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Glossary of Terms

This simple glossary includes Bahasa Indonesia words used throughout the novel and may assist readers who have not yet been fortunate enough to visit the beautiful archipelago and become familiar with its multi-faceted culture and language.

ABRI Indonesian Armed Forces

ADRI Indonesian Army

ALRI Indonesian Navy

AURI Indonesian Air Force

Allahu Akbar God is Great - (Moslem chant)

Allah God

ANZUS Australian, N.Z., U.S. Defence Treaty

ASEAN Association of South East Asian Nations

Asalamalaikum welcome greeting

babat-pedas chili tripe

Bahasa language

bangsat arsehole, bastard

Bapak respectful address to an older male, father

batik printed cloth

becak three-wheeled pedicab

bule derogatory name for white people

CIA Central Intelligence Agency

COMINT Communications Intelligence

cukong middle-man, broker

DIA Defense Intelligence Agency

dukun unlicensed herbalist who casts spells

El Nino devastating weather pattern.

Fatwah religious statement of condemnation

Golok field knife of sword length

ha-Mossad le-Modiin ule

Tafkidim Meyuhadim Institute for Intelligence and Special Tasks

Haji one who has completed the pilgrimage to Mecca

hati goreng fried liver

Ibu mother, respectful form for older woman

kain batik sarong

Kalimantan Indonesian Borneo

KOPASSUS Indonesian Army Special Forces

KOSTRAD Indonesian Army Strategic Forces

kretek clove cigarette

La Nina El Nino’s twin sister - opposing weather pattern

Lohor one of the five prayer periods, around 1330 hours.

magrib sunset

mas friend, you

Mufti Muharam Islamic religious/political party

nasi rice

nasi goreng fried rice

NSA National Security Agency

Nusantara early name for Indonesia ( Java to the east)

Ombar-Wetar deep submarine trench off Timor

Oom uncle - idiomatic term for older male

Ora Et Labora a school in Jakarta

Pancaroba The Fifth Season

Pak abbreviation of Bapak

Pancasila the five basic principles underlying Indonesian life

paru-paru lung

pribumi indigenous person - son of the soil

Perkarya Party (Perkumpulan Karya) Workers’ Party

rakyat the people, the masses

sambal sharp spice

sate meat, chicken, cooked on skewers

Selamatan blessing ceremony

Selamat Pagi good morning

selamat datang welcome

sialan! damn!

surat-kaleng anonymous note

terima kasih thank you

The Fifth Season

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