Читать книгу Introduction To Romance (10 Books) - Кэрол Мортимер - Страница 34



“CAN’T YOU TAKE A HINT?” he asked gruffly, turning around in time to see her set the cookies on a small table by the door. “Even when the hint is spelled out in short, simple words.”

“I’ll go in a minute. Right after I pass on the messages I’m supposed to.” She put on that obstinate look he remembered so well, chin high and arms crossed over her chest. Fine. She wanted to see stubborn, he’d show her a thing or two.

He didn’t say a word. Instead he crossed the room—what should be a quick task given that it was the size of his footlocker but was instead a study in pain. Genna’s eyes got wider with every step closer he took.

Unfortunately, his body got harder with each step, too.

By the time he was standing next to her, his head was filled with her scent. Sweet spice, it wrapped around him like a warm hug that quickly turned hot.

He was trained to control his body. To ignore pain, to push through discomfort. He’d endured Hell Week. He’d trekked eight miles through a jungle in Bolivia once with a broken ankle. He’d won five hundred bucks once betting that he could sit through three hours of Farrelly brothers without cracking a smile.

But the scent of Genna’s hair made him quiver. Sent his head into a tailspin and his body into overdrive.

He told himself to resist. Warned his body not to engage.

His body ignored the warning. It was as if she was jamming his radar and manipulating the signals.

He didn’t like it.

“What do you really want, Genna?” he asked, furious at the frustration coursing through his system. Frustration that was all her fault, dammit. He’d been fine holed up here, ignoring the world and reliving every miserable detail of the end of his last mission. The explosion. The helplessness.

The memories gripped him with inky black fingers, trying to pull him down. But Genna’s big eyes, sexy mouth and intoxicating scent held his attention, forcing him to stay in the here and now.

“I told you, the mayor asked me to stop by.” She bit her lip, studying his face as if she were gauging just how much to share of the rest of the mayor’s wants. “He wanted to extend his appreciation for your service.”

Smart girl, she’d realized it was pointless to repeat the stupid luncheon idea. Brody narrowed his gaze when Genna looked away, her fingers twining together before she tucked them into the front pockets of her jeans. Clearly there was something else she hadn’t mentioned. Whatever it was, he didn’t care. The idea of him and the mayor having lunch was ridiculous. Ten years ago, Tucker had been just starting out as the county’s assistant D.A., with a lot of ambition and an oft-shared goal of getting losers like Brody off the streets.

“I don’t serve for appreciation,” he said, his tone gruffer than he’d intended.

Genna opened her mouth, that full lower lip glistening with temptation. Then she snapped it shut and shrugged. He’d like to think that meant she was done and would leave, but he was starting to realize that she had a stubborn streak wider than his own.

“Your grandmother is worried about you. If you don’t want to meet with the mayor and discuss getting a little of the recognition you deserve, fine. But at least talk to your gramma.” She lifted both hands in the air, the gesture matching the exasperation on her face. “Why did you come home if you were only going to hide out?”

Good question.

Brody’s scowl deepened when he couldn’t come up with an answer.

“Time to go.” He reached out, wrapping his hand around her arm to turn her in the direction of the door. But the move put pressure on his bad leg so he had to shift his weight to compensate. And ended up way too close to Genna.

Close enough to feel her body heat.

Close enough that her scent, teasing before, grabbed him in a choke hold, not letting go.

Close enough that he could see the darker rings of blue around her pupils, could see the individual lashes that made up the lush fringe around her eyes.

He yanked his hand away.

“If you wanted, maybe we could go to lunch instead.” Her words were low and husky with curiosity, her eyes hinting at nerves and something more. Something that grabbed at Brody, made him want the impossible. “If you just needed someone to talk to, someone to help you deal with all the emotional stuff you’re facing, I’m a good listener.”

“You want to have lunch and talk?” he asked, sure he’d heard her wrong. “About my emotions?”

“If that’s what you wanted.”

Hell, no. He didn’t talk missions, he didn’t talk about the military. And he sure as hell didn’t talk about emotions.

Brody pressed his fingers against his temple, trying to rub away the tangle she was making of his thoughts.

“You should talk to someone, Brody. Your gramma, me, anyone. You’re hurt and you’re back in Bedford for the first time since you left. That has to mean something.” She paused, taking a deep breath that made him want to slide his lips along her collarbone, then she reached out. Her fingers came within millimeters of touching his arm, but didn’t make contact. It was as if she was testing the electrical charge between them, seeing how potent it was.

The hairs on his arm stood up, his entire body reacting as if she’d slid those fingers over him. Touching, soft and gentle, everywhere.

“I don’t talk,” he said, irritated that the words were mellow, not abrupt.

“Not even about our night?” She gave a tiny wince, as if she knew she’d crossed a line. Then, typical of the Genna he remembered, now that she’d crossed it, she danced all over the other side. “I never forgot it.”

“You need to leave.” He’d said the words to her so many times, they were like a catchphrase now.


No. He couldn’t deal with this now. Not her, not the memories. Not the feelings she was stirring up.

“Don’t make me do something you’ll regret,” he warned quietly.

For a second, Genna stilled.

Then, damn her, she gave a soft little laugh and pressed her hand against his chest. Not to push him away. Simply to touch.

Her fingers burned his flesh, fired his needs.

“You won’t hurt me,” she said quietly, the absolute confidence in her tone baffling. Did she really trust him that much? Did she have no clue the things he’d done, the things he’d seen?

“I won’t have to hurt you.”

There were so many other things he could do to her. With her. On her and under her.

Her letters, always there tucked away in a private corner of his mind, surfaced. The door he’d slammed shut flew open, giving him access he hadn’t allowed himself since his last mission.

The memories of those letters were a reward, a treat. Special. Something he’d enjoyed as he reveled in how freaking awesome his life was. The words played through his mind. The images of caramel, pulsating water and blue silk all crashed together in his brain in a huge, horny wave of need.

He wasn’t interested in need, though.

He just wanted to be left alone. Physically, and mentally.

As always, he used the tools at hand to win the battle. He didn’t go for guilt himself, but that didn’t mean he didn’t know how to wield it with laser precision.

It was only fair that he give her one last warning before he moved in.

“We’re done. You delivered your invites. I turned them down. Time to go.” His tone was low, menacing. He shifted his weight just enough, pulling back his shoulders and angling his chin so he loomed over her.


She swallowed loud enough for him to hear her teeth click. Her pulse raced. He could see it thrumming in her throat. But her expression didn’t change. She just kept looking at him with that cheerful smile and calm eyes.

Damn, she was something.

And something was the last thing he needed in his life right now.

* * *

WELL, THIS WASN’T going very well. Genna didn’t know what she’d thought would happen when she talked to Brody. She hadn’t let herself imagine that far, figuring the reality was going to be so much better than anything she’d imagined.

Disappointment sat hard and tight in her belly.

She hadn’t let herself imagine what it would be like. But she’d entertained a few worries about what she’d hoped it wouldn’t. Like that he’d be holding a grudge for that night before he’d left for the navy. Or that he’d be involved with someone, possibly serious. Or maybe that he’d only see her as Joe’s little sister and want to talk about her brother.

Turns out she hadn’t worried nearly enough. She needed to work on that.

“You’re not leaving.” His statement was so matter-of-fact, it was as though he was simply accepting the inevitable.

Genna wanted to smile, to pretend they could move on to rebuilding—okay, building outside of her imagination—their relationship. But she wasn’t stupid. Right beneath his calm words was a whole lot of anger and nothing that invited building anything except space between them.

She should leave. She knew she should, but she was so afraid if she walked out this door, that’d be it. Her last, her only chance to talk to Brody, to find out what’d happened after that night. To discover how he felt about her...

Her fingernails cut into the soft flesh of her palms as she debated. Run or stay. Smart or stupid.

Then Brody moved and took the choice away.

“You ever been warned not to play with fire? Not to poke a sleeping tiger? Not to take candy from strangers?”

Despite his serious tone, her lips twitched.

“I’m not playing, I’m talking. You’re awake. And I brought you cookies, not the other way around. You’re welcome to offer me candy, though. I like peanut butter M&M’s best.”

His eyes lit for a second, then he shifted closer. His expression was hard, making her doubt the flash of humor she’d seen. She tried to step back, but realized he had her back against the wall next to the door.

He was only inches away.

So close she could smell his soap, clean and fresh, and see every detail of the stubble covering his chin. A couple days’ worth, she realized, her hand aching to rub it and see if it was soft or rough.

Her gaze shifted, meeting Brody’s eyes. His stare was intense, as if he were looking into her soul and figuring out all of her secrets. What he planned to do with them was what worried her, though.

“You should listen to good advice. And warnings.” He leaned in closer, not touching her yet, but making her feel as if his hands were sweeping every inch of her body. “You never know when ignoring them will get you into trouble.”

Genna’s heart raced so fast, she swore she could feel it vibrating under her skin. Her body went into meltdown, needy and wanting more. It’d been so long since he’d touched her. Since he’d kissed her. Was it as good as she remembered? Was he better now?

She didn’t care how stupid it was. She wanted to find out.

So when he leaned closer, his expression pure intimidation, frown and all, she leaned, too.

Right into his lips.

Oh. Her head spun, slow and intoxicating. Her body almost melted, he felt so good. She’d have thought that frown would make his lips hard. But no. They were soft. Welcoming.


Afraid to move, afraid to close her eyes, Genna stared up at Brody. Waiting.

Her heart raced, anticipation pounding through her veins. Surely he wouldn’t turn her away. Would he? As he stood, rock-still, disappointment started to edge out the anticipation. Genna sighed against his mouth, preparing to move away and begin her descent into humiliated horror.

Then he took over.

He grabbed her arms, just above the elbow, lifting her higher so her toes barely brushed the floor. His mouth shifted, angling. Taking. His tongue plunged, dark and demanding as it drove deep into her mouth.

Genna’s head fell back, giving him control. Giving him anything.

Her breath came in pants, her mind swirling with sensations even as the intensity of their kiss worked its magic on the rest of her body.

He was voracious.

His mouth took hers as if he were starving and she a feast, there to feed his every need. She’d never been kissed like this. Never felt this edge between passion and fury.

That he was angry was clear.

At her? At himself? At the situation? That part was up for grabs.

It didn’t matter. She was sure she could soothe the anger with a few kisses. That she could reach inside and fix whatever made him so sad.

She shifted closer. Not quite plastering her body against his―she wasn’t sure where his injury was and didn’t want to hurt him. But close enough to feel the heat radiating off his body. To brush his chest with the tips of her breasts, sensitive even through the nubby knit of her sweater.

When she moved, his kiss changed. He pulled back, his lips softer now. Distant. Afraid he was going to end their kiss, she called up all of her nerve, wrapped her hands around the back of his neck to hold him in place and plunged her tongue into his mouth.

It was like flipping a switch.

No more anger. No more distance.

Just passion. Pure and sweet.

His tongue slid along hers and his hands wrapped around her waist under her sweater. Flesh against flesh. She shivered at the feel of his fingers, rough and strong against her skin.

His palm closed over her breast, making her whimper. It felt so good. Her nipples ached with a delicious kind of pain, so hard she was surprised they didn’t rip her silk bra.

“More,” she breathed against his mouth.

“Is this what you want?” he asked, his hand pressing between her thighs, the seam of her jeans riding against the swollen flesh and driving her crazy. “Is this how you want it?”

She’d rather have it naked, but she was too far gone to speak. She wasn’t positive she was even breathing. All she could do was feel the amazing sensations rocketing through her body.

His fingers scraped over the seam of her jeans again, making her whimper. The sensations intensified, her entire body feeling like it was electrified. Desire coiled, tighter and tighter between her thighs. His lips closed over hers, tongue plunging before he lured hers into his mouth and sucked.

She exploded with a tiny whimper. Tiny sparks of light blew to pieces behind her closed eyes and the room spun as the orgasm poured through her. He slowed the kiss, then as her pants became shuddering breaths, trailed his lips over her cheek to bury his face in the crook of her neck.

Genna sighed, feeling as though she’d run a marathon.

In her jeans.


The guy had given her the two best orgasms of her life, and she hadn’t gotten her jeans off for either of them.

Time to change that.

But suddenly, she was nervous.

This wasn’t Brody, her brother’s friend.

He was different now.

He’d seen things, done things that were beyond her comprehension. He was a soldier. A SEAL. The best of the best at doing the impossible.

Since there was nothing impossible about what she wanted him to do to her, this should be a piece of cake.

As if he’d read her thoughts, he slowly pulled back. Genna ran her palm over his cheek, smiling and ready to make a joke.

But the distance on his face was a little off-putting.

She took a shaky breath, trying to calm her racing heart.

She’d never felt this way before. Her body was still humming and she was ready to strip naked and do all the things to his body that she’d dreamed of for years. Things she’d had zero interest in doing to other guys’ bodies. Brody things.

“You need to go,” he growled. “Now. Before this goes too far.”

Go? Was he kidding? The climax was still working its magic on her body in delightful little shudders.

“I think it needs to go just a little bit further,” she corrected softly, nibbling kisses along his jaw and down his throat. He gave a low moan when she got to that spot beneath his ear, emboldening her. One hand still gripping his biceps for balance, she grazed the other down his side and across his rock-hard abs, taking a second to give her own moan of appreciation. Then, still nibbling, she slipped her fingers beneath the elastic waistband of his sweatpants.

Before she could explore, or even touch anything interesting, his hand shot out and grabbed her wrist.

“Further,” she whispered in his ear, dipping her tongue along the rim before adding, “Please.”


“C’mon,” she cajoled. “Let’s see how good we are together. This is it, finally we get to give us a chance before you have to go back to being a big, bad SEAL heroically saving the world. Let’s do it now.”

It was as though the hard, hot body in her arms had turned to ice. She pulled back to look at him, trying to figure out what was going on.

“I’m not a damned hero,” he ground out.

Genna laughed. “Of course you are. Even the president says so.”

“I’m no hero and there is no we,” he said with a laugh so bitter it made her mouth hurt. When Genna shook her head, he shifted aside. As if moving away from her body would make the differences between them all the more obvious. Since he was hard and she was panting, it was a smart strategy.

Genna wanted to thump her hand against her chest to force some air past the knot in her throat.

He was so big, looming over her. His body was like a solid wall of muscles. Even through his T-shirt, she could see them bunch, hard and firm beneath the fabric.

“Brody—” she said slowly, then went silent. She had no idea what to say. This wasn’t the Brody she’d held in her mind all these years. The one she remembered as her gallant hero, the one who wrote her incendiary letters. The one who made her melt with just a look. Okay, maybe he was that last one, but not the rest. And she wasn’t sure what to think about it.

“Look, we should—”

“No,” he interrupted. “There is no we. There’s you, the pampered princess. And there’s me.”

He paused, giving her a once-over that made her go hot and cold both at the same time. “Not interested.”

Despite her confusion and the sick feeling in her stomach, hot passion was still gripping her limbs and pooling between her thighs. Genna dropped her eyes to the very large, very visible proof pressing against his sweatpants.

“No? You look mighty interested to me,” she taunted without thinking. As soon as the words were out, though, she wished she could pull them back.

“Sweetheart, you want to get naked and do me right? Fine, let’s go. I’m willing to let you. But that’s not interest. That’s over the minute I roll off your body.”

His words hit Genna like a kick in the gut. Swift, well aimed and brutally painful. Emotionally reeling, she tried to take a breath, but it hurt so much.

“But I thought—” She broke off, not about to admit what their letters had meant to her. Or what these kisses were a sign of. And definitely not a peep about the fantasies, the dreams and the hopes she’d built around him over the years.

“You thought what? That because we played the old-school version of sexting that there was something going on? That because I’m willing to do you against the wall, it’s special?”

Ouch. Genna frowned, suddenly feeling very naive. Apparently they taught mind reading in SEAL school.

“I didn’t think the letters were a secret code for let’s run away together. But neither did I think they were your version of a girl in every port.” Wishing she were anywhere but here, Genna tried to ignore the tight knot of misery in her stomach, where only moments ago had been white-hot desire. “Did you write me just to be mean? For some kind of revenge? Is that what this was all about?”

For a second Brody looked as if he was going to protest. Then his expression smoothed again, back to stoic military machine.

“A day where we learn something isn’t a day wasted,” he told her in a sanctimonious tone that made her want to kick him in the shin. And not the good one.

“Well, I guess today is fabulous,” Genna said, tears burning her eyes. She lifted her chin, daring them to fall. “I learned that you weren’t the man I thought you were. I found out that you make an excellent bully and that you have no problem playing games and deliberately hurting someone.”

She waited for him to protest. To claim she was wrong.

She wanted, desperately, for him to be that guy she’d always thought he was. To be the one who fought the odds, faced down the bullies. The one who protected her. That Brody was her hero.

But this one? His expression didn’t change. She struggled to accept that this was the real him. The boy she’d known was a distant loner with a rough reputation and a questionable attitude. But she’d always been sure that was just a defense mechanism, maybe because his father sucked and he’d had such a bad childhood. On their night together he’d joked, he’d smiled. He’d been so sweet.

“But then, you’ve never known me, have you?”

Again with the mind reading. Genna wasn’t sure if she wanted to cry, or to throw cookies at him. It wasn’t as though she’d spent the last decade waiting around for him. But still, their relationship had been a cherished memory, that one thing that’d always made her feel special. Made her feel as if whatever else was lousy in her life, the hottest guy she’d ever crushed on had cared enough about her, about her reputation, to give up his freedom.

But it looked as though she was the only person who gave a damn about that memory.

Humiliation washed over her, making her blink fast to clear the burning from her eyes.

“I guess I don’t know you. Not any better than anyone else around here. You’re either the badass troublemaker son of the town drunk. Or maybe you’re the abused grandson of a sweet lady who thinks you need saving. Or, wait, I know,” she snapped, “you’re the big bad hero the mayor wants to honor for your incredible service to your country. But whatever you are, it’s not what I thought.”

“Well, then,” he said slowly, his words like gravel. “I guess that says it all. Maybe now you’ll go?”

It wasn’t his words that broke her heart, though. It was the look in his eyes. For one brief second, so much pain and loss flashed in those gold depths that she didn’t know how he could survive it.

Genna didn’t remember leaving the guesthouse. She wasn’t sure if she ran across the alley, went around the house or sprouted wings and flew into her bedroom window.

She’d thought he’d forgiven her.

She’d thought he was interested in her, that those letters had meant something. That maybe he wanted her. The real her, not the perfectly behaved, please-everyone princess he’d so accurately dubbed her.

She’d thought they had something special between them. That those letters, that one night, they were proof of the passion and connection they shared.

Genna pressed her lips together, trying to stop the tears that were trailing, fiery hot, down her cheeks.

Now she was afraid he was a stranger.

One who hated her.

Introduction To Romance (10 Books)

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