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Leo stroked her cheek gently with one finger. ‘You’re lovely.’

Alyse stared at him, ensnared by the heat of his gaze, the touch of his hand. She saw something hard in his gaze, something cynical in his smile, and still she couldn’t keep from wanting him.

‘I wonder,’ he mused softly, his finger still stroking her cheek, ‘how do you make something that’s been false, true? What’s fake, real?’

Her heart seemed to burst within her, as if fireworks had gone off in her soul. The very fact that he was even asking the question gave her a hope that was painful in its intensity.

‘I want to,’ she whispered, her heart beating so hard now that it hurt, the thuds slamming her chest. ‘I want this to be real, Leo.’

His lips twisted again, caught between a grimace and a smile. He bent his head, his lips a whisper away from hers.

‘This is real enough,’ he murmured, and then he kissed her.

The Prince She Never Knew

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