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Jibreel (also the Ruh) Archangel Gabriel, responsible for imparting messages from Allah;
Mikail Archangel Michael, responsible for earthly phenomena and sustenance;
Israfil Raphael, who blows the ‘soor’ or trumpet at end of the world;
Azrail Angel of Death
Noble Scribes (also called Receivers) Arab. Kiraman Kaatibeen, the recording angels of left and right who arrive at a person’s age of responsibility, traditionally from eight years on
Protectors (also called Followers) the protecting angels of front and back. Traditionally there is a changing of the watch at Asr (mid-afternoon) and Fajr (dawn)
Ruh Arab. lit. ‘Spirit’, an epithet for Archangel Jibreel
Mi’raj Arab. ascension (esp. Prophet’s journey through the seven heavens)
Preserved Tablet Arab. ‘al Lawh al Mahfuz’, a metaphorical locus of the incorruptible Quran, created before time; it also holds the written destiny of every scintilla of the universe
Buraq Arab. lit. ‘lightning’, fabled steed that transported the Prophet in his Night Journey
Ayah pl. ayat, a Quranic verse; a sign, proof; a miracle. The Quran itself is counted as the greatest miracle, sign, and proof.
Barzakh Arab. Pers. ‘divide, barrier’. A place between Heaven and Earth where deceased souls await the final Judgement Day, where they may experience their own heaven or hell.
Salah Arab. pl. salat, formal invocatory prayer at set times, namaz in Persian and Urdu
Magrib Arab. lit. ‘west’, prayer at sunset. The Islamic day runs strictly from sunset to sunset
Esha Arab. ‘night’, prayer at this time
Fajr Arab. ‘dawn’, prayer at this time; time the angels change their watch (Fajr khadib: ‘false dawn’)
Zuhr ‘midday’, prayer at this time; on Friday this becomes congregational ‘Jummah’ prayer
Asr Arab. ‘mid-afternoon’, prayer at this time; time the angels change their watch
Qiyam Arab. lit. ‘standing’, a superogatory night prayer halfway between Esha and Fajr
Ramadan, Ramzaan Arab. ninth month in the Islamic calendar, month in which the Quran was first revealed, month of fasting
I’tikaf Arab. ‘devoting’, practice of spiritual retreat in mosque during last days of Ramadan
Laylatal Qadr Arab. variously translated as ‘Night of Power’, ‘Night of Majesty’, ‘Night of Destiny or Decrees’, ‘Night of Measures’. In this night the year’s decrees for all souls descends together with angels, departed souls, and gates of Hell.
Suhoor Arab. prescribed meal before dawn during Ramadan
Taraweeh Arab. lit. ‘refreshment’, superogatory Ramadan night prayers after Esha, reciting a juz (group of Quran chapters)

A full glossary appears on page 319.

Asterisked speech in italics denotes that it is dialect; unasterisked speech in the same dialogue denotes reversion to English.

The Book of Naseeb

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