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2 VIBRATIONS Vibrations and Healing


Now, to give the relief necessary to bring the body to its normal forces . . . we find each system in the system, that is, the spiritual and soul forces and the physical force in all bodies produce an individual vibration, but they must co-ordinate to keep balance in the physical force. See?


The readings contend that virtually any health problem, illness, or disease has a negative impact upon the normal functioning of the body, and that negative impact also includes an alteration of the “perfect vibration or equalization” normally associated with the affected organ or system. With this in mind, a thirty-six-year-old teacher was informed: “Every individual entity is on certain vibrations. Every dis-ease or disease is creating in the body the opposite or noncoordinant vibration with the conditions in a body-mind and spirit of the individual.” (1861-12)

Since each organ and system has its corresponding healthy vibration, the Cayce approach to healing often included healing modalities designed to rebalance the body’s own vibratory energies. These methods were designed to help the body become a cooperative participant in the healing process. For example, an individual who had an intestinal infection was given a series of suggested treatments in order to overcome the condition, while being told: “We would take that into the system that will give the correct vibrations to those parts affected, see, and they will give the force and vibration necessary to produce the incentives of the warrior forces in the system to overcome the condition . . .” (1323-1)

Similarly, a child diagnosed with asthenia–a debilitating physical condition that is characterized by a lack of bodily strength–was given a series of recommended therapies and counseled that one of the medicinal formulas was specifically designed “to give the correct balance in the system and to produce the correct vibration necessary to overcome this condition . . .” (4303-1)

A woman with anemia, dermatitis, heart palpitations, headaches, and spinal and assimilation problems was informed that the origination of much of her trouble was traceable to her spinal problems and a strain on the nerves in that area. Her reading stated: “These hinder the body from giving the correct vibrations to the organs there, so that correct elimination and assimilation are not made at all times, hence the body uses often times its reserve energy and vitality.” (4642-1) The list of recommendations to correct her condition included spinal adjustments, increased circulation, activities in the open air and breathing exercises, as well as a diet consisting of foods with a more healthful vibration: “. . . no meats but of vegetable forces as carry much of nerve and purifying forces in their vibration, see, so assimilation and elimination be given through their proper channels, so vibration to the body will be of the correct forces to give the stimulation to blood to rebuild properly, and to produce the elimination with plenty of oxygen and air to this system.”

In human physiology, there is a term called homeostasis, which is essentially the ability of a balanced, normal body to maintain an internal, coordinated stability of each of the body organs and systems. This goal to assist each individual in achieving homeostasis is definitely a component of the Cayce information on health, healing, and vibration. For example, it is essentially this same process that the readings refer to when Cayce gave a reading to a forty-seven-year-old man and discussed how a healthy, normal body had the capacity to help heal itself. The reading was given in August 1929:

Here may well be given the condition as takes place, as to how a body organically–when the body has reached its normal development, resuscitates or rebuilds itself. It has long been confirmed that the body in toto renews itself in ever so many periods, or so many cycles of change. It is seen that not all portions of the system move in the same cycle, for the vibration that is necessary to create that tissue which will replenish a heart cell, or a ventricle, will not move in the same cycle as one that replenishes the glands of digestion, whether it be the salivary glands themselves or those of the lactice, or lacteal glands, or mammary glands, or the adrenal gland, or the thyroid gland, or those of the ducts as in the gall duct, or the pancreas, or that of the spleen in itself.


The concept was also described to another individual:

For, each portion of the body vibrates at a certain rate; or there are the electrical reactions, as life or vibration is the life of each organ. Each organ must have within itself that relative relation to the body-forces as to enable it to reproduce itself. Hence it has its particular rate of activity.


On another occasion, a woman was told that the root cause of her problem was that there had not been that coordinated response within her body, enabling each of the organs within her system to operate at its optimum vibration. Instead, once one of the systems of her body had gotten out of balance, various problems had occurred as the body tried to maintain its equilibrium:

. . . for as we see, each organism has its own vibration to produce that necessary for each of the forces in the building up of the organ itself, that atomic force in each cell, see? the lack of coordination brings about the distress to the nervous system, especially the sympathetic, see? All centers, then, become involved, and there is produced the headaches, the nausea, the tiredness in extremities, the swelling in portions of the body–this all, the system attempting to create an equilibrium.


As stated previously, the readings’ premise is that every system and organ of the body carries a vibration that must be in balance for the body to function normally and maintain health, healing, and wellness. On one occasion, a twenty-four-year-old man complaining of eye problems, speech problems, and nerve strain was given information on the importance of proper vibrations and health. He was told that vibrations that were not in balance affected the functioning of organs within the body. Bringing those vibrations to normal functioning would help the body heal itself. He was informed: “All . . . cellular forces in the physical body have units of life of electrical or nerve force, all life being electrical in that it is vibratory. With an excess of vibrations, either organs become affected or functioning of same.” (5453-1) Interestingly enough, the same individual was informed that his problems with speech were also connected to his eye problems. Cayce suggested that an improper vibration in one organ or sense could affect nearby organs to also become out of balance. By following the recommended treatments, the individual was assured that healing would come to every organ that had been affected.

From the readings’ perspective, virtually any health condition affects the normal vibration and functioning. Measures that were frequently recommended to help the body return to health and proper vibration often included the following: improved eliminations, exercise (especially gentle stretching exercises), massage, diet, chiropractic or osteopathic manipulation, and more. Even when surgery, medicine, and other allopathic treatments were utilized in a patient’s care, Edgar Cayce often commented on the fact that these measures either carried a helpful vibration themselves or would somehow positively influence the vibrations of the affected area. For example, on one occasion, hormone injections were recommend for a woman who had been unable to conceive and was diagnosed with sterility. Cayce stated that those injections would help stimulate the proper vibration within her body so that within four to six months, that vibration would create the necessary conditions for conception to take place. (3980-1)

A forty-seven-year-old male who had received surgery in order to remove a large, rectal polyp, described as being the size of a “small pear,” obtained a follow-up reading to discern his prognosis for a complete recovery. Since the surgery occurred in 1940, a large incision had been made through the abdominal wall, and it was not healing properly. The man’s secretary was worried about him and wrote Mr. Cayce her own thoughts as a cover letter to her boss’s request for assistance. She described her concerns:

I saw him yesterday and he has a hole in the middle of his abdomen that you could stick your whole fist into. And, I would feel much better if a few more days were past and I could feel sure that [he] is out of the woods. Frankly, although everyone is very optimistic I am very much worried about him, although I have not said that to him. So far, they have sewed him up four times and the stitches have not held. It seems to me there must be something more wrong there than the doctors are telling and I know you can find out what is really wrong and tell them how to correct it. And, you are the only one who can do this for him.

257-222 Background

When the reading was given, Cayce stated that the internal healing was occurring much more rapidly than the external area of the incision appeared to be healing. The reading suggested that the medicines and antiseptic prescribed by the physician were helpful and should be continued. Part of the man’s problem was traceable to the anesthesia slowing down the proper functioning of the nervous system; however, according to the reading, the essential cause was that the normal functioning of vibrations had been disturbed, making it impossible for the incision to heal properly. When asked why the wound had not healed and had begun to seep even eight days after the operation, Cayce replied, “The lack of the vibrations being such as to cause the coagulations.” In terms of whether or not the problem would be eliminated, the response came, “This may be entirely eliminated, as there is created better vibratory forces through the system.”

Treatments included a change in diet, vitamins, a continuation of the medication prescribed by the physician, relaxation, the use of one of the Cayce-prescribed electrical appliances, and the suggestion to refrain from spending too much time on his feet. The man was advised that he was exerting himself too much, both physically and mentally.

One month later, the businessman was apparently healed and feeling well enough to return to his normal schedule, as he wrote Mr. Cayce from Chicago while on a business trip: “I arrived on Sunday, I feel fine, except I get tired and sleepy and a little backache occasionally . . . God is good and just. His greatest blessing to me was the friendship he gave to you and me, and I hope we shall continue to enjoy His blessings together.”

A reading that specifically discussed how vibrations might be used to facilitate healing is the case of a forty-four-year-old woman with fibroid breast tumors. Edgar Cayce told her that by beginning a course of treatment immediately and by changing the vibration within her body, it would be possible to completely eradicate the tumors without surgery: “. . . as we find, if the vibrations are raised sufficiently these [tumors] may be dissipated, and–with the body kept in a constructive way and manner–eliminated entirely from the system.” (683-3)

Her recommended course of treatment included physiotherapy, massage, the use of one of the electrical appliances, and a change in diet. For several days she was encouraged to eat nothing but concord grapes as a means of helping to eliminate toxins from her system. Afterward, she was encouraged to refrain from eating red meat and instead to follow a diet consisting of fish or fowl but principally vegetables and nuts. When she asked if breast surgery would be necessary, Cayce replied that as long as the recommendations were followed, no surgery would be required; however, without following the recommendations, in all likelihood it would become a necessity.

Demonstrating how some of the health recommendations in the readings continue to be helpful long after Cayce’s death, forty years later a woman read about this case and used some of the recommended treatments as her own. She also incorporated the use of castor oil packs– flannel cloth saturated with castor oil–as the readings recommended these packs as a means of helping the body’s vibratory forces and enabling the elimination processes to absorb tumors. She reported her experience:

The story [of the forty-four-year-old woman with fibroid breast tumors] was very significant for me because I had an experience similar to that woman. I too had discovered a lump in my breast and was told to see a surgeon as soon as possible. My doctor told me he thought it was a cyst and not a tumor but in any event should be removed.

I had read where Castor Oil Packs on external cysts, warts and moles were beneficial but I hadn’t read where it was recommended for the breast. Well I applied the packs faithfully for about a week. I even fell asleep once with a pack on! Almost immediately the size of the lump decreased.

During this time I meditated daily. I say this only because I often miss a day or two and I know meditation has a healing effect on the body.

During the next month I continued the packs but only once every two days.

It is now two months later since finding the lump and it has disappeared. I returned to my doctor and after examining me found everything normal. He asked if I saw the surgeon and I replied, “no” . . . Whatever–the lump is gone and I feel the Castor Oil had a lot to do with it.

683-3 Reports

Other situations from the Cayce files that explore the topic of vibrations and healing include the following.

During a reading given to parents of a thirteen-year-old girl who suffered from cramps and menstrual irregularities resulting from a kidney infection, there was the confirmation given that each individual possesses a unique vibration. The parents were told that the medicines that had been recommended by the reading would work in concert with their daughter’s specific vibration: “There is a vibratory rate of each individual entity. All properties given as medicinal or active influences upon the circulation or the glandular system respond to those vibrations.” (2084-10)

A sixty-five-year-old woman was told that she possessed an innate talent with spiritual and magnetic healing and could, in fact, use that talent to help individuals heal with the vibrations from her hands. (5277-1)

One woman was told that the yogic breathing exercises she had learned could be very beneficial in improving her overall health as well as in enabling each organ of her body to function properly and give off the correct vibration. (283-1)

A fifty-one-year-old woman with a catarrh–an inflammation of the mucous membranes–was told that her condition had come about as an aftereffect of surgery for a partial hysterectomy. Cayce prescribed osteopathic manipulation, electrotherapy, and internal medications that the reading stated would assist “the vibratory forces.” She also suffered from general debilitation and backache. Cayce assured her that her health would return by following the recommended treatments. This is how he described her overall condition and prognosis:

. . . the mucus force, as has been described, has become clogged, as from the catarrhal condition produced in mucus portions of the system. Breaking up of these, through those properties as we have given, and the correction of impulses from nervous system, and the electrical vibration to change the effect of nerve and blood supply, will remove these conditions from the system.


On another occasion, Cayce recommended a total hysterectomy to a woman who complained of mental problems and psychological aberrations that were causing her a great deal of concern. The reading suggested that it was apparently a hormonal problem that was traceable to her ancestry and heredity. After the surgery, the reading recommended deep massage and vibrational healing that would occur with osteopathic adjustments. The reading ended by stating, “To gain assistance for the body and ease and rest, and to rid it of the hallucinations, do as we have said.” (4285-1)

A twenty-five-year-old woman challenged with a number of problems, including what she called an “impure complexion,” was given a diet that Cayce claimed would help her eliminations through the intestinal tract and raise “the vibratory forces within the body.” A similar diet was recommended for many individuals who received readings for a variety of conditions:

Mornings–citrus fruit juices or cereals, but not both at the same meal. At other meals there may be taken, or included with the others at times, dried fruits or figs, combined with dates and raisins–these chopped very well together. And for this especial body, dates, figs (that are dried) cooked with a little corn meal (a very little sprinkled in), then this taken with milk, should be almost a spiritual food for the body; whether it’s taken one, two, three or four meals a day . . .

Noons–such as vegetable juices, or combined with a little meat juices and a combination of raw vegetables; but not ever any acetic acid or vinegar or the like with same–but oils, if olive oil or vegetable oils, may be used with same.

Evenings–vegetables that are of the leafy nature; fish, fowl or lamb preferably as the meats or their combinations. These of course are not to be all, but this is the general outline for the three meals for the body.


To be sure, sometimes, in spite of Cayce’s recommendations, individuals were not always able or willing to carry out the necessary treatments to regain their health. A case in point is that of a forty-nine-year-old contractor who had apparently fractured his ribs and breastbone in an accident. Although the fracture had occurred sometime previously and the bones had healed with time, the man remained ill. His complaints included dizziness, pains in his abdomen, indigestion, and a burning throat. Sometimes the pains were so acute that he was forced to take a sedative. A reading was obtained in which Cayce traced all of the problems to the aftereffects of the original fracture. In fact, the reading suggested that some of the injured bone had caused an ongoing irritation in the body that had eventually caused problems with the digestive system and the transverse and descending colons. Because of the thickening of the body’s tissues, the blood supply had also been affected, resulting in a decrease in the man’s energy and vitality.

Edgar Cayce on Vibrations

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