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Chapter 3


Neil and Shamus left Zara alone in the office with Mike while they made coffee in the kitchen. It still fascinated Shamus as to how Zara could bear to be in this house. Putting aside the fact that it was her childhood home, it still became her prison for five years. His eyes shot to the floor on the far right, and he wondered if that was the actual entrance to the room downstairs where her brother held her captive. Just as Neil poured the last cup, Shamus had a thought.

Without helping Neil, he went back to the office. ‘Zara, your brother. Wouldn’t he know about Barak?’

Zara looked up and frowned. ‘Ismail is a sap. He would know fuck all. Barak wouldn’t trust him with any sort of significant information. I spent five years listening to him being ridiculed by Guy and his son Benjamin. Nah, he wouldn’t know a thing.’ She stared at Shamus, her mind going over something.

‘What, Zara, what are yer thinking?’ asked Shamus.

She turned to Mike. ‘Guy and Benjamin are inside. They won’t let me visit them, that’s a dead cert. But there are other ways to get blood out of a stone.’

Mike grinned devilishly. ‘Yeah, some of me oldest pals in Brixton Prison specialize in that. I’ll make a call to Boomer.’

Zara looked back at Shamus and winked. ‘One way or another, I’ll need to find out what they’re up to.’

Mike scrolled down his phone, looking for Boomer’s number. The man was inside for a multitude of crimes and wasn’t getting out anytime soon. He’d been inside for years and had everything he needed, including his own phone.

‘Boomer, it’s me, Mikey Regan. How ya doing, mate?’

The deep, gruff voice replied, ‘Not as good as you, ya lucky fucker, getting out on parole.’ He laughed. ‘Really, mate, I’m as sweet as a nut, and you?’

Mike’s face lit up. He liked Boomer. The nickname was given to him because when he re-enacted a fight, along with the air punches, he would also make the sounds. The loudest and most common one was ‘Boom!’

‘I need a favour, mate.’

‘Well, spit it out, Mikey boy. I’m a very busy man, as ya know.’

Mike laughed. ‘Guy Segal, the old Jew, and his son Benjamin. I need some information out of those bastards. I wanna know if Guy’s brother Barak Segal is alive or dead, and what his plans are. I also need to know if the man is in the country.’

‘Right, mate, I think I know who you mean, but tell me more.’

Mike went over the past, making sure that Boomer knew everything, including the circumstances leading to Benjamin Segal cutting off Zara’s hand and how he and Guy had kept her a prisoner for five years.

‘So, are ya up for it, Boomer?’

‘For sure. No worries, lad. I’ll have that info for ya. Call me in a couple of hours. I don’t wanna waste me minutes. Oh, and do us a favour, will ya? Me ol’ girl needs some dosh. Could ya whack her over a couple of hundred?’

‘I’ll pop over five grand. How’s that suit, bud?’

The thick, gruff voice seemed to soften, and Mike detected an emotional tone. ‘Aah, Mikey, you are a real gent, ya know that? Call me later and give my regards to ya father. The man saw me missus all right for me. He’s a good ’un is ol’ Arthur.’

‘Cheers, Boomer. I’ll bell ya later. Watch yaself.’

* * *

Trenton Smith leaned against the metal doorframe, rolling his last lot of tobacco. ‘All right, Boomer? Any chance of a baccy loan? I’m clean out, mate,’ he asked, as he peered into Boomer’s cell.

Boomer grinned and nodded. Trenton knew then that there was something evil on the man’s mind. He straightened up, and for a second, he wished he hadn’t asked. Boomer was a man in his sixties but had more standing in prison than anyone else. He ran the wing, had the screws eating out of his hand, and was the only man who could sleep without his door wedged tight. Any drugs – even tobacco or hooch – going around the prison were generally dealt with through Boomer. Anyone looking at the two of them would never have thought that little Boomer was more reckless and tougher than Trenton. However, as much as Trenton was a tall, muscular man, with quick movements, no one was as fast as Boomer.

‘Go on, Boomer, let’s ’ave it, then. What ya got on ya mind?’

Boomer stood up and beckoned Trenton in. ‘Close the door.’

As Trenton did as he was told, Boomer offered him a seat on the bunk.

‘There are two geezers in here, Benjamin Segal and his ol’ man Guy Segal. Two Jewish men. I need information from them. They may squeal like pigs, or they may need a little coaxing.’

Trenton nodded. ‘I know who you mean. That Benjamin is the fat, ugly ginger fella that follows his ol’ man around like a lost lamb.’

‘Yeah, that’s him. So, are you up for getting me what I want?’ asked Boomer, with a raised eyebrow.

Trenton took a deep breath. ‘Got any puff to go with that baccy?’

‘Crafty fucker, you. Yeah, go on, then.’ Boomer laughed as he pulled two pouches from under his mattress. ‘Take them. And listen. Those Segals are cruel bastards. They cut off the hand of Mikey Regan’s bird and kept her captive for five years.’

Trenton’s eyes nearly popped out of his head. ‘You’re joking, ain’t ya?’

Boomer dramatically shook his head. ‘Nope. So listen. This mission is for Mike Regan. He wants a few answers out of those two, and if it means getting nasty, and you feel the need to put the pressure on them, you’ll ’ave Mikey’s blessing. They’re gonna end up dead anyway.’

Trenton moved his long fringe away from his eyes, and then he rubbed his beard. ‘The Hells Angels’ way it is, then.’

‘Good lad. Now then, after exercise, I’ll give you instructions, and you’ll need to memorize the questions because that’s the most important bit. We want answers before they end up in the prison mortuary.’

Trenton smirked, showing his black teeth. ‘I’m surprised they made it to prison, with Mike Regan gunning for them.’

‘Don’t you worry about that. His bird wanted them locked up. Ya know, so they could have a taste of what she went through, but now she and Mikey want them done away with.’

* * *

Guy and Benjamin had a cell next door to each other. They’d managed to pay a screw to organize it, yet they couldn’t afford the amount it would cost for protection. Both were quiet and had tried to keep themselves to themselves. Outside prison, they had power through their wealth and influence, mainly in the Jewish community, but inside Brixton Prison they were sitting ducks.

Every day they worried that the Regans, or Zara Ezra, for that matter, had paid someone off to do away with them. In fact, Guy strongly believed his days were numbered and it led to him coming out in a permanent rash. Benjamin, as big as he was, was really just a fat pussy. He only had clout on the outside because he had men behind him. Those same men ran a mile to avoid the looming trouble when he and his father got nicked. They were all well aware of the Regans’ and Zara Ezra’s reputations and were shit-scared of any repercussions.

After exercise was over, Trenton and his two sidekicks, brothers Wasp and Zane King, met up on the landing. Each brother had a glass shard tightly bound to a stick.

‘Tooled up?’ asked Trenton.

Wasp, a small, chubby, bearded man, with only one tooth in his head, nodded and looked down at his hand. ‘Yep, I ain’t used this in a while, but she’s still as sharp as the day I made her.’

Trenton then looked at Zane. ‘And you?’

Zane didn’t answer. He just nodded and chewed on his gum.

As they made their way along the landing, a senior officer gave them the once-over. He didn’t like to see the three characters together. They were devious, and, worse, dangerous. Yet, as he was spying Trenton, Boomer was clocking him, and he instantly called out, ‘Oi, Gov, can I have a word?’

Senior Officer Gladding recognized the deep growl coming out of Boomer’s mouth and spun around. He liked the wing to run smoothly. Any hiccups from Boomer, and the inmates would all be on lockdown, and then the nightmares would begin. ‘All right, Kitson?’

Boomer leaned against the wall and waited for Gladding to approach; he wanted him distracted.

‘I’ve got this bit o’ skirt coming up on a visit. Any chance you could organize a family visit? Ya know, in one of those private family rooms?’

Gladding sighed and felt a little uncomfortable. He hated saying no to Kitson, but the lifers were only allowed one family visit per year, and he’d already had his quota. ‘I’ll see what I can do, but I can’t promise, ’cos you’ve already had yours this year, and we don’t want to draw attention. The number one governor is clamping down on special treatments and keeping a close eye.’

Boomer quickly peered over the officer’s shoulder to see Trenton slip into Guy Segal’s cell and Wasp and Zane slide into Benjamin’s.

‘Fuck me, I thought that would be easy, a man of your power and status.’ He gave his twisted grin and watched as the officer squirmed. ‘Aw, all right, mate. Look, don’t worry. I tell ya what. Can ya get me some of that hair gel, so that I can at least look the part when she turns up?’

At last, Gladding relaxed his shoulders. ‘Yeah, sure, I can get some for you.’

He was about to walk away when Boomer stopped him. ‘So, how’s your son getting on with the new football team?’ he asked, knowing that once Gladding started boasting about his son, he would talk forever. The question worked, and Gladding pushed back his shoulders with pride and gave Boomer a rundown on how brilliant his son was at scoring two goals for the new team. Inside, Boomer was laughing because Gladding’s son was only eight years old and anyone listening would assume he was playing against Manchester United.

* * *

As Trenton entered the old man’s cell, he quickly closed the door, causing Guy to jump and turn around. ‘What the hell are you doing?’ His voice sounded firm, yet it didn’t suit his Wee Willie Winkie appearance.

Trenton held up his bare hands. ‘Just a word, mate.’

Guy’s thinning hair and long white beard were kept well groomed, and Trenton noticed that on closer inspection, the man was quite solidly built with a look that was pretty much daring.

‘And what word would that be?’ asked Guy, bitterly.

‘Cor, you’re cocky for an ol’ dead man walking, ain’t ya?’

Guy’s jaw shot forward in a temper. ‘Just ask your fucking questions and leave me in peace.’

Trenton stepped forward. ‘Barak, your brother. What’s he up to?’

Guy’s frown deepened as he twisted his head. ‘Barak’s dead!’

‘Fucking liar, he’s in Poland. Now, I was polite, and I asked you nicely, but now, I won’t be so polite, so what the fuck is Barak up to?’

Guy’s face dramatically paled, and his eyes widened. ‘I am telling you the truth. He’s dead. I went to his fucking funeral.’

‘Mikey Regan says you’re one evil cunt. And your son’s no better. He had his bird’s hand chopped off. You’re a right slimy bastard, so I don’t believe ya, and no one cares what happens to you either fucking way!’ Suddenly, he pulled his tool from his back pocket and held it up. At the same time, he showed his heavily stained teeth and chuckled. ‘Now then, I think I’ll let me blade ask the fucking questions.’

Guy backed away, his body trembling. ‘I promise you, he’s dead. I swear I was there when they lowered him into the grave. Please …’

Trenton was fast, and in one fluid movement, he slashed his jagged knife across Guy’s face. Guy clutched the loose flaps of skin and was about to scream when Trenton grabbed him and threw him on the bed, plunging the weapon into his stomach. With his hand over Guy’s mouth, he glared into his eyes. ‘Now, you, ya ’orrible prick, will tell me where this brother of yours is and what he’s up to, or you, pal, will fucking bleed to death.’

Guy could feel the dull pain and knew he was in trouble. Without any help, it was true he would bleed out. He stared back, trying to think of what to say, but the fear of death was consuming him. He just couldn’t put his thoughts into any logical order. Then he heard the muffled screams from next door. His son. They had got his son. His eyes filled with tears. It was over. He knew one day the Regans would have him and his son killed, but he didn’t think it would have anything to do with his brother.

‘Now, I’ll remove my hand, and you’re gonna tell me everything you know about Barak, and if I’m satisfied, then I’ll press that emergency button. If not, I’ll plunge you again. Got it?’

With beads of sweat covering his brows and a sickening feeling as though he was underwater, Guy could only nod.

Trenton pulled his hand away. ‘Talk!’

The thick blood was covering his sweatshirt and pooling on the bed. Guy knew he didn’t have long.

‘Please, believe me. He really is dead. He was buried at Golders Green Jewish Cemetery … on Hoop Lane, two years ago … through old age.’

Trenton stared at the old man. He was obviously telling the truth. He then watched as the man took his last breath. He was dead. Trenton looked down at himself. Luckily, he didn’t have blood on him. He cleaned the knife in the sink, washed his hands, and crept away. The landing was quiet. As he clocked Gladding still chatting to Boomer, he slipped into the next cell. Wasp and Zane had gone over the top.

‘Lads, clean up and let’s go.’

Zane was covered in blood and Wasp was standing with his tool dripping in claret. Benjamin was on the floor with so many puncture wounds, it looked as if the Apaches had used him for target practice.

‘I hope you got what I wanted before ya killed him? What did he say?’

Wasp lisped through his toothless mouth. ‘His uncle’s dead … buried in London. He died a couple of years ago.’

As Zane ran the taps and cleaned himself, Wasp rifled through Benjamin’s locker, stealing all his chocolate bars.

‘No wonder the fucker was so fat. He must’ve spent all his canteen money on sweets. The dirty git stinks, so he ain’t been spending it on smellies. Cor, and I thought those Jews were kinda pure. Ya know, religious an’ all.’

‘Come on, lads, let’s go. The coast is clear. You, Zane, ditch ya sweatshirt. It’s covered in claret.’

As they left the cell, Trenton took one last glance at what looked like a beached whale. The man was one ugly bastard in life, and he didn’t look any better in death.

* * *

Mike took the call. ‘Any news, mate?’

Zara stood up and waited anxiously while Neil and Shamus remained seated. She tried to gauge Mike’s expression, but, as always, he was composed and just listened.

‘Okay, thanks, mate. I owe ya one. And I’ll have that five grand sent to your ol’ lady tonight. Cheers. Stay safe.’

Mike ended the call and sighed. ‘Well, they questioned Guy and Benjamin separately. Both said that Barak was dead. He died two years ago, and he’s buried in Golders Green Jewish Cemetery.’

Zara gritted her teeth. ‘They’re lying. Did your men use force? I mean, did—’

Mike interrupted, slightly annoyed. ‘Zara, of course they did. Jesus, they ain’t gonna have a nice chat over a cup of tea, are they?’ He took a deep breath and sighed. ‘They knifed ’em. In fact, both of ’em are now brown bread.’

Neil grinned. ‘Fecking good job as well.’ He turned to Zara. ‘Listen. You knew them better than us. Would they take information to the grave or would they sing like canaries?’

Zara nodded. ‘Yeah, they were weak men, especially Benjamin. He would grass anyone to save his own arse.’ She shuddered when she pictured him. It was that satisfied grin on the man’s face as her hand was severed from her wrist. She contemplated whether she would ever get over that moment.

It was Mike who recognized her troubled expression. He followed her eyes as she looked down at her prosthetic hand. In that second, he wanted to comfort her, but he wouldn’t because this was business and she had to be in charge.

‘Just to be sure, I want the cemetery checked out. Then, we’ll know. But right now, we have to assume they were telling the truth, which means that someone else broke Torvic and Tiffany out of the hangar, and I, for one, am baffled,’ said Zara.

Shamus slowly rocked back and forth on his chair; he was tired and worried. ‘That Torvic has someone who has the guts to take us on, and by letting that bastard loose, he, whoever he is, has just got himself heavily involved. Who would have the balls?’

Zara picked up her phone and dialled her cousin’s number, praying that he would answer. Yet, once again, it went over to answerphone. ‘They have got Josh. I can feel it. He would never ignore my calls, ever.’ She left the room, not wanting to show how upset she was.

Neil got up to follow, but Mike grabbed his arm. ‘Leave her, mate. She needs a moment.’

Neil had worked with Zara for five years while Mike was inside. They had a bond like a brother and sister connection, and he didn’t want Mike to think otherwise, so he stepped back. ‘Yeah, mate, you’re right.’

He paused. ‘Mike, I love Zara, but not how you might think, yer know. She’s like me sister, that’s all.’

Mike patted Neil’s shoulder. ‘You don’t have to explain it to me. I know you looked after my girl, and if there was anything between ya, it would ’ave happened when I was in the nick.’ He laughed.

Neil lowered his head. ‘Good. I’ve always wanted you to know that.’

‘Some things don’t need explaining,’ replied Mike.

It was so apparent to Neil why Zara was in love with Mike. He was firm and projected a persona that commanded attention. Just his gravelly voice and intimidating glare made anyone want to listen. Yet with Zara, there was a slight softness when he spoke, and his eyes were shining when he looked at her. Neil would have wanted Zara for himself, but he knew there was only one man she’d ever loved and that was Mike Regan.

Zara came back into the room. ‘I want to go to the hangar to see if there are any clues.’

Shamus shook his head. ‘I checked. It was as clean as a whistle.’

‘I’m sure you did, but I just want to go back. I know the hangar like the back of my hand. If anything is out of place, I’ll know.’

Mike shrugged. ‘It’s your call, babe.’

Just as she was about to speak, her phone rang. It was Bella. Quickly, she took the call and held her breath.

‘Zara, the hospital’s just called.’

With the blood draining from her face, she asked, ‘Is he hurt? Or …’

‘No, well, yeah, he is, but the stupid man didn’t eat after he took his insulin, and I guess working late or whatever … Anyway, he forgot, and so he went into a hypo and crashed the car. The doctor reckons he’ll be okay, but he’s got a few broken ribs, concussion, and no doubt the DVLA will take his licence away this time.’

Zara chuckled in relief. ‘Thank God.’

‘What do you mean, Zara? He’s in bloody hospital!’

‘Sorry, Bella. I just mean, thank God he’s alive.’

‘Well, yes, but, it’s still not a laughing matter.’

Brought to task, Zara cleared her throat. ‘No, sorry, it’s not, but listen. Don’t worry about him not being able to drive. I’ll organize a driver for you.’

‘Zara, please, I’m begging you. Don’t pull my Josh into your circle. I know what you’re about, but your cousin is … well, he’s a gentle man. I … we … just want a normal life.’

Zara fully understood. ‘Don’t worry, I promise I won’t pull him in again, rest assured. Now, listen. This is serious, Bella. I want you to take the kids and go on holiday, yeah? I’ll make sure Josh is okay.’

Zara sensed the hesitation in Bella’s voice.

‘You mean it, don’t you, Zara? This isn’t a request, is it?’

‘No, love, it’s not. Just go today. I’ll transfer money into your account, but just go now.’

Bella’s voice sounded sincere. ‘I will, but promise me you’ll make sure my husband’s safe?’

‘He’s my only remaining flesh and blood who I can call family, so you have my word.’

The Choice

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