathroom.”

He leaned back. The moonlight wasn’t bright, but it put off enough glow she could make out his parted lips and the way they curved. “I’m pretty sure that’s the hottest thing a woman has ever said to me, but my keys are inside too.”

“We had poor planning.”

He cupped her cheek and leaned in, pressing another kiss to her. “But we have a plan now.”

She pulled herself against him. “Just as soon as you put me down.”

“Right.” Back to kissing. His hand left her cheek and slid up her thighs. “It’ll take us thirty seconds to be back around the bar and add another minute for me to have my keys.”

“Two to three minutes from here to my house.” Minutes and then they could return to this part. That didn’t sound bad. He kissed her again as he lowered her back to the ground.

The slide of his zipper broke through the night. “You’ve got about five minutes to change your mind then.”

She laughed, grabbed him by the hand, and led him back across the road. Yeah right. The only thing she had plans to change were her clothes. From what she wore to her birthday suit. The moment they got to her house, stripping would happen, and that was that. She headed to the front, but he tugged her around the side. “There’s a back door. It’ll be quicker that way.”

“Back door it is.”

He pulled her around the corner and stopped by a silver sports car. He kissed her once more, and her clothes had to be close to falling off.

His breath was heavy. “Wait here.”

“Waiting.” She reached in her pocket for her phone. She sent a quick text to Tasha and Kara. By the time she hit send, the backdoor opened, light slashed over the grounds, and he was back. He flicked the unlocks, and she didn’t wait a second. She grabbed the door and slid into the smooth as butter leather seats.

The engine rolled over with an aggressive purr. Headlights brightened the brick in front of them. She was going to have sex. He eased the car in gear, and she glanced his way. Any worries that the thrill in the woods wouldn’t come back died.

Plenty of things hummed under her skin. All those dull, flat lined feelings of nothingness gone to a distant memory. This was what she wanted. Going out and living? Ha, that was just the tip of the iceberg. As he pulled up to the road and glanced her way with those amazing eyes, she knew without a doubt this was what she’d been missing.

She hadn’t met an interesting guy in months. Over Christmas, they’d been in south Texas visiting her mom. There’d been one guy at that sporting goods store, but it flat lined. Hard to plan for a hook up or a date or anything when you were standing in a mall a week before Christmas.

Justin reached across the narrow console and put his hand on her thigh. Little bubbles raced through her blood and landed right in the center of her. “Left or right?”

“Right.” No time for hesitation. “My driveway is about a mile up here on the left. There’s a wooden sign marking it.”


Yes, as a matter of fact, he did have her. For the rest of the night. In the morning? Multiple times throughout? Her mouth dried as his fingers squeezed on her thigh. How about all the way into the afternoon until her mom arrived? His hand slid up her thigh.

When did the drive home get so long? Narrow bucket seats kept her from scooting across his lap and ripping his shirt off. The buttons of his pants would get a look at next. Have that step taken care of before they even got inside.

The thought worked all the way through her. Fine. Hands to herself until they were in the front door, and then all bets were off. She could have his pants off by the bottom of the stairs. Or he could strip for her in her bedroom.

They went around a curve, and his headlight landed on the wooden sign. She pointed. “There.”

His blinker came on, and he turned on the slender drive. “You’re quiet over there. Not changing your mind, are you?”

A small laugh escaped her. “Trying to decide whether to get your clothes off as soon as we got in the front door or wait until I get you to my bedroom upstairs first.”

He cleared his throat and slowed as he came up to the two houses on the farm. “Which one?”

She pointed at the old white one. “That one. The other is my brother’s.”

He parked. “Noted.”

She chuckled and opened the door. “Nah. He’s cool.”

He met her at the front of his car, and just like that, his hand cupped her lower back as they went up the front steps together. If her panties weren’t melted by now, then nothing was getting them besides physical removal. Or he could rip them. Yeah. Ripping was the better option.

She pushed inside, and every last light was on as they’d left it. So much for a sexy low glow. “Do you want anything to drink?”

“Had all I wanted at the bar.”

She faced him and paused. This was the first time she’d ever brought a guy home like this. Surely not, but it was true. Her brother had lived with her until a few months ago. Before then, her mom had been here, so that was a definite no for bringing guys home for anything other than a hello or supper.

Now here Justin stood in her house. All alone. Heat swam up the back of her neck and flooded through her cheeks. It felt so wrong to have him here. She glanced his way. His head was tipped to the side, lips pulled just so into a smile. There could be nothing wrong in a smile like that.

He crooked his finger at her. “You’re not getting shy on me now, are you?”

She shook her head. “Just rusty.”

“Right.” He caught her by the hips as she stepped in close. “You feel warm and soft. I’m not getting this rusty feeling you keep mentioning.”

“It must be that connection you needed.”

His lips were soft along her cheek, kissing to her ear with the scruff of his facial hair following behind. “Told you it was required.”

She turned her head, and his mouth moved along her neck until he came to her shirt. She fisted her hands along his sides, and okay, decision made. The man was getting stripped here. She grabbed his shirt and worked it from his jeans. The soft cotton gave away easy, and she pushed it up. His firm sides were unforgiving against her arms as she raised his shirt higher until it was gone.

He wrapped his arms around her, stepping in closer, and caught her backside up in his hands. “Point me where you want me.”

“I’ve never had a man in my bed before.”

“That’s… The worst thing I’ve ever heard.”

“I know. I just realized that as we came in the door.”

“We should fix that.”

“We should. I’m almost thirty. I haven’t been bothered by the big 3-0, but now I’m all sad panda about it.”

His fingers landed over her lips and forehead against hers. “No sad pandas. I volunteer to fix this for you and make it memorable.”

She pulled out of his hold, catching his hand as she backed away. “Such a gentleman to see to my problems.”

“I aim to please.”

She eased up the stairs. “I’m going to hold you to that.”

“I’m not afraid of pressure.”

She stopped at the top of the stairs. “Good.”

He pushed her against the wall, and she found herself in the same delicious position as in the woods. She hooked her ankles at his lower back after he lifted. “Third door at the end of the hall.”

His hands all but pinched her butt with his grip as he carried her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and flatted her hands to the broad warmth of his back. His shoulders were strong. The flex of his muscles enough to make knees tremble.

So. Much. Hot. So much more than she could have ever thought hidden under his shirt.

Then he went and lowered her on the bed and stood between her knees. There might have been whimpering at that point. If it was possible to whimper while swallowing your tongue.

She’d left her bathroom light on, and it allowed her see everything about him, down to those interesting male body parts by his hips. The creation of the V that pointed to the good stuff being outlined in his jeans. Such fascinating parts of the male form. She traced them with her fingers until coming against the barrier of his jeans. Ones she’d had opened just ten minutes ago. She returned them to their previous state and popped the button again.

That aiming to please thing he mentioned? Somehow they hadn’t even gotten started and already he was fulfilling that promise. And the memorable part? Pretty sure she passed that line somewhere between getting put against the brick wall outside the bar, to being against the tree across the road.

There were strong men in town, and she’d dated strong men before, but she couldn’t remember one being as potent as Justin. Just all-consuming and she was happy to let him put her wherever he wanted. Especially if he kept putting his hands in her hair.

The pads of his fingers brushed against her scalp. How he hadn’t gotten it tied in knots against her head, she didn’t have a clue. His hands cupped the back of her head and tilted her up. His lips came on top of hers, and she met his touch to get them back to the rushed right now excitement she’d been wrapped in before.

His kiss pressed harder, and the heat of his body moved in closer as he leaned on her, pushing her back until they were flat on the mattress. His lips teased at hers. Slow, ever so perfect unrushed kisses touched her and ignited heat simmering at a low burn.

Earlier tonight when he placed a drink in front of her with all the confidence in the world, that had been her clue the man knew too much about a lot of things. Women, she’d imagine, was at the top of that list. Praise God to every last woman in this man’s life before her.

She put her hands to his sides and he jumped. “Ticklish?”

His grin against her mouth was infectious. “I wasn’t expecting it.”

Oh really? The pads of her fingertips touched against the hard lines of his stomach until she reached his jeans. That’s when he jumped again. “Wasn’t expecting it or do you want to go ahead and admit to ticklish?”

He nipped her lower lip, pulling a surprise out of her that time. Course, there was that smile again, touching hers. “Maybe some of both.”

That grin of his was so much more intense against her mouth. She couldn’t even see it, yet, it went all the way through her. He cupped her waist, working her shirt up, and he leaned away as he lifted. She sat forward as he pulled on the shirt, pulling her back to sitting just as the cotton passed her fingertips.

Those interesting parts of his hips were eyelevel, and she leaned in to kiss one of them. The hard ridge sloped inward, and she followed the angle to his jeans. Chills prickled along his skin. His abs flexed and outlined as she kissed across his belly to the other hip. She just about made it to the other side when his muscles shuddered under her lips.

A grin split his face, but it wasn’t playful this time. A hunger lit his eyes, and air rushed from him. Her throat tightened by the heat that poured off him and the intensity of his stare.

Men never looked at her like she was a cupcake before. She’d seen that look on men’s faces as they stared at other women, but not her. At that point, he could ask her to do anything, and she’d do it. So long as he never stopped looking at her like that.

The unwavering focus of his eyes. The rise and fall of his deep breaths that passed his lips. She reached up the solid heat of his chest, and his pulse thudded under her fingertips. Her heartbeat kicked it up another notch, and her breath was in a losing race against keeping up. Heat filled between her thighs, and she wanted to press her legs together, but that wasn’t happening so long as he stood between hers. “Justin?”

His gaze lowered to her mouth, and he traced her bottom lip with her thumb. “Yeah?”

Words evaporated as he stroked over her mouth and fingers caressed her neck. He waited for whatever she might have wanted to say. “I don’t remember.”

“You can tell me later.” Her bra loosened and the straps fell off her shoulders.

He pushed her back and she went. He didn’t come down on top of her this time. His knee rested on the mattress between her thighs as he leaned over and pulled her bra away. The straps had always been uncomfortable, but as he pulled it off her, the material caressed along her elbows, then wrists. The hairs along her arms stood on end.

He opened her jeans and ever so freaking slowly started on lowering the zipper. A swallowed moved through his corded throat. “I don’t think I’ve ever paid this much attention when undressing a woman before.”

Two ticks of her zipper sounded out, and if he didn’t get them down, she’d swat his hands away and rip her clothes off herself. “Can you maybe pay close attention some other time?”

“I don’t think so.” His chuckle was deep and rumbled through the room. His voice was chocolate and rich candy. Smooth caramel melting over a tongue.

Two more clicks.

Thank God for low cut jeans with a short zipper. But then another two agonizing clicks sounded out. His knuckles brushed against her lower belly and she jumped.

A brow lifted on his face. “Who’s ticklish now?”

Every last bit of her was wound tight and waited to spring. He hadn’t opened her jeans, and by the cock of his brow and turn of his lips, he wasn’t going to until she managed an answer. “Ticklish isn’t the word I’d use.”

“Which word would you use?”

Horny? She cleared her throat. “Sensitive.”

Just one click this time. He reached under her ass, caught the waist of her pants, and tugged. Off they went, leaving her in brown cotton panties. Oh no. Um. She glanced at him, but didn’t want to see his expression and instead covered her eyes. Who even knew they made brown panties? And more important, since when did she have a pair of them? And why didn’t she remember wearing them when this whole thing started?

He tucked his finger under the wide, unsexy, all about tummy control band and traced from hip to hip before pulling them off.

She cleared her throat. Way to kill the mood. After all that talk about enjoying the moment of undressing, and there wasn’t anything more spectacular to discover than ugly cotton. “I wasn’t planning on running into anyone that would have me in this position.”

“I like them.” He flicked them off his fingertips. “I like them better now.”

She wasn’t sure, nor did she care, where her panties landed. “So do I.”

“It does make me want to stay through Monday morning though, just to see what you’d wear when you were expecting someone.”

“And I have so many choices.” She couldn’t think of any off the top of her head, but her panty drawer was stuffed full. There had to be something better in there.

“Doesn’t sound like I’ll be able to see them all before I leave.”

“Guess that means you’ll have to come back then.”

“I guess so.” He lowered his zipper far faster than hers. Not as fast as her heart beat, but at least it wasn’t another slow tease. He pulled his wallet from his back pocket and placed it next to the bed. Then his jeans were gone. Just dark green boxer briefs that didn’t look to be staying on long, not if his member straining the shorts had anything to do about it.

Now they were talking at the same speed. She eased backward on the bed so her feet weren’t hanging off. He crawled across the mattress to her. His lips landed just below her belly button. He kissed his way up the center of her, right between her breasts, to her neck, and then found her lips once again.

He was a kisser, and he was damn good at it, so that was fine. She wasn’t used to the attention and she liked it. His hands worked magic on her body, and his lips made her crazy. Distracted her from the rest of the room and everything else happening. His leg pressed against the part of her thighs and she jumped.

He was grinning again. “Someone’s excited.”

That would be her. She found his length and stroked it. He tightened, his lips paused against hers, and she released him. “I don’t think I’m the only one.”

“I passed excited the moment you followed me out of the bar. I’m here by a thread.” His roughened voice, and the playful tone she’d listened to most of the night, was all but gone. His fingers shook against her side. Hanging by a thread was a good way of putting it.

She freed him from his boxers and pushed the cotton over his hips. She shoved them as far as she could reach, and he took over from there and flung them off his legs.

He cupped her face in his hands. “You know you just cut foreplay in half by taking those off.”

“Only half?” She frowned. “I was hoping to bypass it altogether.”

He blinked. “Where have you been all my life?”

She laughed and he reached for his wallet. He managed a condom and had it on faster than she thought possible. She didn’t have to reach for him. He had her back in his arms already as he settled between her legs. She bent her knees against his hips, opening farther for him. The broad tip of him entered her. She stretched, taking him bit by bit as he filled her and their hips met.

His mouth was back over hers in a hungry kiss as she adjusted to his length and width. His tongue moved across hers in a sensual motion she was anxious for their bodies to mimic, but with his hips pinning her to the bed, she was at his mercy until he was ready.

Ever so slowly, his hips moved.

He rubbed up and down her thigh. Slow at first, matching his thrusts. Then faster. The hand on her leg became needy as her pulse became frantic. His angle adjusted so she was happily trapped as he moved against her. Her hips were pushed against the mattress as he seemed to somehow reach deeper and deeper.

Still she couldn’t get enough. She held tighter as he took her how he wanted. He kissed from her mouth to her neck, and she gasped for air while he thoroughly had his way with her. Heat, need, and wanting surrounded where he touched. Nerves attempted to fly in a hundred directions at once, but kept focused and tight and growing more intense where his length filled.

His grip on her thigh was firm and unforgiving as he took her over and over. Each filling thrust caught her breath. His lips never left her body. From her breasts to her neck, he kissed her and she’d never felt so sexy than now when it seemed he couldn’t get enough.

From his mouth to his hands. His belly on hers. There was not one part of her he didn’t have covered. Even his leg trapped one of hers to the bed by his foot hooked over her shin. His breath raced across her skin, and the heat pooling between her released at once and spun through her tight muscles as she called out his name on another thrust.

He thrust harder and faster, pushing her up the bed as his forceful strokes filled her over and over again. The walls of her insides gripped his cock in tight friction and shuddered out of control again. His heavy breaths broke from a rhythmical pattern and stuttered. His arms shook. A low grunt transformed to a rumble vibrating out of him. His quick, hard taking of her slowed and softened.

She kissed his neck and shoulder, savoring the heady scent of his skin and salty taste of him as he slowed until he stilled.

His breath was hard and heavy as he rolled off her. His arm landed across his eyes and a leg bent up as he breathed. “Memorable enough for you?”

Oh God yes. So much that she wasn’t near done with this evening. She hadn’t had sex in ages, and it would be a long time before she got it again. There was a lot of ground to cover. “I suppose it’s a decent enough start.”

His head lifted off the pillow. “You sounded and looked like it was better than that.”

She raked hair out of her face that probably stuck up in the most terrifying way. When his eyes met hers, though, she didn’t care. Muscles still tired and straining, she straddled his lap. “I have no complaints. You did a good job, but I was just getting warmed up.” She shrugged one shoulder. “Unless you can’t and need to go?”

A challenge landed in his eyes. “I can do this for hours.”

His fingertips touched her thighs as he moved up her legs and caught her hips. She might have been exaggerating a little, but when he pulled her down, yeah, okay. Let’s do this until she collapsed.

Just Want Somebody to Love

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