Читать книгу Kevin Woodford’s 60 Best Holiday Recipes: Recreate the dishes you loved eating on holiday From Ready, Steady, Cook’s popular chef - Kevin Woodford - Страница 9


Fish Roe Salad


Some fresh, crusty bread, a large glass of ouzo and a bowl of freshly made taramosalata. Utopia!

preparation time 10 minutes

serves 4


4 slices of white bread, crusts removed

125 g (4 oz) smoked fish roe

50 g (2 oz) onion, finely diced

125 ml (4 fl oz) extra virgin olive oil

juice of 2 lemons

salt and freshly ground black pepper

1 Soak the bread in a little cold water, then squeeze it dry. Remove the skin from the fish roe.

2Using a fork, mix the fish roe, onion and bread together until they become smooth and well blended (you could do this in a food processor or liquidizer for a smoother texture).

3Gradually beat in the oil, followed by the lemon juice, and then season with salt and pepper. Chill until required.

Kevin’s Tip

The great thing about making your own taramosalata is that you can adjust the proportions of the ingredients to suit your personal taste, especially the amount of oil.

Kevin Woodford’s 60 Best Holiday Recipes: Recreate the dishes you loved eating on holiday From Ready, Steady, Cook’s popular chef

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