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Firebrand tours to the Galaxy


Steven Firebrand was sitting waiting in his office contemplating life in general while he waited for the arrival of his new toy. People often had a problem relating to him. Lately, he had put it down to having Asperger's Syndrome. Before that a reluctance to drink alcohol when he was in the armed services where they viewed non-drinkers with suspicion.

Steve Firebrand's nonchalant attitude to life revolved around the Ground Hog Day principle, where having lived his life vicariously with his other selves supplying pre-warning of problems and the remedies of the task well before it happened. The protagonist of the GHD movie had a multitude of tries to eventually work out the smooth way to live the day successfully ending up with the girl and the job of hosting the best comedy/news segment. With a myriad of others selves forging the way and forwarding the fix to the 'younger' versions it made life easy and complicated simultaneously. Steve was a slightly above average in most pursuits; not outstanding except for imagination which his peers viewed as a negative.

The impending arrival of the foundation of his new enterprise, a training shuttle to prepare the fleet of tourist ships engendered the current train of thought.

A whistle sounded as the red disc made a pass and barrel roll before slowing to a stop above the athletic oval at the Firebrand factory; as everyone had been waiting for this to happen, they dashed out to see the new addition to the company.

The red shuttle drifted in to land in the car park; the ramp dropped, and Captain Mike Cox stepped out to hand over the virtual keys to Steven Firebrand. Mike, a tall, lanky country boy, seemed out of place in flight overalls, while Steve was a shorter stocky man wearing work shirt and trousers despite being the Chairman of Firebrand industries.

“There you go, all nice and shiny,” Mike advised, “I am available to train you up so that you can fly it yourself.”

“Sounds good, I will give the reins to Anne and get busy with the task,” Steve accepted, “For now would you like a brew, and we can rough out the programme.”

“Feeling a bit dry after the flight from the Moon and there are a few things to settle first,” Mike agreed.

“Okay come to my office while we work the bugs out,” Steve invited, on the way waved Anne Strothers, who ran the place, to accompany them.

Once settled into seats with their brew they started the discussion, “Here are the technical specs to register the shuttles and main ship with CASA,” Mike handed over the data stick which was no drama as the Firebrand computers were well advanced.

“Since the inventions we share are now protected, I have been training for my commercial pilot's licence and re-establishing my aircraft tech status, with this I should be able to tell CASA what to ask me to qualify as a Licenced Aircraft Maintenance Engineer,' Steve said.

“Sounds like fun, when I did the deal with the Air Force, they fell over backwards helping, if only to make sure they had a toy for themselves,” Mike said, “But the CASA bureaucrats won’t be so keen as they see it just another bother. This shuttle is carrying a RAAF ID for now as I have conned them into using it as the prototype for their trails, the only catch is that we will have to do a few demos for the brass.”

“I can get my hands-on experience and if someone else is paying the tab even better,” Steve said.

“There is a need to set up a fuel supply, can you swing a water distillery and centrifuge on the coast to get heavy water which is the fuel we need rather than have to ship it in from Grnatz?” Mike suggested.

'Give me the specifications, and I will put my bright guys onto it, the state government should be delighted for a new resource industry. I will need it for my power generators.'

Steve finished loading the data onto his computer and viewed the information, “Hmm this will cure my insomnia no problem,” Steve grimaced then having a bright idea suggested, “How about we go for a spin and see how it runs?”

“Sounds like a plan, if you pass the ball to your bright young guns so that it will make them earn their keep,” Mike laughed.

“Done,” Steve agreed, “Anne since you are now the boss of all you survey; would you organise 'Alpha' team to handle the shuttle and ship registrations. Then have the 'Beta' team set up an ample DO2 supply.”

“Thanks, Senior, you are always so kind, I don’t know why people say such nasty things behind your back,” Anne retorted.

“How about I put up a new sign such as CEO in charge of everything and a key to the Executive restroom,” Steve suggested going along with the joke.

"Everyone knows who runs the lunatic asylum." She quipped, “I have a key already; it is the only way it is kept clean,”

“Okay, I will leave it in your capable hands, I am off to fly the wild blue yonder,” Steve ended.

“Break a leg, Senior,” She returned.

“I see you get on well with the staff?” Mike observed, "Why does she call you Senior?"

“I always allocate responsibility to those who can handle it, besides she gets paid more than I do,” Steve laughed, "We have quite a few Stevens visiting, and I am the Senior one, hence the name."

“I thought you were the head of the corporation?” Mike asked, "and the name is as clear as mud."

“If I were to pay myself more, I might as well just write the cheque directly to the tax man,” Steve returned.

“Okay the blue yonder is waiting, let’s away,” Mike suggested, “Since we intend to play as civilians we start with a preflight inspection.”

“Wouldn't do it any other way,” Steve replied, “I will just put my flight suit on, and I will be right with you.”

“See you out there,” Mike said as he returned to the shuttle.

It wasn’t long; Steve joined him to commence the preflight, as they did the walk around Mike pointed out the changes to the Humph's design. As it was the first inspection, they took their time and ensured that all was secure after which they climbed into the cockpit and commenced the instrument checks.

Having received clearance from local air traffic control, they started up and lifted off without disturbing the grass. Senior updated the local clearance with the Toowoomba Airport, the shuttle ascended vertically out of controlled airspace, and the factory complex disappeared from their view.

“Nice ride feels like we are still on the ground, I have been getting my hours up out of Wellcamp, the training loop is a bit bumpy in a light aircraft,” Steve noted, “How’s the traffic above us?”

“Mostly clear as we are well away from the busy orbits, just bring our speed up to merge, there will be no problems,” Mike advised, “Once clear of the rubbish we will head off to the Moon factory, and you can see the progress of the new ship.”

With Mike in control, after the shuttle passed the local orbits, they travelled to the Moon, arriving at Humph's factory, parking the shuttle the pair assumed their spacesuits with verbal commands as Humph was off doing his ‘milk run’ with Su Lin. Lined up in neat lines were several ship frames, from two of Humph's standard size, another couple with a short straight extension midships and another two with half straight with curved ends. A dozen shuttle frames were well advanced in construction as each large ship had a complement of two.

“Well, what do you think?” Mike asked pointing at the mid-sized vessel as they surveyed the centre of activity, “Another couple of months and you will be touring to your heart’s content.”

“Seems a little bigger than the Terra?” Steve noted.

“Yep it is the prototype larger model; it has a 10 metre stretch in the middle; this nearly doubles the capacity without making it unwieldy.”

“Sounds good can’t wait for the test flight,” Senior agreed already feeling the glow of ownership.

“Humph will do that then deliver it to your factory where you can complete the fit out, saves the bother of bringing air to the Moon when you have a whole planet full,” Mike explained.

Surveying the work areas where the other frames were being laid down, “And those?”

“Two standard models for Humph's latest children scheduled to be complete in about a year or two. Another one for yourself and the two extended versions for the Grnatz and Elysium fleets. Then the new assembly line at Grnatz will be underway, and this one will be all yours to do what you need.”

“I have had inquiries for a dozen, once the interested parties identified my factory as a potential supplier,” Senior said.

“Probably need a habitat and crew to continue as Humph will probably want most of his construction androids for the other facility, but he has found a source where there are several robots available when needed.”

“We will see, that sounds like a bridge that we will cross when we get to it,” Senior said, “Where to next?”

“Just cruise around the system while you get the hang of steering,” Mike said.

So setting off again the shuttle and Senior was put through the paces until Senior was confident of his capability and started to explore with Mike taking a back seat just observing.

Having filled the day in Senior piloted the shuttle back to the base and hopped out allowing Mike to fly home and visit his family near Gympie.

Back in his office, Senior checked in with the teams and noted that they were making progress, sourcing government paperwork that would be required to start the ball rolling. The Beta team in the process of surveying a location for the heavy-water plant; they found that the Tugun desalination plant was in maintenance mode running at a loss. Jim suggested that if the company were to buy in and install the distillery and centrifuge equipment together with a new power generator, the State Government would be delighted. The same water output would be delivered with the centrifuge process only diverting a couple of hundred tonnes a day, which would hardly make any difference and have the running costs cut down to a sustainable level.

Alpha Team reported that the initial prognosis was correct as manufactured in a non-signatory country of origin it would be a tedious process. This status despite having several of the same design circulating from extraterrestrial origin. Those, of course, were the spacecraft given special dispensation by the Federal Government.

Seeing that was underway, Senior retired for the night and planned the tasks for the morning, perhaps a system tour and check out Mars.

It seemed that his head had barely hit the pillow when he heard the whistle of his shuttle arriving for the day’s effort, grabbing a quick breakfast, Senior dressed ready for the day and trying to restrain his enthusiasm reached the ramp almost before Mike had dropped it.

“If I knew you were that keen I would have arrived earlier,” Mike laughed.

“I suppose I could have slept a little longer,” Senior replied following up with a question, "How’s the family?"

"They are happy, this job will allow them to see me a bit longer than the one day a month I have been able to visit,” Mike said, “So any place you would like to visit?”

“What sort of preparation to visit Alpha Centauri?” Senior asked, “Could start the reconnaissance for a possible tourist destination.”

“Each direction is a day to jump point, day in hyperspace then another day into the system, so we are looking at a week and about 5 tonnes of fuel,” Mike calculated, “The last being the ration for the training task.”

“I suppose we can put that off until we get the fuel supply happening,” Senior conceded.

"Humph does have a small outfit running near my farm. It is automated and is a handy backup if he runs low on a visit,” Mike suggested, “Next time I am home I will see how much is available, last time there was a stack as we haven’t needed to touch it.”

“I suppose I should just take each day as it comes so what do you suggest we do?”

“I think that the low and slow techniques can be practised for a while as that is where most of the panel damage occur,” Mike advised.

“I will call up the Airport website and see what is necessary to do touch and go approaches. The training school usually handles that,” Senior said as he looked up the screen, “Ah here’s the answer, free if I don’t land or $60 an hour if I touch, probably explains why my training fees are so high.”

“Okay let’s make a few approaches then see if the Army Airfield wants a look at your toy?”

“Yeah last time I was there, I was a civilian mechanic on helicopters,” Senior reminisced.

So the shuttle headed off and radioed ahead with several windows of approach completed without dramas. Then they radioed Oakey and received permission to park using their RAAF call sign. The base was made aware that there were civilian pilots in control and that it was a shakedown flight. The pilots and techs all wanted a look as they had heard about the new toys, but that had always happened at the RAAF bases, they had been listening to the radio transmissions as the shuttle made its’ way around the area.

As the shuttle drifted in and made a helicopter landing, it stood out with its bright red trim amongst the drab green and sand-camouflaged Army aircraft. Once on the ground, interested spectators surrounded the shuttle trying to get a close look at workings. Mike and Senior were soon answering questions and fending off joy flight requests.

“Once we have the spaceship ready perhaps I will be able to show the performance off especially if I can do landing practice with my new astronauts,” Senior suggested, "Then I suppose we can fit in a few back-seat drivers."

The spectators had to be content with that as the shuttle was re-manned and continued with a training run across the Downs seeking out abandoned landing strips to obtain more slow speed maneuverings. After several hours practice, Senior suggested, “How about visiting your home and checking on the fuel stockpile?”

“I suppose we can do that; I have spoken about you to Mum and Dad, who are keen to meet you,” Mike agreed, “So I will organise the flight path and head off to there,” as he did so.

Tracking up the mountain range enjoying the scenery as it passed by, arriving at the farm and then descended into the paddock that Mike used for this purpose.

After exchanging greetings, Mike borrowed the farm ute and ran Senior over to the cache site where that there were several tonnes piled up ready for use in 20-litre containers.

“What we will do when we need this is to land the shuttle next to it and just pour the water into the tanks, the setup can then refill them until the next time,” Mike suggested.

“Makes sense rather than double handling the containers,” Senior agreed.

While they were heading back to the house; Mike suggested, “If you feel confident enough to solo back to your base and return in the morning.”

“Sounds like a plan I need a few more solo cross-country hours, see you in the morning,” Senior replied as he climbed back aboard the shuttle, lifted off and headed south.

As the return flight was registered, there were no dramas as Senior guided the craft back to Charlton and landed on the helipad adjacent to the factory.

Getting an early start in the morning, Senior registered a flight plan and then headed off to Goombooria a little town nears Mike’s farm. After only half an hour’s slow flight, Senior lowered the shuttle to a gentle landing ready to start the days training.

As he alighted, Mike came out with toast in hand and quipped, “Who’s the keen one today I have only had just enough time to feed the chooks and plough the back paddock.”

“Pull the other one, it has bells on it; your Mum dobbed you in that you lost all the habits of early rising since you have been swanning around the cosmos,” Senior replied.

“It is easy for you to lose track of time doing that,” Mike said then glancing at his watch, “It is beer o'clock on half a dozen worlds give or take a million.”

“Well you can take the boy out of the country but you can't the country out of the boy, so what’s the go for today?” Senior asked.

“Just general cross country and approaches, we are already in the experience logging phase,” Mike said, “So wherever you haven’t been, it is up to you.”

“Okay we can show the flag by making a trip to Perth then Darwin then if it gets too tame, the South Pole,” Senior suggested.

“Any further and you need to go orbital, or it would take a month of Sundays. Did you pack some sandwiches?” Mike laughed.

“Might have a couple in the tucker box, overseas you have the complication of visas etcetera,” Senior said, “I suppose we first plan then lodge the flight route and get clearance.”

“In space, there is no-one to ask until you enter a populated system. Your ship makes a big door knock with the hyper pulse, if anyone is at home they soon are checking you,” Mike said, “While I think that you are ready now the Terra should be back in another couple of weeks. Since I haven’t had a chance to explore Earth let alone Australia, so I‘m up for it.”

With that in mind, a trip was arranged to touch all the interesting parts, and because they were using RAAF ID, it also had to be cleared with them. So ringing Amberley Airbase, Mike talked to one of his contacts and permission was gained on the proviso that a couple of pilots and mechanics joined the crew. That way would turn it into a training exercise for the flyboys; it had the side benefit of using the RAAF facilities and planning departments.

“I have a couple of mates in Canberra who fill that job description; they have experience with this model, I will give them a buzz and see if they are available,” Mike suggested and rang through to Bill Talbert at Fairburn.

"Bill, I am here in Queensland with a new toy registered as A78-010, a Humph's shuttle. Can you organise a trip circumnavigating Australia?" Mike asked after exchanging greetings.

“Yes, I received a heads up because I am supposed to be involved,” Bill replied, “I have been waiting for this call, can you pick me up on the way, Kev is available to complete the team if that is suitable?”

“Ticks all the boxes, can be there within a couple of hours,” Mike said, “Have to keep it at donkey pace, so we don't ruffle any hair.”

“See you then I will have an itinerary on paper by the time you arrive,” Bill advised as he rang off.

Mike hung up and said to Steve, “That’s settled we can top up the tanks before heading off.”

Steve lifted off then settled into Humph's grotto next to the fuel stash; together they spent half an hour loading a tonne of Heavy water, by the time they were finished Steve commented, “Now I know why it is called Heavy water, perhaps we can rig a pump and hose next time?”

“Now that’s a good idea,” Mike said, “Never mind we needed the exercise, so let’s away.”

Having got their breath back, Little Red lifted off and headed south towards Canberra to pick up Bill and Kev. Cruising at 600 knots, this took a little over an hour including slowing for the approach to Fairburn. Following the control towers instructions, they were soon parked on a helipad waiting for the two new crewmen to join them. As they would be away for a few days, two men soon were delivered with their kit to the bottom of the ramp, together with a team of mechanics.

“Steve meet Bill and Kev; we have had a little tour together, so they are conversant with the controls and handling capabilities,” Mike introduced them.

“I have heard about you, Steve,” Bill said, “You run that Firebrand factory, I believe you intend to build some spacecraft for my mob,” Shaking hands as he did so.

“Only good things I hope,” Steve replied, “I have spread some new toys lately to your compatriots, the aim is to make this a safer world.”

“Proper cat amongst the pigeons,” Kev agreed, “The brass hats are still working out what to do with half of it, now both Mike and you are stirring the pot. These techs are here to install IFF gear to make the ship all legit; it won't take them long as Humph has fitted the racks and antennae to suit.”

“Nice paint job, it would be a shame if our toys go camouflage,” Bill commented pretending to shade his eyes.

“This will be the livery for my fleet, I don't doubt that you guys will paint them in camouflage," Steve said, "I have a bucket list of projects that I want to do.”

“Well if you climb aboard, and we will follow the course that you have laid out for us,” Mike suggested, "The racks are behind that panel," Guiding the techs towards the rear bulkhead and opening a hatch.

Once everyone had settled, and the techs had completed their task departed. The tower gave clearance, and they lifted off to stop at Tullamarine to show the flag this being only a short hop. Barely warmed up before sliding in for a vertical landing and parked at the rostered parking area. Soon they were surrounded by people eagerly checking it out.

After waiting an hour, the crew settled down again and lifted off to head for Edinburgh near Adelaide. They went through the same process before crossing the Nullarbor to land at Pierce Air Force Base near Perth. Mike suggested, “Let’s stay the night and have a sightseeing run. Otherwise, it could get boring."

“I will arrange a staff car, and then we can do a tour; the word will get around that we are in town.” Bill offered.

“Sounds like a plan, go for it,” Mike said.

So the team set off and hit all the high spots as well as several schools to have a quick chat about space travel; by the time that the day was over, there were dozens of hopefuls ready to join anything that meant getting into space.

“What do you reckon, a recruitment drive on the side?” Bill observed, “Just how many ships do you intend to make for us?”

“I am making the power, drive, shields and armament modules. Once all the factory lines are up and running I expect that my company can supply the market,” Steve said, “One stumbling block is training the workforce to take the repetitive jobs from me. Another point is the navigation computers which are sourced at the other end of the Galaxy until someone designs them here.

"We will just have to have a bit of patience besides we have a lot of new conventional aircraft that we need to work the shine off,” Kev suggested, “When Humph arrived, all of it is now obsolescent.”

“I suppose I can subcontract out to CAC for assembly in the future and spread the work around,” Steve said. “They are set up to do just that, and once overseas show an interest, it will boom.”

“Shame to lose the new toys so soon,” Bill grimaced.

“Some gear can be retrofitted giving VTOL capabilities together with advanced weapons and power to existing airframes, I will consult with Humph, and he may have a few ideas on that, he is always looking for new projects.”

“We will put that on the wish list,” Bill said, “Tonight we sleep on it and then head up the coast to Broome.”

Following the itinerary, it wasn’t long before they had completed the circuit and were ready to explore a bit further afield, “How about Hobart then onto the South Pole?” Steve suggested, “While I have been to Tassie, we can’t upset them by leaving them out of the tour, then go suborbital to cut the time down to the pole.”

“Steve has new spacesuits which will double as winter woollies,” Mike added, “Going sub-orbital it will reduce it from 5 hours down to one.”

“Sounds good I have done the flight in a Hercules. Watched eight and a half hours of empty ocean, which wasn’t my most exciting time,” Bill advised, “How’s the juice holding out? Most aircraft would need a couple of top ups by now.”

“Still on the three-quarter point of the tank gauge, might need a drop by the time we are back in Queensland,” Mike calculated.

“Sounds economical what fuel do you use; it hasn't come up in conversation though now that I think it is ‘heavy water’?” Bill said.

“That’s correct, the extraction is slow and expensive but still cheaper per mile than kerosene,” Mike said, “We can use just about any of the light elements, but the residue from DO2 is minimal, that saves cleaning the tailpipes every week or so.”

“Hell, buying heavy water could be expensive, I have heard it starts at $300 a litre up to near $700 depending on purity,” Kev calculated, “This shuttle holds about 5000 litres.”

“Distilled water at dollar fifty would do, with a ten percent performance penalty and the by-product not quite as useful,” Mike said.

“Preliminary costing for a new plant I am trying to organise, should come in at a few hundred dollars a tonne with quantity savings,” Steve said, “It delivers a thousand tonne miles per litre.”

“The going rate for Galactic supply runs from fifty to a hundred credits per tonne which would make it economical,” Mike provided, “The principal suppliers draw their supply from a source that is nearly pure D2O with freight the main expense. When you are off the beaten track so to speak, it is easier to mine it yourself from an asteroid; Humph has a little kit behind my farm which produces a couple of tonne per year using solar power.”

“I suppose so; I remember reading that the top of the George Washington Spire has the rarest metal of the day, it used half the world’s supply of Aluminium,” Kev said, 'Now they stick soft drink in it, and best price for recycled is $2 a kilo.'

“The market drives the price, a hundred million dollar plant wouldn’t be viable with the output less than a thousand tonnes a week. The total market for Heavy water is currently seventeen thousand tonnes a year,” Steve assessed, “My proposed plant is to be attached to a desalination plant that is producing twenty-five megalitres of water per day, so taking the one percent would mean about 250 tonnes of D2O per day. The main running cost being for a dozen workers supervising the output, this can be quadrupled with the reverse osmosis plant running at full capacity.”

“We can leave it to white man’s magic; let’s plan the trip to Hobart and the South Pole,” Bill suggested, “We are in Darwin so with a three-hour flight to there, wave the flag then off to the frozen south.”

“Sounds like a plan let’s do it,” Mike said.

Crossing the centre from north to south, this time, each taking command watching the airspace as the land passed underneath. At the two and a half mark, Bill called Hobart airport and requested descent path for helicopter landing of a twenty-ton aircraft. The controllers approved, despite struggling to maintain their professional cool. It was planned to stay overnight and leave early for Antarctica so that the flight could be completed in daylight by the shuttle, not too much of a problem as being near summer most of the day it was light.

Departing from the Hobart aerodrome, the shuttle pointed the nose up and ascended to flight level 100. Then increasing to a ground speed of Mach 5, the high altitude increases the flight length by a factor. After an hour or so the coast of Antarctica appeared ahead and with that in view descent, and the crew initiated deceleration; Kevin called ahead McMurdo to advise of the intention to overfly, and the air traffic controller informed, though there was some query about how high and fast they were still going.

“RAAF shuttle A78-010 descending from suborbital flight path over your position in 5 minutes mark,” Bill advised, “Inbound for landing at the South Pole; do you wish a visit over.”

“Copy A78-010 are you rocket powered?”

“Confirm guess, helicopter landing capable, footprint equal to Chinook with no heat stress to the pad.”

“Visit appreciated carry on 010,”

“Roger, McMurdo, see you in a couple of hours.”

“As these blokes are scientists should be no drama letting them have a look and not making a fuss about being foreigners,” Bill assured.

“They have plenty of Aussie visitors so there should be no dramas to land if there is any we just stay on board in Australian sovereign territory,” Kev added.

“Okay if my calculations are correct we descend to ten thousand feet using a radar altimeter then we should see the permanent station and then request landing at minimal speed,” Bill suggested.

As the base radar spotted them, they were challenged and with responses from a surprised air traffic controller, given permission to land and visit the site of the geographical South Pole.

“Minus 20 Celsius so rug up, so we can have a look round,” Mike advised assuming the gel spacesuit. The overall effect was wearing another flight suit with a visor covering the face, “The suit will keep you warm and comfortable for as long as you are here.”

The party exited the shuttle and greeted by the admin head who was busting at the seams restraining himself from asking too many questions as while rumours and stories abounded about the spacecraft; this was the last place he expected to see one.

They were invited over to the new dome building recently completed after doing the obligatory happy snaps at the flagpole and marker.

“Well as you have seen one ice planet you have seen them all,” Mike quipped, “Much the same as Hoth which is about as good as it gets at the equator.”

After spending a couple of hours with the admin staff conducting a tour through the facilities; this was down with the expectation of the return favour seeing the inside of the shuttle the team wished their hosts farewell and headed back to McMurdo to pay a visit.

Arriving there, they parked as directed and a bus was waiting to take them to the main base to talk to the commanding officer, Major Chris Felton, who greeted them making an effort to show them around the base also with the expectation of a tour of the shuttle.

“What sort of power plant do you have?” Chris asked, “If this is orbitally capable it should be gigantic.”

“Field stimulated room temperature fusion using heavy water,” Mike provided, “Fits in the back of a Kombi van.”

“I am near the production of ground-based reactors big enough to run this place,” Steve advised.

“We have just shut down and removed a nuclear reactor as it could have contaminated the area, so now we run on diesel and perhaps that is not much better,” Chris said.

"I have a design for an extractor for D2O. which can be attached to the desalination plant and cut transport costs. The reactor should be on the market in a couple of years,” Steve said, “The emissions from this reactor would be non-radioactive helium and nitrogen. If you use ice water for the extractor, there should be little saline requiring disposal.”

“Sounds good to me I will put an order in for a set of those,” Chris enthused.

“Always willing to sell to the needy is my motto, I noticed a few of my sidearms amongst your police,” Steve said.

“Are you that Firebrand character? Those guns are handy as no one gets hurt if they used,” Chris asked.

“Just doing my bit for peace,” Steve said.

“Well, it has been great meeting you,” Chris said, “Happy travels.”

“Thank you; it has certainly ticked off one of my bucket list items. Though I will send the boys for the installation,” Steve said.

The visit over, the team boarded the shuttle lifted off and made a straight run to Canberra delivering Bill and Kev to their base, after which onto Gympie to drop off Mike at his farm.

Over the next week or so morning runs to Gympie with general practice, racking up the hours to qualify for a commercial licence and with the maintenance experience building up as well, Steve was ready to sit type exams as available. By then Humph's ship the Yella Terra arrived and picked up Mike for him to resume his employment.

Becoming bored with circuit training Senior suggested to Bill and Kev that they make an interstellar trip.

“Great idea but how long would that take?” Bill asked.

“About a week there and back so if we carry provisions for a month it should be sweet,” Senior advised, “Need to drop into Mike’s house and pick up some fuel from the stash there.”

“So when do we start?” Bill asked.

“If we get all our gear together, then go in two days time?” Senior suggested, “Take about an hour to drop into Gympie load up then we are away.”

“Sounds good, I can tell the brass that we off to plant the kangaroo flag on a new planet,” Kev suggested.

“Perhaps not that but suggesting Mars may stop them asking too many questions,” Senior laughed, “I have practised the hyperdrive locally which is harder than a longer distance.”

“Okay I will ring back in half an hour with the yea or nay,” Bill said, “So pick us up the night before, we then camp at your place overnight then away first thing in the morning.”

“Sounds like a good plan, I had that in mind, great minds think alike,” Senior said as he rang off.

Hardly had he done so when Bill rang back. “The boss is getting a bit bored with our comings and goings, just said file the flight plan and no need to bother him,” Bill said, “So as long I write a report, which is my job description.”

“Boring is good, excitement usually leads to extra laundry bills,” Senior laughed, “I will drop in at 1500 hours Friday and then we are off.”

“I will see you then,” Bill replied.

Friday arrived, and Little Red settled into Fairburn where Bill and Kev were waiting to load their gear, this was done fairly quickly as they were travelling light.

The crew loaded the equipment aboard; Senior then received clearance and headed back to Charlton to stay the night. Loading a little extra gear the preparation was complete, so the shuttle was ready to leave in the morning. The evening was used to brief the two on the programme they would follow; Humph had supplied navigation data and what to expect. Senior’s son Tom was joining for the trip; he had dropped in earlier and Steve had told him about the tour, as there was not much happening at UQ, was keen to experience the exercise.

“He‘s coming because we need the extra muscle to shift the fuel,” Steve advised, “And balances the load up.”

“Ha, ha Dad; Bill, Kev glad to meet you,” Tom said with a wry glance at Steve, “I brought my computer and a heap of games if it gets too tedious.”

“Just to give you something to do you can be the flight deck supervisor and go space-walking if we have little green men wanting to land,” Steve quipped.

“Hey you promised no old dad jokes on the trip,” Tom protested.

“Ah but we haven’t started yet,” Steve returned, “Promise cuts-in once we are away.”

“So when do we go? And what do we take?” Tom asked.

So Steve laid out the expected programme with first the refuelling stop, then off to Alpha Centauri to say they had been there as that was the closest neighbour and distant destinations would be in Big Red.

The morning rolled around, and Little Red lifted off and headed to Gympie for the fuel load where they formed a chain and soon filled the tank returning the empties to the feed rack. Task completed, the crew boarded and strapped in, then headed out over the Tasman Sea to commence the climb through the atmosphere.

Breaking through the clouds and accelerating towards escape velocity with the radar looking ahead for satellites. Apart from the displays, there wasn’t much scenery to watch, except New Zealand rolling up the horizon far below to the starboard side.

“Good thing there is a gravity damper,” Steve said, “Under your seats, you will find your space suits, and it is a good enough time as any to wear them. Once in space, the off-duty crew can just have them close though there should be no danger. There are shields to divert any debris from striking. Note the red switch turns this off so please fingers off.”

“Thank you, hostess,” Tom offered, “So when do the bikkies and cuppas come round?”

“Anytime you feel like it, you may do the honours, please remember I make the jokes around here,” Steve retorted.

As they headed out of the earth plane, there wasn’t much to see except bright pinpoints of light except for the sun in the rear cameras a glare even with the filters in use. The earth dwindled in size as they accelerated to interplanetary speed achieving mass clearance before engaging the hyperdrive.

“Well despite exceeding previous speed records for an Australian vessel it will still be another ten hours to jump point, so who takes the first shift, Bill, Tom?” Steve asked, “I will check if everything is where it is supposed to be and put the kettle on, any takers?”

“Yep, NATO with a sandwich,” Bill acknowledged with a brew order, “I have the con heading 010 Sol centre.”

“Okay, coffee two sugars I will warm the other seat,” Tom accepted.

“That’s two NATO since you are hanging around with service types best you learn the jargon,” Steve advised.

“I will tie down the luggage and set the bunks; it is going to be a long trip if the lame jokes have started,” Kev stated.

As they set about their assigned tasks it wasn’t long before cups in hand they were back observing the cosmos unfolding before them.

“This Hyperdrive how does it work besides damn fine?” Kev asked.

“It is a slight variation of my parallel universe doors where there is one which has very close star systems. The ship then travels at near light speed to your target system and then step out again nearby,” Steve paraphrased, “A mass bigger than 10 metres at 10 kilometres pops the bubble, and then you drop back to interplanetary drive to arrive at your destination.”

“That’s a bit close if you are high C velocity?” Kev noted.

“The shields would bounce you off unless you were square on, the chances of that are remote. Earth-size or bigger mass you bounce out at one AU, so even at light speed, you have roughly eight minutes to duck,” Steve calculated, “So we approach the exit on the brakes with hands on the controls. In Humph's case because he is faster than any computer he can cut the fudge factor to a minimum.”

“So when do you expect to train up one of these Droman?” Kev asked only slightly reassured.

“When we have the big ship, I nip over to Droma and ask if someone is interested,” Steve related, “According to Mike an adult may be curious or because there is a shortage of home territories you can offer a home for a meld of 21 juveniles making one adult Droman. Then you have the training task ahead not long because some are older than us.”

“Oh something to work out in a corner when you have some spare time on your hands,” Kev said sceptically.

“The bigger ship will have navigation computers which can’t fit in this one,” Steve assured, “Actually if you look in that cupboard you will see something familiar.”

So with a wry face thinking that Steve was taking the Mickey went over and looked to find a dome-headed barrel with sensor and lens arrays. “Bugger me dead an R2 robot.”

“Not even alive, that cute little beastie I have dubbed Gizmo, he doubles as a short-range nav computer as well as a repairman if the shuttle needs fixing,” Steve smiled, “Makes us a little standby but he is a useful crew member.”

“He hasn't been steering?” Kev looked bemused as he was a pilot and not keen on autopilots.

“No just monitors the ship serviceability, assess the navigation maths and sets the exit points. The drawback is that Gizmo is programmed not to endanger anyone, so is very cautious. You have to switch him out of the system when someone like Humph is steering, or he gets the conniptions and freaks out,” Steve explained, “For now it means he scans ahead and before we even approach one AU he pulls the switch and drops us out well clear. The early dropout gives us an extra few hours planetary cruising; safety first is the go.”

That left Kev plenty to ponder about so when it was his turn to command he was quite happy to do so. The time estimate to drop out was running down on a small clock beside the control panel and still read in high twenty hours.

Still, after a sleep time, the readout counted down to zero, and the stars returned to normal with a new system in view ahead only blurred in the middle where the filter cut the glare. This view would be for another day as they cruised in closer.

As they did a light started blinking on the panel, Steve tapped the readout; it displayed that there was a distress beacon transmitting. “That’s odd; Humph reckoned no one visits here as there are no habitable planets nearby,” Steve mused, “Still we must investigate though with caution as it is apparently an old pirate trick to bring you close.”

“Gizmo, would you plot a course to take us close to that beacon. Now we all don the suits with stunners at the hip, and we sidle up nervously until we can assess the situation,” Steve decreed, “The ship doesn't have the resources to do much, I suppose we can holler to Grnatz for help.”

“If there are Bogies, be ready to stick your foot on the accelerator,” Kev agreed.

"We slow down on our tail ready to apply full power if something is on the nose,” Steve assured him, “Normally that would be considered bad manners as the rocket flare can blister the paintwork. I will be speaking in Galbasic.”

This plan was carried out, and they arrived within radio hailing distance, ready to run if required.

In Galbasic, the distress frequency was used to call, “Occupants of distressed vessel this is Solterra Little Red do you copy over,” Steve announced and with no response, “Gizmo data screech.”

This time, they received a return signal, “This is Rambling Gambler, require assistance, Hyper disabled.”

“Gambler what can we do? We are limited as this is a small ship.” Steve replied then aside “Gizmo display specifications.”

On the main screen appeared an outline with size, mass and power emissions, with side notes as to the origin and possible crew. “Gambler, Captain Firebrand in command, who are your crew?” Steve asked.

“Captain Roos, Sucos and Ruckos race Goosos air oxygen-nitrogen 25 75,” Roos replied.

“Wait out, I will confer with my crew,” Senior said then asked away from the radio, “What do you reckon, Gizmo race readout?”

The screen lit up with a question sign and further data on ship origin regarding air specification which was consistent with a remote planet this with a flashing orange line reading caution 'that race is unreliable'.

“That means take it steady,' Steve considered, “Gambler what help do you require, we have limited resources.”

“Could you tow us to Sigma Epsilon there is a repair facility there,” Roos replied.

“Gizmo do we have the capability and what do you know about the requested destination?” Steve asked away from the radio.

The screen lit up with a YES for the ship's capability, and a red CAUTION for the indicated destination with a recommend for Grnatz, as being closer.

Steve made a decision, “I don't have the capability, perhaps I should contact Grnatz for rescue.”

“Negative Red, Oxzen are antagonistic to us, have weapons sighted will fire if a transmission or the drive detected,” Roos sent.

“Gizmo do you detect radiation?” Steve asked the screen lit up POSITIVE, so he flicked two switches, twisted the controls and aimed a reticule centred on the offending ship, “Full shields, Fire sleep gun.” At the same time, a blaze of light flicked through the last position and continued; Steve had spun the shuttle out of range. The gun ran out of energy and faded to glow.

“Asleep at the switch, we should return the favour and tie these blokes up, while we do that keep an eye on the detectors in case he has company,” Steve announced, “Who feels up to coming over?”

“I have done a little zero gravity training during service exchange to the USA,” Kev offered.

Bill and Tom both shook their heads, “Pass; I don’t like roller coasters,” Tom said.

“Gizmo could come, but we shouldn’t use him as he is our ticket home,” Steve decided, and as they were already in their suits, the pair headed towards the airlock as Bill slipped the Red over towards the other craft. Exiting the airlock, Steve threw a magnetic line and hooked a ladder loop. Hauling on that Steve was propelled over the gap and then finding the airlock operated the controls, the door swung inwards entering and re-closing the hatch behind Kev and himself.

The inside hatch swung open as the pressure automatically equalised. So Steve drew his sidearm, he then cautiously moved into the cockpit in time to see a figure in a space suit arise from sleep. Covering this entity with his stun pistol, Steve announced, “Keep your hands where I can see them, and then you can tell us, why the aggression?”

“I thought you were Oxzen by your accent, our races don’t get on too well, but you look like Corellian?” Roos replied.

“Related but we are from Earth next door, on a shakedown cruise with a shuttle,” Steve explained, “So what can we do, despite you firing on us?”

“The Hyperdrive is unserviceable, repairable with a couple of modules which I don’t have,” Roos reported.

“I will have a quick look and see if with we have the parts as we are carrying plenty for our toy,” Steve offered, then whispered, “Camera on, Gizmo please analyse.” Then aloud, “Show me the equipment, and I will see what I can do.”

Roos walked over to the rear and opened a hatch residing inside was a rack of equipment which looked familiar, then on the heads-up display writing Gizmo confirmed that it was a standard Corellian drive assembly. The spare modules were on the shuttle only requiring installation.

“Can you power the drive?” Steve asked, “Just on standby will do, I can analyse which modules need replacing.” Roos went over to the controls and selected switches. Some arcing and carry on occurred, and Steve placed his glove near those modules; he then received a readout that A and D modules were not operable.

“If I give you a couple of modules are you able to install them yourself?” Steve asked.

“Of course, send them over,” Roos stated bluntly.

“The rest of your crew are where?” Kev asked.

“Dead, a beast broke in and killed them, so I burnt it to ash,” Roos admitted.

“How did that happen?” Kev asked.

“I was trying to salvage a derelict vessel, and when we boarded to examine, the beast attacked my crew,” Roos admitted, “Then it attempted to board my ship, killing another one before I was able to stop it.”

“Sounds like the Zombie beast that Mike has been dealing with,” Steve suggested, “Grey slime which eats beings from the inside out.”

"Grey Ooze describes what little I saw.” Roos admitted, “A spaceship came into the system afterwards but as it ID as Oxzen, I kept quiet.”

“That would have been the Terra. My stun gun and most flamers deal with it,” Steve said, “So if I give you the modules you will be on your way?”

“I need to return home to recover and replace my crew,” Roos advised.

“It would be better to stick to salvage and keep the aggro under control, what is your problem with the Oxzen mob?” Steve asked.

“Their merchants are competitive, and there have been clashes over territory,” Roos explained, “Since then there has been an ongoing vendetta.”

“From what I know about Oxzen their philosophy is that you can’t sell to dead people or slaves,” Steve advised, “But I believe they don’t step back from a stoush if someone pushes.”

“I just keep away from them,” Roos said.

“Okay I will be back shortly with an A and a D-module then stand by while you get mobile,” Steve offered, "Kev can keep you company."

When Roos did not comment, Steve shrugged and went back into Little Red to pick up the items that Gizmo had retrieved, returning with these in hand and placing them adjacent to the hatch waved at Kev and both returned to Red. Once aboard the hatches were closed and the shuttle moved away to a safe distance to observe.

After a while, the Rambling Gambler hummed to activity and vectored off to the jump point, rapidly disappearing into the distance.

“Well thanks very much, if that is the way they treat good Samaritans I am not surprised that the Oxzen have a problem with them,” Steve observed.

“Karma will bite them on the bum, what comes around goes around, remember that his first thought was to hijack us,” Tom commented, “I am surprised that you didn’t just lock him up and throw away the key.”

“Crossed my mind; however we are on a fun trip?” Steve replied, “So let’s get this rock show on the road.”

With that in mind, the shuttle was set in motion to explore the system, at cruising speed as there was no intention to land on a planet. As Red approached inwards, the sensors detected a couple of mass readings consistent with small planets, and these noted. Having mapped as much as a single orbit could achieve, it was decided to return to Earth when the orbit approached the jump point back.

“So Gizmo where do you think that one came from ?” Steve asked, and the answer ‘Epsilon Major’ appeared on the screen, 'race Fornoon humanoid AAAGA' together with slightly green tinged photos of male and female.

“Okay will file that away for future reference. So Home we go, I will consult with Humphs as to approach techniques,” Steve decided, "Roos fitted the shape of the female.”

The shuttle returned to Earth with no further dramas, and Bill and Kev were dropped off at Fairburn to contemplate the reports they would have to generate. Then the shuttle returned to Charlton for Tom and Steve to stretch their legs and recover.

Firebrand Tours To The Galaxy Now Boarding

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